oh boy,on 16 march till 18 march i will go to camp but this camp was beside the graveyard!!!
But my math teacher told me not to belive in ghost.I will be there 3 days 2 nights.And on 18 march will be my birthday!I hope what surprise i got when i back at home!And realy excited to sleep with my best pals! blaugh But i won't get too excited coz maybe i have to wash the toilet! sweatdrop And i hope my mom or dad will be the parent volenteer if they do they will come to the camp too so i need not to worry.We go there do rock climbing and many more!NO fave food of mine will be there NO mp3 and NO handphone and NO calling mom or dad.so i will not seeing u guys from 16 march till 18 march.bye bye.