Mitsuki woke up, her arm covered her eyes. She groaned at the beeping of her alarm clock. When it beeped about another hundred times, she flipped over and smacked down the snooze button violently. Mitsuki picked her head up from the mattress and her eyes widened in fear.
“s**t! I have to get to school!” She exclaimed, bouncing out of bed.
She brushed her teeth and hair, trading her clothes for a nice neat Konata Academy Uniform. Mitsuki tied her hair into a semi-neat ponytail and ran downstairs, going to give her mother a mouthful. Her hope cooled down when she smelled the fresh bacon.
“Oh, Mitsuki! You’re rather early!”
“Please don’t tell me…” Mitsuki moaned in agony, her clock went screwy again, it was only six forty-five.
She ate lazily until it became time to get going. Mitsuki and her mom exchanged goodbye waves and she trailed into the hall. She kicked on her shoes and got her school bag. After a short walk, she looked up at the sky, it was beautiful and blue, and no clouds disturbed it at all. Mitsuki hopped on the incoming bus and was attacked by a tall blonde friend.
“Ack! Sakura!” Mitsuki whined.
“How rude Suki.” Sakura replied, brushing some hair away from her eyes.
They both laughed, they had a great relationship as best friends. They have been together since elementary school. When they got to school, a shorter golden haired girl waved, calling to Mitsuki and Sakura.
“Suki-Chan! Sa-Chan!” She said, hopping into Mitsuki’s arms.
“Hey, Kaede!” Mitsuki said, putting Kaede on her shoulders.
“You need to grow miss five feet six inches.” Mitsuki said, and Kaede stuck her tongue out at her.
A brown haired girl, hair lighter than Mitsuki, was running, just making it before the bell.
“I. Made. It.” She panted, Sakura laughed.
“Jeez Akita, you need to be more responsible.” Mitsuki said, glaring at her.
Akita whined, and then the bell rang. They all ran to homeroom. While in Phy ED, Akita called on Mitsuki to bench with her. Mitsuki nodded, following her. It was basketball, and there weren’t equal players, so some people subbed out each score.
“What’s up?” Mitsuki asked, and Akita started asked her about some drawings she could do.
“So, can you do these?” Akita asked, holding out a piece of paper with the pictures of the people she wanted her to draw.
“Sure thing.” Mitsuki replied, and they were called in.
Mitsuki and Akita were great players, but Akita was the best. She could steal and everything, Mitsuki was only good at shooting. Back at the end of the day, at homeroom, Mitsuki was busted for having her cell phone ring while the teacher was talking. She almost got it taken away, but it was her mom, so the teacher excused it. She was sketching in the new red sketchbook she just got. Mitsuki never listened; she was too much into drawing. After school, she stretched out her body, falling back with her chair.
“Damn, that hurt.” She whined, sitting up.
Kaede didn’t notice, she looked, rather quiet, fragile. Mitsuki got up, and poked Kaede.
“Hey, you OK?”
“S-Suki-chhaaaan!” She whined, hugging Mitsuki.
“Eh? What’s the matter?” Mitsuki asked, frantic.
“Mom is going to kill me! I failed my Science test!” Kaede whimpered, Mitsuki sighed, and she knew how harsh Kaede’s mother could be.
When Mitsuki got home, she worried about Kaede. She sighed at her desk, finishing her homework. Mitsuki took a bubble bath, relaxing her. She got out, drying herself off and get PJ panties on with a T-Shirt. Mitsuki lay in bed, not wanting to get that horrible dream once again. Once she was out of it, Mitsuki arrived in the dream world, this was different though. She blushed, in her uniform.
“What’s this?!” She growled, looking around.
It was like the dream, but it looked peaceful, full of vibrate color. Mitsuki remembered the Crimson forest, and when she looked deeper, there was a Castle made of glass.
This was Wonder.
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Everything becomes Clear when dreams Unlock the Path to a young woman's past. She now has to face the challenges of the Dream World, because, if she is Hurt, or Dies in her Dream... It will actually happen to her in our World.
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Rin Kagamine