Hello all! I just got back from Momo-Con! It was very fun! ...Except for the line, that is... The line was killer. It took at least an hour to get registered. o.o Anyways, we mainly stayed in the dealers' room, yes there were three different dealer's rooms.The downside was that I didn't go to any panels and it was raining. It was also too small! That part was really bad when there were at least a thousand people there. We were packed in like sardines! Dx And it wasn't very organized. I still like AWA better, but hey, it's a con. Oh and to all my friends that I know in real life... HA! I got to Momo-Con before chu did! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's what you get for not going Saturday with meh. =P {Meant as joke... Don't take it personally...} Oh and I'm starting a con count at the bottom of every journal entry that has to do with me going to a con. Be sure to look under my post.
Con Count: 3
Momo-Con 2008 {Sunday}
AWA (Anime Weekend Atlanta) 2008 {Full Weekend}
Momo-Con 2009 {Saturday}