Since I am now officially off my hiatus and am back in the swing of things again, I have begun to get art again! Meaning it's finally worth it to have biweekly art updates again!
xd So here we are. Next update should be roughly... March 30th!
(some of these might be a repeat from the last update, I can't remember for sure- sorry!)

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My Avatar and yours Quest
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I paid a particular artist real money back in september of last year. He flaked on me and is the center of a lot of hatred for particular commissions. I know I've listed this WIP before, but I wanted to showcase what I've done to it, in case I decide to actually showcase it somewhere.
I paid half up front and the sketches, I guess, are technically worth it. But not with the huge watermark over them. To get my money's worth I've edited the watermark out.
If said artist doesn't like it, tough luck. Don't flake on your customers, then.
Original WIP:

My edit:

That done, I don't condone removing watermarks but I've gotten pretty good at it so if extenuating circumstances exist for you, feel free to contact me and I may help you out.