And this is the result of being bored... I was writing Grace's back story when I got a block and just finished her running away with a...
"Blah blah blah, she did stuff, then met Ion and after awhile they started travelling together, blahblahblah (I dunno what kinds of stuff they did together) I have writer's block but hey, you get the idea of what she's like and how her life before Ion was, so there."
Then the following dialogue camefrom nowhere...
Grace: *cthulu* Well that was uneventful.
Stop your whining.Atleast I cared enough to write that!
Grace: Yeah but me leaving makes me look like some generic, "Oh my! I'm rich and bored with life! Time to split this joint and face hardships because due to my pampered life style I can't do much of anything by myself!"
Clarissa: *rolls eyes*
Diana: Oh dear...well that didn't happen though afterwards, did it?
No it didn't. That's why I wish she'd stop whining! She didn't have much trouble on her own cause she knows the basics of survival. Ya know,cause she reads and stuff.
Grace: You wrote a giant story about Clarissa's life beforeTangora! And I'm not whining. I just hate that you made me look likea generic princess thing.
That's cause she endured alot of stuff.(Clarissa) And you're not even a princess!
Grace: I know. But you made me sound like one. *shudder*
Oh yeah. Well...That's on account of everyone rich back then in the 1500s dressed like royalty. Lives like royalty. It happens.
Clarissa: Why are you talking to yourself?
Cause I'm bored and Nick's not answering his phone.
Grace: He's prolly asleep. Or it may be loud over there.
Grace: Oh yeah, Clarissa you pain in the a**! Why'd you rob my family?
Clarissa: Cause yall have nice stuff.
Diana: Oh...stealing's bad Clarissa.
Clarissa: Yeah but I had to survive. Besides if I wasn't a thief I wouldn't have met Tangora! *huggles Tangora* ^_^
Diana: That's not true. You might have.
Arognat: Actually that is true unless there was some alternate thing where they met differently had she not been a thief. But Nick won't let us have fun with that. Ya know, an alternate story line.
Clarissa: D8< Dammit, Clarie! Stop talking to yourself!
D8 I'm amusing myself though!
Clarissa: D8<
Clarissa: D8<
Clarissa: D8<
Clarissa: D8
That's what I thought.
Arognat: Oh your God! Just shut the ******** up already! Both of you! Anyway, yeah, I want Elijah and me to have some screen time, Goddammit. You guys wrote all about how my son and Breanna met and---
Diana: Oh...It's Diana..
Arognat: That's what I said,Iliana. And---
Diana: Diana...
Just get to the point, Arognat.
Arognat: Like I was saying. Seraph and Diana had a story together on how they met and--
Which still hasn't been finished. I wanted to atleast write them getting married...
Arognat: >= / Sonuvabitch!
Arognat: ANYWAYS. You still wrote about how they met and such. You wrote about how Clarissa and Tangora met...
Clarissa: *snuggles Tangora* heart
Arognat: Riiight...Now what about me and my b*****d husband? I'd like to have some kind of ******** memories with him.
Grace: Ya know, no one wen tover how I met Ion.
Arognat: That's cause Nick doesn't care about you. Besides that, you and Ion will never be together. Get over it.
Grace: *sigh* I know that already.
Well that's not a definite decision. I bet I could get Nick to do something. Besides, Grace is in love with Ion, pretty much gave her life for him, and had his son.
Grace: That I did. But I don't expect him to pay me back. I'm just glad he's alive and---
Arognat: SHUT THE ******** UP! D8< Jeez! Do you people EVER listen to what the ******** I've gotta say?!
Go home, Arognat! D8<
Arognat: Make me, b***h!
D8 Fine. I'll go along with this cause I wanna see you get with Elijah anyway. And see Grace and Ion together.
Rachel: *opens door* Hai gaiz! 8D
Arognat: D8< *slams door* Anyway...
Rachel: *outside the door* Owwies.
D8 Okay!
Arognat: Not so ******** fast! I'm not done!
Clarissa: Yes you are! Now shut the hell up!
Emily: Why don't you, *points at Clarie* stop talking to yourself. YOU GUYS, *points at the other OCs* Stopyour ******** yapping and go to mother ******** bed, before I ******** shove myfoot sofarupyour a** you--
Clarissa/Arognat/Grace: D8< WHAT THE ******** DID YOU SAY TO US?!
Diana: : <
Katherine: *pokes head in* Um, can you guys keep it down? John, our children andI are trying to sleep...
Everyone (except Diana): NO!! D8<
Katherine: Eep! *winces*
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.