But it was a dream. I still hightly doughted he felt the same I did. But yet I felt he did. That pull of feelings towards him was still there. NO! I wouldn't let myself get hurt again! I couldn't trust a boy again. I had let myself get hurt to many times because of boys. I could only trust Lelouch. Only Lelouch. He was my only true friend. I had no more respectful friend in teh world then Lelouch. Lelouch was a saint and god in this world. And though I felt unworthy of him he found I was worthy of him. Why had this beautiful creature picked me of all the people in this world. I wasn't anything special...was I? What was I to Lelouch? I was just a girl who was lost in the world. So...what was I to this god...this king of darkness.
"Are you feeling well?" He asked. I wasn't feeling to well, he was right about that. I wouldn't want the angel to know though. I smiled weakly. "I feel fine." I said. I sat up in bed, but moved to fast and got dizzy from the fast movement. I could tell he had noticed. "Just a little dizzy." I assured him. I stood up from teh bed, legs wabbling, and tried to walk to the bathroom. I felt his eyes on me. I felt dizzy, and really warm. The room was sppining. I grabbed the dresser for support, as I fell. I felt Lelouch's arms around me in an instant. "Boviously not." He said, lifting me up into his arms. "It's just a little dizzyness. I'm fine...really." I said. I must of been dizzy because it looked that I was seeing two Lelouch's. Both of them reaching to feel my forehead. "Burning up." They said, carrying and laying me in the swan shaped bed, with red velvet sheets.
He pulled the sheets over me. I could only see one of him now. "How many finger's am I holding up?" He asked. I squented my eyes. "Four..." I said. "Two." He corrected me. "Just rest. I'll get you some breakfast." He added leaving the room. I stared at the door puzzled. Had I done something wrong? Or...said something wrong? That was it! Said something! I thought. I had dreamt of Mat, and Lelouch said I was amusing to watch when I slept because I talked in my sleep. I had been talking about Mat in my sleep! I had talked about Mat, and now Lelouch thought I didn't love him. That could only be it! It explained his voice this morning that sounded like sorrow, and anger...jelousy was in it. Lelouch...was jelous...of Mat.
"I bear no feelings for him." I told Lelouch as he walked back in. I didn't know if my statement was true. But thinking of him (Mat) often...Smiling at the thought or sound of his name. Blushing when he came to mind, and even dreaming about him...did that mean I cared about him in a romantic sense? That I harbored feelings for him? Lelouch handed me my breakfast, and stared at me, confussed. I knew he knew what I meant. "Mat." I said. "I harbor no feelings for Mat." I lied. I wondered if I did harbor feelings for him. I picked at my plate of eggs and bacon. The silence broke when Lelouch suddenly sighed. I looked up at him. "I love you." I said. He looked at me surprised. "You love me even though I'm a monster?" He asked me. "Your not a monster." I said. "Your just a lonely angel, hurt by society, and banned from heaven. Condeimed to walk the cruel earth until you find love with someone who can accept you for who you are." He stared at me, and then looked down at his hands. "I still haven't found her." He said.
I took hold of his chin, and lifted his head up, and looked into his masked face. I stroked the half of his face that wasn't masked. "Yes you have." I said. "Your looking at her." I said. He smiled, and a tear escaped the cornor of his eye. He quickly straightend up, and pulled me close to him. I blushed. Finally he let me go, and layed me back down in the bed. He took my fork and picked up some of the eggs up, the pushed them into my mouth. "Eat." He said. The food was good. He was an excellent cook! It seemed there was nothing he couldn't do. When I finished eatting, I layed down in bed, and he pulled the covers over me I fell asleep fast to the sound sound of Lelouch singing his "Music of the Night" in my ears. And them I dreamt...
I was running in darkness, seeming to get no where at all. "MAT!" I cried. Suddenly I was falling, and landed in a pool of blood! I struggled out of the red liqued, to find my cloths were gone! (don't ask me why) I felt someone take a hold of my hand. I looked up to find Mat helping me up, and smiling at me (despite me being naked). Then as I got to my feet...he vanished!I heard a voice then. Lelouch's voice in my ear. "Kill him!" He said. I looked down in my right hand, and saw a dagger (as well as my cloths being back on) there. I griped the handle of the dagger. Lelouch's words of 'kill him' ringing in my ears. I stared at my reflection in the blade. "KILL HIM!" Lelouch yelled in my head. My arm twiched along with my legs. Before I could think about my reaction I found myself running. Once more it seemed I was getting no where in this infinite darkness, but I was I could see Mat's figure coming into view.

I jerked up in the bed, covered in cold sweat. My head was throbing in pain. What had I just seen? No...What had I just done? I had been crying for Mat's help...why had I killed him? Lelouch...told me "kill him." why had I obabyed? why did I kill Mat? He'd done nothing wrong. My head was spinning. The image of my dagger piercing through Mat's chest, and striking his heart ran through my head again. His innocent heart! Bleeding! His heart bleeding to death! Me feeling no regret at what I did, but smiling wickedly and evily at what I had downe! And me...takeing the dagger out of his corpse and LICKING THE BLOOD OFF! Why?...Why...WHY?! This was insane! I wasn't a murder! I didn't shead the blood of those I loved, and cared about! I didn't hurt or kill anyone! Not unless they were someone I hated, or someone that hurt or killed someone I loved and cared about, or if that person hurt me! But otherwise no! I wasn't...I couldn't be a cold blooded murder!
The image of falling into that pool of blood and Mat...bleeding to death went through my mind again. Suddenly I felt sick! My nerves got to me. I flung the bed sheets off me, and ran to the bathroom, nearly slamming into everything in my way where I was dizzy. I struck my head over the toliet, and let it all out (in short...I threw up) I flushed the toliet, and went to the sink to wash up. The water felt nice on my face...very soothing. "Are you ok?" I heard Lelouch ask from the door behind me. I looked up at him. "Uh....um yeah." I said. "My nerves just got to me." "Must have..." He said. "I could hear you over the piano." I blushed. "I wasn't aiming to distract you..." I said. He stared at me puzzled. "No. No, you didn't. I was just...working on a little lullaby for you..." He said. "A...lulaby?" I asked. "I thought your song 'The Music of the Night' was my lullaby." He chuckled. "Yes, it is. But part of what makes me want to compose another one is because you inspire me." He said. He smiled at me. "Your blushing." He pointed out with a laugh. "Why?"
I could feel the blush building up in my cheeks. "Because...I don't...understand what it is about me that inspires you." I said, looking down at my feet, and fiddling with my hair. I saw his feet in front of mine, but didn't look up. He chuckled. " A mermaid princess...a girl who can sing as if an angel had decended from heaven. An angel who's touch would heal, and sooth any man's pains...An angel sent from heaven to suffer on earth through she is an ugly beast to those on earth. Sweet, gentle, and pure angel who only wants love." he said, taking his index finger and thumb, and lifting my gaze from our feet to his face. "this angel I speak of...is in front of me. You, my Angel of Music, who cares for me when no other would. You, my Lady of the Waters, who inspires me so much. You, my Fair Lady of the Moon, who reflects night itself. Before you, Melissa, my life was like a moonless night."
My cheeks and entire face was hot pink where I was embaressed. "You are my night, and my moon." He said. Lelouch's eyes closed, and he leaned in closer to me (not exactly helping my blushing). Then his lips meet mine. If I blushed and deeper, I'd pass out from teh heat in my face. O deadly sin! No lips meet! I should not kiss this angel! I was not worthy of his lips! "I feel so unworthy of your lips." I said, taking a step back. He stared at me. "Why so...if I may ask?" He asked. I blushed. "As me anything." I said. "then why do you feel so unworhty of me?" He asked again. "Because you are a saint...a god. And I'm...just..." I trailed off. "No, Angel. Don't speak of yourself that way." He said. I looked at him. "'If I profrane with my unworhiest hand, this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.'"
I held back a giggle. He was quoting Romeo from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Scene 5. He wanted to speak Shakesphere...Ok. I'd follow with diologe Juliet and Romeo shared. "'Good pilgriam, you do wrong your hand too much, when mannerly devotion shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is hold palmers' kiss.'" I said. He had carried me back to our room, and sat me down on my feet. We brought the palms of our hands together, and then let them drop. He stared edging towards me, teassingly, and I backed away towards teh bed behind me. He chuckles. "'Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?'" He asked. "'Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.'" I said. "'O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do! they pray; grant thou, least faith turn to despair.'" He said.
I fell backwards onto the bed, and was over top of me as if he had pinned down an animeal. I giggled. "'Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.'" I said. He gave a chuckle. "'Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged.'" He said. Lelouch leand forward, and gently kissed me. "'Then have my lips the sin that hey have took.'" I said. "'Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.'" He said, kissing me again. "'You kiss by th book.'" I said. We laughed. "And with this kiss," He said no longer quoting Shakesphere. "my deadly sin is purged." He said.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "Your covered in cold sweat. Bad dream?" "Yes." I said. My stomach growled, and I blushed. "Mabye some lunch would be good." He laughed sweeping me up into his arms. "Defenitly!" I said "I'm starved!" "I know. I could tell from when you stomach growled." He laughed. Lunch was peaceful...and delicious. After we cleaned up Lelouch approched me. "Melissa, I have a mission for you." He said. I stared at him confussed. He pulled a dagger out of his pocket, and I became frightend that my nightmare was becoming reality! "What...kind of mission?" I asked. He handed me the dagger. "I want you to take this dagger," He said. "And go find your friend MAt. And when you do...your to take the dagger...and strike his heart with it!" I nearly collapsed from shock. It was as I had feared! My nightmare was becoming reality! Leouch wanted Mat dead! Why...I was not sure.
"Why?!" I cried. "He's done nothing wrong!" Lelouch tenderly kissed my lips. "He's a threat to our relationship...our love." Lelouch said. "He's a posion that aims to destoy our love!" He turned away from me. "But he doesn't even know where I...we are!" I cried out, the fright in my voice shining through. "He'll keep searching." Lelouch said. Without another word Lelouch left to work on his music. I sunk down to the ground shaking. I stared at the dagger in my right hand, as a tear escaped the corner of my eye and the nightmare I had had ran through my mind again!

To be continued in Chapter 32...