How could they have given into temptation?" She asked after watching in horror at the play that was once a reality.
Her mind began to spin, losing concience she fell into a dark swoon
"Where am I..Am I dead.."
"No dear one.. this is only a mere dream.." A voice answered
"Why am I here... Is this the end.. Must I choose my fate...Have I the strength to send temptation the dark one below has to offer me?....I don't understand.." She sobbed "Why did they betray him.. how could they after everything he has done"
"Wouldn't you have given into temptation and lies to live one last day or even a week to delay the pain? How do you know you wouldn't have done the same?" The voice asked
"Because I know my Heart" the girl replied
"But do you trust in yourself enough to follow it...Is your will stronger than temptation..."
"And are you willing to put everything aside and fight for what is right" the voice circled her mind englufing her in a dark abyss with a stream of light shinning down on her
She was alone...all alone.
" Can you accept the fact that they have the power to deform your external self into a bloody mess, to turn everyone against you for fighting for what you know is right...for believing in..him.."
"They may break my body... they may cause me pain... but they will never break my spirit" The girl roared into the dark
"Then live free and when that time comes follow your heart and bring your loved one with you.. He may not see it now but when the time comes the dark will now come between you two, for you have an unbreakable bond no devil is strong enough to bend or break.
I will always be with you dear one and when the time comes may you both live in paradise by each others side"
The voice vanished and the girl woke up in a bright white room. Mumbled sounds surrounded her..
"Where am I.." She asked. Her mom rushed to her side wipping away her tears.
"You were shot..the doctor said it would take a miracle...for you to... survive" Her mom wept at her side praying that she was ok.
The girl looked at the covered wound in her chest
"You were shot just above your heart.. a few more inches and you might not have made it" A nurse said.
"Where is he.." The girl asked. "Where is.."
"I'm here.." A deep calming voice replyed
She looked into his deep blue eyes thankful to see him again. She reached up to hug him with one arm.
Embracing her he fought back a tear knowing her life could have ended and he would have never known how the chapters in his life would have unfolded.
He pulled back from her and looked at her.
" I thought I lost you.."
"...he knows it isn't my time.. he knows deep in my heart that I love you and I want you to know that no matter what happens I love you.
She smiled and kissed him softly.
He smiled back at her ,a small tear falling down his face.
"And I love you.." he replied as he held her tight in his arms.
she held onto him and thanked the lord above for the wonderful gift he had brought her. Remembering back on that fateful day she remembered seeing him for the first time.. and how her heart beat fast everytime she saw him. She blushed when he looked at her and looked away so he wouldn't see and now he was hers and she was his. She got her wish. That one wish that would change her life.. a new start.. a new beginning...a new chapter in both of their lives.

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