User ImageIt feels as though no one knows I exist. No matter how many times I try to get others attention, or how loudly I try to speak, no one listens to me. Every so often I try to talk to some of my friends, and they ignore my opinions or my answers. I'm out of the little circle I was once in a few minutes ago. It feels as though there are only a handful of friends I can talk to, who would actually listen to what I have to say. Sadly it feels as though it's kind of going on at home as well, only not as bad. I say something, and no one listens. I feel as if I am a I? Many times I wonder what would happen if I left...went somewhere else. Would anyone notice? Would they even care? One of my good friends stop talking because she felt ignored. She says it's because she doesn't like her voice, but I remember her telling me it was because no one would listen to her. Knowing this fact and knowing what she was going through, I would want to do the same thing. The only thing that stops me from doing so is the fact I still have some friends that still listen to me...that still care... Hopefully this won't go on for long. For if so, my voice might become long gone.