Word of the day:
Phrase of the day:
I'm a sheep!
So much randomness in one day....Then again, it is April fools day!
Here's what happened:
~Pulled april fools on Eleanor blaugh which annoyed her so she pinched punched me and pressed the button (which is my thing evil ). So I ran after her and attempted to kick my shoe at her...which failed! sweatdrop
~Man in lorry stuck tongue out at us so we waved back! 4laugh
~My set attempted to hide next door whilst my friend talked to miss outside the room in english. Unfortunately there was someone in there so we just resulted to hidding under the tables! sweatdrop
~Some people hid under tables again. Miss got annoyed and told them to get up. I didn't realise one of them went down there so I just saw a head pop up going 'HELlo!' and I just peed myself laughing!
~My french teacher is leaving and gave us sweets even though it weren't our last lesson with her. Bless her! xd
~Year 7's put on cake/raffle stalls and one form did a 'soak your teacher' stall which was hylarious! rofl
~Head of year pulled an April Fools on us in assembly. He shall DIE for that! twisted
~Did a small burp in Geography. Went 'Oh man! That was well weak!' My mate stared at me. I was like 'What?' She stared a bit more and then realised and went 'Oh, my bad! Pardon me.' which made her laugh! whee
~People were talking in Geography. I saw the word sheep in the textbook and as soon as it went quiet I said 'I'm a sheep!' Funny! rofl
~And now I just burped! 3nodding
Well, that was my hectic and hyperactive April Fools Day!!!!
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My random moments!
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