Last night I was rushed into the ER for a panic/anxiety attack. It wasn't fun; they had to take blood test and they got a lot of blood. They also put me on this drug that I swear makes everyone loopy. Doesn't matter if it wasn't full dose, I was seeing double frames doing gymnastics. o.o Either way, they made me sign a contract saying I will not harm myself for the next 72 hours. I can't tell you how many times I've thought about that contract in the past 10 hours ((when I've been awake)) and hope that I could keep it. If I feel like I can't at any moment, I will make sure I call somebody that can take me to the hospital. At least that's what the contract said. Anyway, because of things ad how they've been unfolding, I've decided to stop using the internet and my cell phone. My parents already took my phone away, but I asked if I could write all those wonderful friends I've got left to tell them what's going on. I dunno if I'll come back, I might after a few months. But for now I just have to take some time off of everything and enjoy life. I know Steven will always be there for me, he's really the most amazing boyfriend everyone could ever dream of. True, he deserves a better girlfriend, but I'm sure I can be the best for him. It'll just take a little time for me to get things straight. Anyways, I've made this entry far too long. I'll talk to you guys some other time hopefully. Bye!! I'll miss you lots!!
And now that path came to an end, no turning back. This curse I've set upon myself and others, will take its toll, once at a time. Believe what you want, seek what you desire, but in the end your fate is mine. Cry, laugh, your soul belongs to the Queen. She will make sure you are treated properly. Be that dying a slow, painful death and suffering all of eternity with hell dogs at your feet, or dying a fast, painless one that will land you a nice stay in the spirit realm, you'll never know. Tic, toc, the clock is ticking. Your time is up. Pray to the Gods you no longer adore. Remember; many things come to an end. But they are all my beginning.
Never mess with a witch. She will always get back at you, and always win. wink
Annabella Goddess Of Ice · Wed Apr 01, 2009 @ 06:26pm · 0 Comments |