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~Culmination of All Gaian Exploits~

RP Profiles
Name: Fearith Shadowrunner
Age: Dependant upon Era.
Gender: Male
Personality: Fearith lives in extremes, acting either of entirely pure intention or twisted, sadistic desire. Rarely is he able to find a middle ground for his thoughts, emotions and actions, though this is through no fault of his own. Through his self training he is becoming more able to find the elusive middle grond, but he has a long way to go yet, and often he relapses in his behavior.
Appearance: Fearith was raised by the humans living in the town of Dawnshire, and so he prefers to take the familiar form of those he knew. His hair is a wild mane of ebony hue, with a strand of pure white racing through it like a river through the forest. His eyes are a strange blue-violet and his skin is the color of a pale yellow rose, and just as soft. The look of innocence that most often graces his face is misleading to his various foes.
Abilities: Shapeshifting (Just about anything, but he has his limitations), Shadow Magic (specialty), Fire Magic (secondary), Nature Magic (secondary), Wind Magic (secondary), Sword fighting (Dual-handed rapier wielder; specialty), Archery (Crossbow wielder; secondary), Natural stealth (Any form)
Lazerus - Fearith's Father, Demon of Hell
Tamica - Fearith's Mother, Angel of Heven/Shapeshiftess (Deceased)
Celeste - Fearith's Half-Sister, Angel of Heven/Shapeshiftess
Castiel - Fearith's Uncle, Angel of Heven
Erica - Fearith's Cousin, Angel of Heven
Other: Desires nothing more than to live a peaceful, content existance, but will kill his father if it is needed or if the opportunity presents itself. Is watched over by his half-sister, uncle, and cousin at the request of his mother. Is generally alone and has never had a traveling companion that stayed with him for more than two months. His father raped his mother.

Name: Lahanem Etselec
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Appearance:Chocolate-brown hair, fair skin, greyish-green eyes black sweater worn with hood up, grey jeans, tattered at the bottoms of the legs, black velcro sneakers.
Bio: Has lived in the same town her whole life, and is very infamous along her peers for being a hyper-active-nutcase. Doesn't have a lot of friends, though not for lack of trying. Feels akward around people she is attracted to, and doesn't really try to start relationships, for fear of rejection.

Name: Fearith Etselec
Experiment number: 919
Breed: Human-Lion Hybred
Age: 15
Personality: Fearith is generally in control of his actions, but fear causes his anger to build, and when upset, his wrath knows no bounds. He is kind to everyone, and treats everyone equally, but has never really liked dealing with new people, for fear that his 'interesting' habits will be misinterpreted or misunderstood.
Bio: Fearith lived a very calm and normal life until just a year ago, when his parents died. His brother, 18, was appointed his legal guardian, but the brothers fell on hard times when the elder lost his job. Fearith's older brother, having always carried a deep resentment for him, sold him to the scientists to gain his freedom from this burden thrust upon him - as well as some extra coin.
Now, betrayed by the only person he had left, Fearith is one of the newest experiments in the lab, having only just arrived.

Name: Lahanam Etselec
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Occupation: Coordinator/Trainer
Appearance: User Image
Fearith Etselec - Brother, Trainer/Breeder
Pokemon team:
Charizard/Chelsea/Lv 61
Rapidash/Rhyan/Lv 59
Manectric/Max/Lv 60
Delcatty/Delighla/Lv 57
Bellossom/Bella/Lv 58
Azumarill/Alex/Lv 60

Name: Fearith Etselec
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Occupation: Trainer/Breeder
Appearance: User Image
Lahanem Etselec - Sister, Coodinator/Trainer
Pokemon Team:
Skarmory/Skylar/Lv 47
Luxray/Lisa/Lv 45
Honchkrow/Hailey/Lv 50
Gengar/Gale/Lv 49
Gardevior/Gwen/Lv 51
Machamp/Marcos/Lv 50

Nickname: Chelsea
Spicies: Charizard
Gender: Female
Steel Wing
Mega Punch
Personality: Chesea is very brave, but also a loner. Even though she is good friends with Lahanem's other Pokemon Partners, Chelsea always tends to wander off on her own, away from the group to think things through for herself.

Nickname: Rhyan
Spicies: Rapidash
Gender: Female
Personality: Rhyan, ever since she met Lahanem, has been very motherly and a tad over-protective. She's quick to put herself in front of danger to protect Celeste or the younger memebers of the team.

Nickname: Max
Spicies: Manectric
Gender: Male
Thunder Fang
Quick Attack
Personality: Max was, is, and always will be a lady's man. He's a lot like Brock from the anime series: always chasing the ladies. When it comes right down to it though, Max can be loyal, selfless and brave.

Nickname: Delighla
Spicies: Delcatty
Gender: Female
Iron Tail
Hyper Beam
Mega Kick
Pesonality: Delighla is an eccentric young Delcatty who is faithful and compassionate. Her wild style often overshadows her kind-hearted nature, but those who can look past her insane sense of humor find themselves with a great friend who will stand by them through good and bad.

Nickname: Bella
Spicies: Bellossom
Gender: Female
Petal Dance
Energy Ball
Drain Punch
Double Team
Personality: Very shy and reclusive, Bella likes to keep to herself. She doesn't like to talk with the other Pokemon much, and tends to hide when there is somthing bothering her, rather than talk about it. Like Chelsea, she likes to figure things out for herself. When it comes to battling, Bella likes to follow another's lead, and protect her partners from harm.

Nickname: Alex
Spicies: Azumarill
Gender: Male
Water Pulse
Hydro Pump
Iron Tail
Body Slam
Personality: Alex is always adamant about doing what is right. He'll only go against his beliefs as a last possible resort. His heart is always in the right place, though his inflated ego often overshadows his devout nature. Alex is very brave, but his pride is the most prominent feature of his personality.

Nickname: Skylar
Spicies: Skarmory
Gender: Male
Steel Wing
Aerial Ace
Air Slash
Flash Cannon
Personality: Skylar is very calm and it takes a lot to upset him. He is able to keep a cool head under pressure where others tend to lose control and panic. The other members of Fearith's team often look to Skylar for ideas as well as comfort in times of crisis.

Nickname: Lisa
Spicies: Luxray
Gender: Female
Thunder Fang
Iron Tail
Hyper Beam
Personality: Lisa is easily angered and a fierce fighter. The slightest sideways glance can send her flying into a rage. She often flies out of control, but when she focuses her rage on a single goal, the results are amazing.

Nickname: Hailey
Spicies: Honchkrow
Gender: Female
Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball
Aerial Ace
Steel Wing
Personality: Hailey is a control freak. She always has to be the boss of the opperation, and when things don't go her way, she's likely to lose her temper. She tries to do what's right, but her controlling nature often gets the best of her.

Nickname: Gale
Spicies: Gengar
Gender: Female
Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Personality: Gale is a tricky prankster who likes to play pratical jokes on the other Pokemon as well has her opponents. At times it seems as though she likes to irritate the others, but that isn't the case. In reality, she's only trying to have a few good laughs, and she can't help the fact that her sense of humor is a bit... different.

Nickname: Gwen
Spicies: Gardevoir
Gender: Female
Energy Ball
Giga Impact
Light Screen
Personality: Gwen is the hands down leader of Ferith's team. Her calm, collected nature, even in the face of peril, as well as her supurb psychic talents, make her a Pokemon to be admired, envied, and, in the case of her opponents, feared. Gwen isn't always as sure of herself as she lets on though, and often looks to Fearith for additional support.

Nickname: Marcos
Spicies: Machamp
Gender: Male
Hyper Beam
Fire Blast
Personality: Marcos is an extremely self-centered Pokemon who likes to brag and show off. He often puts his own needs before everyone elses. But he can also be very caring, and, at the end of the day, Fearith knows he can count of Marcos to get the job done and make the right decision.

Name: Mona Redman
Age: 13
Student Year: 3
House: Ravenclaw
Area(s) of Expertise: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions
Extras Abilities: Animagus (Black Panther), Extrodinary Hearing and Sight
Personality: Keeps to herself (and her friends), exudes an air of loneliness, only wants people to respect her, confident (exept in social situations), excels in clever wordplay and "bending the truth", easily loses her temper.
Origin: Muggle-Born
Other: Unregistered as an animagus, Beater for the Ravenclaw quidditch team, no sense of smell or taste.

User Image
This is my controller: Spaz of the Baskervilles
Hello, my name is: Kenneth “Ken” Christy
I am of age: 21
These are the charms on my bracelet: Cross, Heart, Square
I prefer this kind of master: He likes to please all his masters, but prefers one who can also be sensitive towards his needs, both emotional and physical.
These are my likes:
- Pain
- Kisses
- Chocolate
- Kindness
- Empathy
These are my dislikes:
- Pity
- Fire
- Tuna (All kinds of fish, but especially Tuna.)
- Criminals
- Blind, unreasonable hatred
This is how I ended up in Master Jesse's shop: Sexually abused by his Father and Uncle, he ran away, but wound up as a sex slave to a drug dealer. After the dealer was killed, he found Master Jesse’s shop and sold himself to it having no other place to go.
This is how I act: Keeps to himself, constantly mumbling under his breath. If he is chosen as a playmate, these seemingly unhealthy behaviors disappear, and he becomes as loving and loyal as a puppy. He obeys Master Jesse without question, and can sometimes be a bit of a tattletale, making him annoying to the less obedient boys of the house.
You should probably know this about me, also: Has split-personality disorder (Schizophrenia) and has a tendency to talk to himself. He calls himself “Fearith” during these bouts of what some would call “insanity”. His other side appears to be a little more sadistic, but rarely (if ever) is it shown. Has a history of drug abuse.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 04, 2009 @ 08:26pm
Alex is always adamant about doing what is right. He'll only go against his beliefs as a last possible resort. His heart is always in the right place, though his inflated ego often overshadows his devout nature. Alex is very brave, but his pride is the most prominent feature of his personality.



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