donation list:
neon rawrz donated 11k with love (quited)
King Remix donated 20k for selling Black Ops Gear
iGerr gave me Leg Warmers for my dream avatar
iGet Sexual donated 3k since that's all she gots
o Boniie o donated 20k to save up for her questing item
iWILLpokex3 donated 2k randomly from tektek shop
iGet Sexual donated 10k; i love you, thanks for helping!
Retro TeddyBear donated 2k since that's all she gots
ii-R A W R Z-ii donated 31,682 gold since that's all she had.
CrayoIa donated 10k (random person)
blue pixels donated some trash
iGet Sexual donated 6k
Retro TeddyBear donated 3000 tokens and 2k

donation i gave:
Queen_Kitty, 1k and 100 tokens. (random person)
iGerr, 10k for his questing item the Bao.
King Remix, 4k for questing item the Purple Tam Beret.