Owner's Name - Emalthya
Pony's Name - Nymphicus
Species - Dragon
Stage - Baby
Cert - Nightmare
Gender - Male
Colorist ___
Parents - Compassion and Adiemus
Color 1 (main body) - Black or very dark grey, like charcoal like Adiemus‘s hair
Color 2 (mane & tail) White/silver/light grey like Compassion
Color 3 (eyes) - Blood clot red/brown (Like a redder shade of Compassion’s, like hers mixed with Meridian’s, Adiemus’s father)
Color 4 (marking(s)) silver and white and grey
Color 5 (wings (if applicable)) - The innerspaced webbing/skin is a foggy grey or silver like below
Color 6 (other) - His claws should be silver like his horns and his spikes
Marking(s) - http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd27/Emalthya/Hitomi.jpg This, flipped and without the branch. This is a picture of the bird Compassion is based off.
Also, if there’s room, like silver ropes around his legs or neck or tail or wings or whatever like Compassion’s marking. If you want to be creative, shiny silver of anything is good, doesn’t necessarily have to be ropes… links to all the drow relatives has got to inspire vaguely XD
Talent(s) -
Other -
Nymphicus' Parents
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