I'm Not Nervous!....
Holding my chin and gently raising it to his face...I hate that. Because I always know what's coming...a kiss. why am I always swept away by those eyes? J-just because they're.....deep blue and always mysterious? The most beautiful things I'd ever seen? N-no...I can't think like that! I'm a guy! Two guys...any way I think about it is strange...
All of a sudden, something wrapped around my waist and another something on my shoulder. I knew it. "Yukiooo...." I grunted. I pushed him off of me and turned to him. "Ahh...I thought you liked being held by my warm, long arms? You did say that Yuuto-san..." Yukio-san whispered in my ear. His arms tightened around me and I found myself red in the face. He dragged me from the stove [baka...] and threw me onto the couch. "Yukio-san! I-It's only noon....!" I felt myself blush and I struggled. Yukio had been mauling me for the past few days now. Is he ok or am I giving off some kind of pheremone? [Readers, please correct my spelling -_-] "Yuki-" What the Hell? He cupped his hand on my mouth and stuck his hand up my shirt. "Yuuto...Yuuto.." Yukio's hypnotic whispers threaded themselves through my brain. I closed my eyes and he chuckled. "Eh? What's so funny!? You dragged me over, now what do you think is so hilarious? I mean I-" "I love you." Oh no, he was gazing at me again.... Gahhh! What do I do? He's got me pinned! I can't breathe! His lips are pressing to hard against mine...for...too...long.
Koko Old account · Fri Apr 17, 2009 @ 01:39am · 1 Comments |