Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera...a mystery, not fully explained...
"Come, child, we shall be late," a stern woman snapped as she pulled a young girl into the building. This building was none other than the infamous Opera Populaire of Paris, France. This small girl, only eighteen, was to be trained as a dancer and chorus girl.
It had been five months since the soprano, Christine Daae, had been married to the Vicomte de Chagny, Raoul, and the two were off on their honeymoon with loving wishes from the rest of the opera house’s company, giving the majority of the actors a vacation from the strict rehearsals. No shows would be performed for a good month. However, the practice of a dancer was never over. Madame Giry would never be satisfied with the performances her troupe provided for waiting audiences.
The young girl was a brunette named Aleera, fair in skin with large, curious brown eyes. She gazed around the opera house as she was escorted into the main theater. It was so beautiful in there: golden models of lovers reaching to each other decorated the frame of the stage and the viewer’s boxes. The seats were of shiny brass and red velvet. The most impressive detail was when she looked up. The infamous chandelier had been replaced with one of a much more impressive size (if at all possible), while the shattered one had been placed far beyond backstage, a tarp hanging over it.
One year had passed since the horrible fire that had swept over the theater, but with the combined effort of the fire brigade and the cast and crew, the theater had been saved. Not to mention the impressive reconstruction that had been done just two days after the fire. Madame Giry had seen to that.
[I’m looking for someone to play the part of Erik (the Phantom). And yes, this is a romance. PLEASE BE FAMILIAR WITH THE PLOT.]
Lycan Boy/Vampire Girl Role Play heart ~

The war had been going on for centuries on end, since the early days before Europe began to establish civilized living. The endangered pack of lycanthropes, versus the continuously-growing clan of vampires. While one race depended on brute strength and ferocity, the other relied on their cunning and speed.
It was on one particular night, the Devil's Masquerade, when all of the greatest, most esteemed high-class members of the vampiric clan gathered in a large castle nestled on a hill surrounded by a thick forest. Among these vampires was Jody, a recently-recruited member to the "team of bloodsuckers." She, however, couldn't stand the snobbish conversing that went on between her parents, one pure blood, and one half-blood vampire, and the rest of the members at the party. Grabbing her wine glass, filled with a sweetly-laced aged merlot instead of the usual drop of "red life," she left the castle, proceeding out to the garden which lay somewhat at the bottom of the hill, at the end of a large set of stone stairs.
Little did she know, something was lurking out there in the ominous abyss of the forest, eyes full of hatred...
Human Girl/Demon Role Play heart ~

Kareena, an eighteen-year-old girl who lived in London, England, was one who most could consider...fairly odd. Like Belle from Beauty and the Beast, under her fair looks, lay a curious, bizarre soul, urging to explore the dark beyond of the world. Books, movies, documentaries, news reports...her eyes were constantly on the alert for a change in pace from the droll everyday life she lived, as well as those of the people around her.
Unfortunately, besides the occasional tragedy blaring across the front pages of the papers and her television screen, she could never find anything worth investigation...
She did, however, spend a great deal of time in the local graveyard. If she couldn't find inspiration through her research, she desperately tried to find some for her books. With a pad of paper in one hand and a mechanical pencil in the other, she walked around the individual headstones, stopping once or twice to take notes, or write down another passage she could use. By her fifth stop, she growled in frustration and sat down under a tree, placing her notebook in her lap.
"This is getting to be annoying," she muttered to herself. "I doubt I'll ever be able to find something interesting. Hope I'm not destined for some boring life in the far-off future." She sighed, pushing back some of her hair.
Neko Girl/Human Male Role Play heart ~/b]

Sitting up in one of the top, thick branches of a weeping willow tree, sat a young neko by the name of Lily. Lily was the name given to her by her now former master, a man in his late thirties whom she had lived with for the past five years of her life. Now, in human years, Lily was seventeen years old, and on her own.
Her leaving of home wasn't by choice, it was more by force. The owner had arrived back home in a drunken stupor, a bottle of red wine clutched tightly in his hand. Lily was horrified by this, as she had never seen her master in this condition, and a decision to aid him would almost cost her something important to her. While helping him up to his room so he could sleep off the drunkenness, he had grabbed her by the wrist and forced her onto his bed, holding her down and whispering disgusting and incoherent toxic nothings about what he would do to her that night. In a panic, she drew her claws and sliced through his face, causing him to reel back in pain and giving her an opportunity to escape with only the clothes on her back and a stuffed bunny she had been given by her mother before she passed on.
Now Lily was all alone, struggling to survive in the woods a good two miles from her master's home. The small kimono she was given to wear was tattered and dirty, as it was the only article of clothing she had worn in the past two months. She was lucky enough to get food, but she was beginning to look like if she didn't get more, she would become emaciated and eventually wither away...
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