I was brainwashed by runescape but im back nows cuz i got banded. =P
oh heres a reminder to myself.
Boxed Lunch
To start the process to get your house, start by going to the Aekea Housing Commission. Once there get your house. If you don't know how, click on "homes". A window like this should appear. Once you decide which one you like click on it. A window like this should appear, click "yes". After that click on "Town Permits". A window like this should appear. Click yes like you did with the house. Once you have done that go into GAIA Towns found in | Barton Town |. This part may take some time, find a vacant sign (see pic to the left). Some areas will not have signs because they are "reserved" and a sign will not appear unless you are in the friend list of the person who reserved the town, Once you find one, stand next to it then click on the sign. After you do so a house will appear and ask if you want to move in, click "move in" and wala, your house will appear xd .
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