Okay..the 3rd chapter..the chapter everybody has been awaiting cause of the single moment of Kaleb beating Claude up 3nodding
Claude and I walked up a flight of stairs,I could hear Claude's sword tapping against the buckle on his boots as he walked,I stared around,looking at all the different buildings as Claude walked ahead,twirling his revolver around on his finger,
"These houses look pretty high class,Don't you think Claude..But which is the one ?"Claude shrugged and carried on walking.
I stood there,Listening to Sound Of Madness from my iPod,As i stood there a demonic man jumped from one of the building windows,Right ontop of me,Just at the last minute i shifted my feet,moving myself to the side,Just as the demon lands in my old position,Swiftly i spun my gun,shooting the demonic man in the face,causing blood to spray across the right side of my face,I turned around to face Claude when the demonic man,Suddenly exploded engulfing Me in blood,Claude turned around and stared at the blood,
"Mannn..Kaleb..Where'd you get the blood from ?" Innocently i pointed to the bits of the demon lying on the floor dead..Well..He seemed dead.Claude chuckled and walked right into the mouth of a giant demonic snake which seemed to be half snake and half just..trypoxylus..Which we'd never got the hang off..It was just black..Slime..From inside the snake i could hear Claude complaining about the slime and how his hair was a mess..I'd often wondered if there was mirrors in the demons as he always seemed to know how his hair looked.
"Kaleb..Help!! Kill the ******** thing!!"Claude shouted from inside the snake's stomach,I burst out laughing as i slid Prominence off've my back,Running at the demon,tilting my Prominence,disappearing just as it slammed it's tail down on where i was last stood,I appeared beside it,slicing the snake's head off with one blow,I could still hear Claude complaining as i slid Promincence back onto my back,i shoved my fingers into an open wound and ripped it open to reveal Claude covered in green stomach acid and navy blue blood,he just stood there disgusted and staring at me,
"Why is it always me Kaleb..It's always me..Never you..I hate it!"Claude said as he stepped over the giant snake's corpse,I stretched my arms,Placing them behind my head,"Well that'll be a hit for the girls,they'll be swarming around you tomorrow Claude,i'm sure..Especially some female giant demonic snakes" I teased Claude,as he glared at me "And my hair!! Its a mess,I'd just straightening it too!"Claude stood there complaining,As he brushes his hand through his slime covered white and black hair,I let out a sigh and walked off to leave Claude to complain to himself about his hair.
As i walked along the long corridor,I could see a lilac glow coming through the window,Claude skidded to a halt beside me,He still had the slime in his hair,It'll be there for some time i know it will be,Slowly i unlocked the window,Opened it up and jumped through,Landing on solid ice,Claude slowly followed but as soon as he hit the ice,He landed on his a**..Typical..I pulled Claude to his feet and walked off leaving him to recover by himself.
I turned around looking at the whole arena..it seemed to be made out of complete ice..Not looking where i was going,I walked into a massive single wall,Claude ran up behind and forgot he was on ice and carried on sliding,waving his arms madly to try and get his balance and shouted "Kaleb!!..It's the hell gat--AHH!",I looked over at Claude who had fallen over yet again,He sat there rubbing his head and tutting under his breath,I walked over closely to a pedestal which seemed to have a..Big..Shiney..Button..Claude walked over and saw the button,His eyes lit up like beacons,Before i could say anything Claude was right up in my face,"Please can i press the button Kaleb?"I shook my head and Claude did his weird looking puppy eyes "Pah-Leez Kaleb!! Nothing bad wont happen,I promise!"He pleaded,Naturally i walked off and shouted back at Claude "No Claude,Everytime you say that,Something bad does happen so No!"..I walked over to a door which seemed to be unlocked,Slowly i opened the door,peered my head round the wall and saw that it was the same corridor as before,Slowly i pulled the rest of my body from behind the wall and walked off down the corridor to search for a exit.
Claude was still at the pedestal,staring at the big shiney button,Claude reached his hand out to press the button but pulled his hand back,He smirked and slammed his hand down on the button and ran over to the front of the hell gate to see what would happen,Slowly a bright purple light Exploded from the hell gate,Letting all sorts of demons out the gate,Claude stood there for a moment terrified before turning around and running for the door Kaleb had left open,Claude slowly picked up his speed,screaming as the demons chased him,(Back To Kaleb's Point Of View)I turned my head to the side to see Claude running right past me screaming at the top of his voice,I stared at him running thinking What the ******** to myself then i heard a bone chilling screech from behind,slowly i turned around to see where it came from and saw a Mephisto floating around elegantly just about to attack me,Quickly i turned around ran as fast as my legs could carry me,I knew there was only one explanantion for this..Claude had pressed the button..Even after i told him not too!
Slowly i caught up with Claude who looked at me with a very guilty expression on his face,His sword was still tapping against the buckle on his boot,Thats what bugged me the most,We both skidded around the corner as we did,I grabbed a book and smashed it over Claude's head,"Why!! Why is it you never do what i tell you!?"By this point Claude was holding his arms over his head in a protective way and shouted at me "I'm sorry Kaleb! It looked so shiney and big..You know with buttons,They have to be pressed!" This time we passed a bookcase and i made sure i grabbed a few books and threw them at Claude "Bad things happen when you press buttons! You can never help yourself,Can you?!" Claude was almost whimpering in pain,it seemed his arms didn't do much in protecting his face as he had blood trickling down his cheek from his eyebrow,Maybe i should've stopped throwing stuff at him but i couldn't help myself so i grabbed a candlestick and smacked it over his head,Claude was already battered and bruised from only a couple of books and a candlestick..But they were..Big books,I turned my head to see where we were running when i slammed right into a wall,Claude skidded to a halt and turned around to look at the demons chasing us,"Ahh s**t,We're dead..So dead Kaleb"I groaned and rolled over holding my nose,Claude pulled me up and dusted my jacket off for me,"Owww,My poor nose!!" Claude smirked and looked around for a exit,"You'll be fine Kaleb,Get over it",Yet another book hit Claude's head from behind,He deserved it though,Nobody tells me to get over things..Nobody..not even Mirai.
"Kaleb..I need the toilet now..All this ice is annoying me!" whispered Claude,I rolled my eyes and focused on all the demons stepping towards us,
So we're stuck in a corridor,No way of escaping and the demons within striking distance and Claude needs the toilet,We were so dead at this point,If only miracles did happen.Suddenly all the demons exploded into a mist of Trypoxylus,Claude fell to the ground coughing,"Gahh,That stuff is nasty" he said between coughs,I looked through the mist and saw the same boy i saw at the school stairs,I rubbed my eyes and he stared at me then ran off,Disappearing.
I pulled Claude to his feet,Pointing out the blood he still had on his cheek,He shrugged and picked a book up and whacked me across the face with it.Hesitantly I tripped Claude over and ran off back towards the Hell gate.I skidded to a halt looking at all the Mephisto's and Giant snakes surrounding the Hell gate,Claude finally caught up with me cursing under his breath.I smirked,sliding Prominence off my back,stabbing Promincence into the ground and leant on the hilt.Claude stared at the ice and glared momentarily then whipped his revolver out,aiming at one of the Mephisto's.This usually ended up in us running home trying to clean all the blood off've us and also getting to our room without mom seeing our weapons or the cuts.Claude looked at me and smiled,showing of a single fang,I naturally rolled my eyes,pulling Prominence out the ground and swung the blade upwards,causing air to slide off've the blade swiftly and slicing most of the Mephito's up cleanly.Claude had always been one to show of his big 'Ego' so he always took the liberty of letting me go first.Claude with his bloody brilliant aim,shot a giant snake right inbetween the eyes,he'd always been better with long range attacks,slowly the giant snake slithered towards Claude,Causing him to run away slightly and run up the wall,Jumping from window ledge to window ledge as the snake lashed out at him with its spiked tail,Claude sooner or later knew he'd get hit so he jumped from the wall,doing a flip,slid his blade off've his back,and slamming it down on the snake,splitting it right in half.I smirked,and walked over to the Hell gate's 'Big shiney button' as Claude called it and gave a final salut towards the demons,By giving them a V-gesture and leant my elbow on the button,causing the demons to be sucked into the hell gate like a black hole and closing off.
Claude stood there,looking at all the blood over him from the two giant snakes and let out a sigh."I'll never do a mission without being eaten or getting covered in blood,Will i ?",I shook my head in response,It's pretty natural for Claude to get eaten,His hair was still in the same state as before,Seemingly the slime and Trypoxylus had dried making it look as if Claude used some green hair gel..When his hair is white,Claude hadn't started to complain about his hair just yet,One mention from me about it,Would set him off so i kept my mouth shut about his hair.Claude yawned and placed his sword back onto his back.
I chuckled and jumped up onto the balcony of one of the buildings and jumped over the roof,landing on the other side,causing dust to explode from my feet,Claude landed beside me but didnt quite land on his feet,More his knees.I looked down at him and tried not to laugh at his face,It was a mixture between a Ow and a Oh my god expression,His facial expressions often put me in fits of laughter.
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