ok, we all know what cheaters are. i hav a friend who was seeing this guy named nic. the day after their 1 yr together he dumped her because hiz mom kicked him out untill he did. so he did, but then a week later she gets a msg from her friend alex, who goes to skewl with nic and is his best friend. he tells her a week b4 they brok up he kisses a girl on the neck! but nic said it was not cheating! ok i may not be smart on the whole datin thing but i know what cheating is when i seehear it. if you peepz comment plz say if you agree that a kiss on a girls neck while you are dating another. thank you!
your anime-angel,
SkylerLeigh 4laugh
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love is balenced between true and fake. the fake love is when a person can think about 1,000,000 things wrongs with you where as true love looks past that and finds 100,000,000,000 things that makes you perfectly you.
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