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Bite me

Name: Gark
Age: 17
Appearnce: A hulking mass of a beast with an over sized back giving him a hunched appearnce. He arms are long and hang at his side dragging on the ground when he walks. On the run his can use his arms in a gorrillage like run. His face seems to be swallen on one side as one eye is bigger then the other causing his face to look distored. Large teeth stuck up from his lower lip to about the end his squahed noise. His skin is a yellow-brownish color and seems to be all most made of tree bark and is highly flamable. His legs are small and short for his size. His fraim is rippled with muscles with a protording pot belly.
Abliities:Is highly vunerable to fire and can regenerate from everything but fire.
Weapons: He uses mostly his fist or large objects to smash things
Bio: Gark comes from a tribe of highly respected wood trolls. His whole speices is very vain and digified, till the day Gark was born. On that day everyone of the tribe freaked thinking it was a cruse on them and they all went into a deeply reliougious period. They all now worship the goddess of beauty even as they sent Gark out in the world at a early age.
Personality: He is a gently soul in a deformed body. He likes to feed birds a look a flowers. He hurts nothing and no one unless provuched or freighten.

Name:Rules "Geomancer"
Age: 25
Race: Gnome
Apperance:Rules started off as a simple Gnome with light brown curly hair the bobs as he walks. He has light skin with bright green eyes, but as his magic grow he begain to change because of the way he uptends his magic. As he gets closer to nature he goes through drifts changing his appaerance.
He now has hair that are a short tangle of vines, and sticky pads on his hands that help him climb.
Weapon: His magic and a harden wooden staff.
Bio: Rules was born to a preist father and a wizard mothers. He learned wizardary from his mother causing his father some anger. As his magic grow he learned to trace magic from the earth and nature itself. His father frowned upon his powers thinking it was the work of the devil, his mother on the other hand was proud of his boy as any mother would be. His mother died suddenly during a accent with an expirment she doing. When she died his father kicked him out of the house. He roams the land now stranghting his magic.
Personality:Rules is very strong willed wanting to expand his magic more and become more powerfull. His drive is to make his father proud of him and regain his fathers trust.

Name: Jeffery
Age: 14
Race: Half Magalodon/ Half human
Appearance: Shark pointed face with a mouth full of sharp teeth. His hands are wedded with black claws sake with his feet. His skin has a slightly blue taint and he has a loin cloth to cover his 'parts'.
Weapons: Claws on hand and feet, with a spear with a head made of claw coral.
Bio: The illegitimate child of the king of the Megalodones and a human women. He lives on the run with his sister as they are hunted by there own people and bounty hunters.
Personality: He is untrusting and hard on new people. He cares deeply for his sister but it is very hard to see for he is greatly overprocective.When you get him to open up you find that he is realy just a confused child who lost his childhood and is just trying to surrive.

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