Simple but easily looking over facts.
Tina is a b***h, an evil spiteful b***h that will give near fatal insults at will and think about them later to make them even better next time.
Tina thinks too much, which makes her either incredibly stupid or just plain insane.
When Tina has a hunch is it usually right. Too bad these hunches are usually of the bad variety.
Tina is 19 years old, but appears younger thus making her the prime target for old old men and prepubesent teenagers that will land her in jail.
Tina has serious issues that she is aware of and sadly only has online to truly vent them in their entirety.
No use being in denial when you already know you've got a problem. I'm trying to fix them, slowly. Its kinda hard when you've got people throwing their weight around just begging for a slap across the face or a kick in the a**. So yeah.
Happy day, happy day. Its peer review thus being the second to last time I get to go to class.