age: 15

key blade: Must I have one? Umm, uh, does a hatchet count?
crush: Don't tell anyone, it's Sora.
race: Human
theme song: Gee
story: I can't tell you, it is a secret!
dorm: 13
grade average: B-A
post color: Deep Sky Blue
user name: Yunas Broken Heart
Username:Yunas Broken Heart
Hi, my name is: Drake Onisarashi
But I'd like to be called: My name thank you very much.
I saw my first light on: October 13th
And I've seen the sun rise and set for: 15 years
I am a: Boy
I look like this:

People think I am: Cocky, desperate for attention. I can come off as a jerk, that I'm shallow and only care about myself.
But inside I am: Haha, most of that is true but I'm not attention desperate. I do like attention though. Still, it's good to have some time alone. I can care about others, I just don't want to. I've been told I'm easy to manipulate, but that can't be true... right?
These are my skills and abilities: Able to control the element of darkness. His other abilities remain unknown.
I hate: Annoying people.
But I love: Getting my way.
The flaws in my life: It's all to boring.
But these will make it better: If life was more interesting.
Last but not least,: A ghost has seemed to taken a likeing to him. The ghost itself has a few abilities it can pass onto to the person he possess. Drake is unaware of the ghost's pressence.(Ghosty is the see-through man!)
My font color: Dark Cyan
Gaia name: Yunas broken heart
Char name:Ao
Age: 14
Species: Elemental(Half light, half dark)
Who you're with: Who ever has her heart.
Bio: Ao was curse to have her heart as a bead. Whoever possed her heart had complete control over her emotions. For that reason she always had to gaurd her heart with her life. She often hides from others in fear of her heart being stolen.



Username: Yunas broken heart
Name: Baku
Species: Half beastman, half werewolf.
Sex: Male
Personality: Baku is viewed as Kiki's pet, so to speak. He does everything she asks of him. Kiki doesn't tend to let people see him and he likes it that way. Baku is the type who doesn't like contact with others. Even others of the Minagoroshi don't know of him. Now, there is another side to him, though. A side that wants to see the Minagoroshi fall. He has no idea why he wants this to happen, freedom maybe?


Skills/abilities: Baku is able to enter peoples minds. Even control their dreams. Due to the fact he is a cross between a werewolf and a beastman he has a wolf form. With numerous charmed objects he can cast spells and curses.
Weapon: He charmed objects, a spade and a claw.
Side: Minagoroshi.
History: As a young child he was cursed, yet no one knew what the curse was. He true werewolf form was sealed at the same time leaving only his wolf form. Kiki killed his family but decided to keep Baku. He's been under Kiki's care ever since.
Additional Info: Baku means eater of dreams.
Name: Kokoro Tsukiotoshi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human?
Organization: N/A
Position in organization: N/A
Physical appearance:
Other Features: Her eyes are like cat eyes. In some lighting they appear blue, in other lighting they appear more purple.

Head: She tends to tie her hair up with a black hair tie when doing sports or in hot weather.
Upper body: When not in her school uniform she tends to wear a dark colored short sleeved shirt, even in the winter. Over that, unless it's really hot, she wears a black sweater.
Lower body: When not in uniform she wears blue jeans but once in a while she'll wear a white or black skirt.
Feet: Normally she'll have black running shoes on, except in the winter when she wears her black boots insted. Her socks are what ever color she happens to put on.
Hands: Black gloves in the winter, that's about it.
Accessories: She doesn't tend to wear jewelry.
P.S. Her panties are none of your business!
Equipment description/list:
A guitar
A sword for her sword fighting.
Personality: She's not the talkative type. She tends to keep to herself are strangers or when in large groups. When alone with someone she knows she opens up a bit more.
Likes: Music, sweets,
Dislikes: Spicy foods.
Outlook: She tends to be more negative. Doesn't often voice her opinion on these things.
Relationships: Her younger sister Kuchiha
Abilities summary: (give a general but detailed summery of your characters skills, please list in an organized fashion)
Passive skills: (any ability’s that are more or less always on need to be listed and described here)
Active skills: (anything special move wise is explained and listed here)
History: Kokoro grew up in Canada, her parents had moved here from Japan. She took to music at a young age. Her parents had gotten her in piano lessons around 8 years old. WHen she was 14 she took up guitar. Kokoro could sing as well, the only thing holds her back from going solo is her stage fright. She entered a talent contest at her school when she was 15 teen and got so scared she didn't even show up. When she was 16 she tried again. This time she went on stage and preformed but as soon as she was done she ran out of the building. To this day she doesn't know what rank she placed. Now she's just looking to join a band. She's also taking lesson for sword fighting.
Goals: To join a band. She's to scared to go solo.
Name: Kuchiha Tsukiotoshi
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Organization: N/A
Position in organization: N/A
Physical appearance:
Hair color: Natural hair color is dark brown. Her hair is died.
Hair style: As in picture her hair is often in pig tails. Some times it braided, other times it's in a pony tail.
Other Features: (anything else, tails, piercings, ETC)

Head: Yellow ribbons are used to tie up her hair.
Upper body: Sometimes she wears a dress which cover BOTH upper and lower body. She has both a white one and pink, yellow, blue etc. She has a verity tee-shirts in numerous colors. She has a pink coat for the winter.
Lower body: She has numerous shorts, skirts, and pants in different colors.
Feet: She has her little brown shoes. A pair of pink sandles and blue boots for the winter.
Hands: She has mittens for the winter, they're pink.
Accessories: She has a whole lot of braclets and necklaces.
Equipment description/list:
Personality: Childish and cheerfully. She very friendly and trusting. Even so, loud noises scare her so if you talk loudly she becomes very shy.
Likes: Candy, chocolate, cake, cute things, animals etc.
Dislikes: Bitter foods, veggies, loud noises.
Outlook: A cheery childish out look
Relationships: (do they have any relationships with other characters? Say so here)
Abilities summary: (give a general but detailed summery of your characters skills, please list in an organized fashion)
Passive skills: (any ability’s that are more or less always on need to be listed and described here)
Active skills: (anything special move wise is explained and listed here)
History: (1 paragraph minimum, that’s EASY people!)
||Smile for the Camera||

||Aria||Iris||Rem|| Also known as||Ria||(nickname)
~How many candles have I blown out? 16 candles~
~What am I known for? My soft heart and mood swings.~
~What do I like? Cupcakes, ghost, spirits, good friends and when the sun rises each morning.~
~What do I hate? Rainy days, crazy animals, fakes and when the sunsets each night.~
~Oh, look! It's a...girl~
~Person being my character? Yunas broken heart~

||Aria||Iris||Rem|| Also known as||Ria||(nickname)
~How many candles have I blown out? 16 candles~
~What am I known for? My soft heart and mood swings.~
~What do I like? Cupcakes, ghost, spirits, good friends and when the sun rises each morning.~
~What do I hate? Rainy days, crazy animals, fakes and when the sunsets each night.~
~Oh, look! It's a...girl~
~Person being my character? Yunas broken heart~
Username: Yunas Broken Heart
Name: Rinni
Species: Angel
Sex: Female
Personality: Caring, some times bubbly. She doesn't like fighting but can be dangerous in battle.
Image: Angel 1Angel 2 Human 1Human 2
Skills/Abilities:She is able to use all sorts of magic and the power of the plants.
Weapon: Her disk, cutlass sword and the power of the plants.
Side: Tsukiotoshi
History: Rinni grew up in the same village as Baku. She met Jinx and joined him on his travels. During this time the two met Lyrra and the tree sum became close friends. When news of the Earth being in trouble Rinni left to save it. The moment she got there she met someone, someone she fell in love with. Sadly she didn't come in time to save the Earth. Now she does not know if her love is dead or alive.
Additional Info: Rinni does not know of Lyrra's love although she knows him. She knows not of what happened to Baku. No one knows she returned.
Username:Yunas broken heart
Hi, my name is: Rinni Lightheart
But I'd like to be called: Rin(only if you like)
I saw my first light on: May 12th
And I've seen the sun rise and set for: 19 years
I am a: girl
I look like this:



People think I am: Bubbly, stupid, spoiled. They think I'm a shallow little rich girl. They believe I only care about my looks, and social status. They think I can't take anything serious and wouldn't be able to last two second on my own in a dangerous situation. They believe I not ready for the "real world", that I don't understand things.
But inside I am: Yes, I am bubbly some times. I'm easily surprised or impressed but recover a lot quicker than people realize. I'm not a spoiled rich girl, I just know how to use money. Even though I don't tend to act it, I'm very serious on the inside. I do care about my own looks but don't give a damn about someone else's. Social standing means very little, it's just nice to be on top.
These are my skills and abilities: I can mimic anything I see, hear, smell, taste, feel or experiance in any other way. I have rapid healing. My final ability is unknown.
I hate: Smelly things. Judgemental people. Dead animals and animal abuse! Not getting something right the first time I try, a whole lot of different foods. Finding something I don't like. Oh and rap music!
But I love: Cute little bunnies. Kind people, fireworks. Good music, not this rap crap. Purple, blue and bright colors. Wings, because then you can fly! Flying, airplanes, helicopters! Finding things I like!
The flaws in my life: Everyone thinks I'm a shallow pretty b***h. I've been called a slut(soo not true!). My boyfriend is a lying cheet!(Was sooo going to dump him!) Daddy is mad at me for "wasting" money on sword fighting lessons and a dog!
But these will make it better: If my dad loved my dog and wanted me to be safe. If my boyfriend wasn't a jerk. If I could find some real friends who aren't talking to me to get to my money. If I had some fireworks, and if everyone wasn't so judgemental!
Last but not least: I learn on Earth sword fighting, marshal arts, and a few music lessons in both vocal and instrumental. What? I have a lot of money!
My font color: Dim Gray
I was created by: Yunas Broken Heart
I was named: Saikoroshi
As far as I know I'm a: girl.
I'll kill you if you tell someone I'm: Bi
In the mirror I see: This is not for the faint of heart(Blood, bodies, just plain gross)
This is who I am: Cold, don't care about others. I'm sorry if I seem to give a damn, it's a mistake. I'm just doing my job so don't get in my way.
I'll fight with: A gaint knife.
I can: Make your worse fear a reality. If I hurt you it heals me. The more I kill the stronger I get.
I'll seal you in my: Knife.
Just so you know: I am often called Sai. Just stay out of my way and you'll do fine.
I was created by: Yunas Broken Heart
I was named: Rinni
My parents say I am a: girl
Don't tell anyone but I'm: Bi
In the mirror I see: {Angel}{HiddenHuman}
This is who I am: A bubbly idiot. Wait no, I'm no idiot! I just come off as one! Although I don't seem to take things seriously, that's not true. I'm extremly friendly and wish to help all I can.
I'll fight with: A cutlass and a disk.
I can: heal quickly. I have to power of the Earth and the skies behind me. I can mimic anything I see, hear, feel, smell, taste or experience any other way.
I protect: Unknown
Just so you know: Many people just call me Rin.
I was created by: Yunas Broken Heart
I was named: Mia
I've lived for: 15 years.
The doctors say I am: girl.
Don't tell anyone but I'm: Straight
In the mirror I see: Now just where is that mirror!?
This is who I am: I'm usually out going and friendly. When put under stress I'm pretty rude. I tend to yell at people over the littlest things. It would be best to stay on my good side.
I'll fight with: A metal pipe and anything else I get my hands on. Oh I just found a hammer!
I can: I can control my enviorment.
I am protected by: Unknown
Just so you know: My best friend is Razor.
I was created by: Yunas Broken Heart
I was named: Howel
Don't you dare tell anyone I'm: Bi.
In the broken mirror I see: {Form1}{Form2}{Form3}{Form4}{Form5}
This is who I am: Hello, yes, I'm a demon. Unlike most demons, I am not here for the killings. Well, I kind of am, but that's not the only reason. Okay the point is I like messin' with people. Oh I also like freedom. I'm kind of an a**, but don't really care. To humans I might seem as if I care at times... those poor miss lead fools.
I'll fight with: Two Chakrams, a sword and anything else that hurts.
I can: control fire(yes, I'm a total pyromaniac!), create corridors of darkness and change my appearance. My five forms are just some of my favourites.
Just so you know: When in form 4 I go by Alexis, when in form 5 I go by Razor. By the way, I'd go for a cute boy over some girl any day!
I was created by: Yunas Broken Heart
I was named: Kuromaku
I'M A DAMN: guy!
Don't you dare tell anyone I'm: Bi, I guess. I just don't care that much.
In the broken mirror I see:

This is who I am: I can be one extreme to another. Some times I'm completly calm other times I'm wild and dangerous. It depends who I'm around and what kind of reaction I want.
I'll fight with: Normally my claws, but if there is anything else around I can use as a weapon that'll work too.
I can: control the four basic elements(Air, fire, water, and earth). My senses are far better than any normal being. I have great control over my body giving me great strenght, banlance and speed. I hardly feel gravity at all. Finally, I can mask my own aura to seem like a simple humans.
Just so you know: I was once human, but made a deal with a demon and ended up in Hell. I have no fears, why should I?
Username:Yunas broken heart
Hi, my name is: Meakashi Onisarashi
But I'd like to be called: Tsuki Yakusamashi
I saw my first light on: January 4th
And I've seen the sun rise and set for: 17 years
I am a: Boy
I look like this: What I dream to be...but in reality.
People think I am: Cold and distant. Anti-social. Implusive and violent
But inside I am: I'm defensive. I tend to judge people on the first three words they say to me. I'm not one to talk to others. I don't have much self control.
These are my skills and abilities: I can see the dead. My form can change, and sometimes my mind along with it. I can make you hear things, just as I do.
I hate: Wanna-bes. Over powering people. Boring people. Noodles when they get cold. Most pies. Anything with too strong of a taste or smell. I also hate loud noise and bright things.
But I love: When things are calm and people are interesting. Music.
The flaws in my life: Well, my girlfriend dumped me, my cat die, and I'm always getting into fights. My social life has become crap. Oh joy.
But these will make it better: Some interesting people who understand how my mind works. A calmer place to live. If my cat wasn't dead.
Last but not least: Yes, I do see my dead cat. Got a problem with it? Since people don't seem to like wings I stay in a more realistic form.(the silver haired one)
My font color: medium blue
username: Yunas broken heart
character name: Yuzuki
character age: 21
appearance: heart Yuzuki heart
personality: He comes off as overly sweet. He's a bit twisted.
weapon: As said by Yuzuki. "Anything I can kill you with my dear!"
User Name: Yunas broken heart
Gender: Male
How old are you?: 21
Are you lost, or an evil monster of some sort?: I'm lost, I'm found, I'm all around.
What do you happen to look like?: Why I look like me of course!
Have any weapons?: Anything I can kill you with my dear. Oh, you mean if I had to fight right now? Well let's see: Poison's good... some daggers, OH LOOK! I found a gun! Hmm, I've got this lighter... too... I wonder what I can do with this...
What do you fear the most?: Uhhh... Ummm... errr... Dead things... they're creepy.
What type of personality do most people think you have?: Stupid and cheerful.
What is your true personailty?: I am cheerful, maybe a little twisted. It's hard to say.
What do you love the most?: Parties, making fun of people. You know, same as everyone else. Wait, I also like good friends.. that's something most people aren't into.
Anything you would like to tell us?: I don't need an eye patch, I just like it. I'm not scared of dying, I'm sared of dead things, remember that.
What is your name?: Yuzuki! That's it, that's all!
Clarify: If it walkes like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a... HUMAN!!
User Name: Yunas broken heart
Gender:I'm a girl can't you see?
How old are you?:-65... wait I mean 16
Are you lost, or an evil monster of some sort?:I'm a rabbit! What do ya mean I'm a monster you jerk!?
What do you happen to look like?: I am a pretty bird... but some times I turn ugly!
Have any weapons?: Anything I can shove up your... I mean my pitchfork silly!
What do you fear the most?: Your face, it's so ugly. Also, I hate butterflies.... they're so creepy! And don't get my started on lint!
What type of personality do most people think you have?: Sweet and spacey, maybe even stupid. Rude and shallow at times.
What is your true personailty?: I really can't stand your face! It's so ugly... I just want to rip it off! If you didn't have a face I'd be much nicer!
What do you love the most?: I love faceless people! I also love the rabbits that are really wolves! Such smart little freaks!
Anything you would like to tell us?: I'm Ruby-Rain. You can call me Ruby or Acid! Blood-Rain is something very few call me!
Username:Yunas broken heart
Hi, my name is: Alicia
But I'd like to be called: Alice, Wonderland, Dizzy, Teddy Bear(By close friends only)
I saw my first light on: April 7
And I've seen the sun rise and set for: 14 years
I am a: A girl.
I look like this:

People think I am: Strange, spacey, weird, a freak, silent.
But inside I am: I'm really not that loud. I'm the one who finds thing that are out of place. I, myself, am out of place and like it that way. If I was a fitting peice of the puzzle I'd be put in my place and left there. I'd prefer to play.
These are my skills and abilities: I can create my own wonderland only with out a Queen of Hearts. I even have my own Chester Cat, though she doesn't always speak in riddles. Come to think of it, she's kind of useless. Anyway, I even have my own cards. Not only that, but I can make dolls come alive, cool huh? Now there's one more thing. It sort of freaks me out but... I can summon demons. That's right DEMONS! I can only call one at a time though.
I hate: When I'm the same. If I ever fit into the puzzle I either change or leave. I've got to be different, not to stand out. I just don't want to fade. I also can't stand a lot of attention.
But I love: When things are in outrageous. No attention is brought to me and everything stands out. Nothing fits.
The flaws in my life: Everyone is like a photo copy. It creeps me out. Not only that, but I stand out too much. I'm not one for attention.
But these will make it better: If everyone was different. Not over powering, just to the point where we all stand out, not just me.
Last but not least: My favourite movie was Alice in Wonderland. When I was younger I'd never shut up about it. Now I feel like I'm a part of the movie.
My font color: Dark Magenta
username: Axels broken heart
name of Zunep:Kuchiha
gender: Female
element: Earth
skills/abilities: Both her sword and armer hold a strong magic which she can release at any time. He wings allow her to glide and jump fairly high. She also has Earth abilities. Her mind is bonded to those of the Minagoroshi.

personality: She comes off as empty and uncaring. The only thing that really matters to her is her plants. She refuses to listen to Kythar or Lady Syra. She doesn't like people or animals which is why she hasn't been seen for years. The only people she contacts is the Minagoroshi.
weapon: Bonded Sword and armer.
your color: medium violet red
additional info: She's one of 'them', the Minagoroshi. She was once a great warrior but after losing most of her memories she distanced herself from others and became both a Zenup and a member of the Minagoroshi.
username: Axels broken heart
name of Human: Ruby/Case
gender: Female
age: 16
skills/abilities:Both change their form and can see through the eyes of others. Able to pick up on other people's ablilties. Case is able to bend reality with her drawing, it's limited to what she can draw, which isn't much. Ruby works in Curses and Vodo. She is far better at changing her form than Case.



Ruby's favourite forms-

personality:Case is sweet, adventurous, strong willed. Cares the world for her childhood friend, Drake. Loves animals and art. She was once very hyper but is now more of a calm person. She has a bitter side. Ruby on the other hand is shallow and some times cruel. She can be cut throat but has a sweet side. She's pretty hyper and self absorbed.
weapon: Case has a kusarigama. Ruby uses vodo, a modern gun with cursed bullets, a blunderbuss with cursed magic, throwing knives and a cursed Tarot card deck.
side (Arynovians, or Zunep?) : Case is with the Arynovians and Ruby is with neither.
your color: Case is cornflowerblue and Ruby is magenta
additional information: Case has a second personality, Ruby. They can see each other but only one is in reality at a time. Each have their own appearance.
username: Axels broken heart
name of Witch: Jinx
gender: Male
Witch or Fairy?: Fairy
element: Water, small bit of light and dark.
skills/abilities: Can control water in all it's forms. Able to do a few tricks with both light and dark. Able to mess with sound.
appearance:personality: A bit of a goof ball. He can come off as stupid/naïve and care-free. Dispite that he is pretty smart and knows when to be serious. He isn't much of a fighter and loves to play music.
wand or weapon? if weapon, then what: His cheerfully personlity and
your color: deep sky blue
additional information: He knows who "them" is.
Username: Yunas Broken Heart
Name: Jinx
Species: Fairy
Sex: Male
Personality: A bit of a goof ball. He can come off as stupid/naïve and care-free. Dispite that he is pretty smart and knows when to be serious. He isn't much of a fighter and loves to play music.

Skills/abilities: Can control water in all it's forms. Able to do a few tricks with both light and dark. Able to mess with sound waves. Can fly wth not wings. Able to dream drift. Can jinx people.
Weapon: His cheerfully personlity and the numerous sharp objects he has with him.
Side: Free will, tends to favour the Tsukiotoshi, though.
History: Jinx was a normal fairy, with a normal life a good distance away from the war. He tended to dream drift in his sleep. After a few years he start traveling and his dream drifting stopped. He met Lyrra and knows with the mystery guy is.
Additional Info: Jinx knows how to play many insturments, if he doesn't know how he pretends he does.
username: Axels broken heart
name of Human: Ryuu
gender: Male
age: 17
skills/abilities: Ryuu has a negative form. He some times slips into it and becomes something much different.

Negative Form-

personality: Ryuu comes off as someone who is gentle and soft with a strong will. The truth of the matter is Ryuu is broken on the inside. After all that he went through, he's pretty messed up. Some times he'll be very passive, other times he gets defensive. In battle he's pretty strong but in any other negative situation he's very weak.
weapon: Cutlass sword and Broadsword
side (Arynovians, or Zunep?) : Arynovians for the most part.
your color: STEEL BLUE
additional information:Ryuu was Razor's best friend. Due to their friendship he was kidnapped. He's lucky to be alive and free.
User Name: Yunas broken heart
Outsider Name: Drake
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Species: Human/Dark Element(He does not know this)
Personality: Thinks and awful lot of himself and looks down upon others. He likes to be in control and center of attention. Even so there are times when he likes to be alone.
Skills/Abilities: With the medallion he can change people into Wolfen, travel to different worlds, place seals and summon twin blades. Finally he learned how to shoot dark auras at people.
Weapon: Medallion.
History: Drake grew up in a rich family as a spoiled brat. He treated everyone like trash and they all took it. He got everything and he still wanted more. Well he got it when he found a medallion. This object held great power that allowed him to change people into Wolfen and travel to new worlds. When he found the world of the Nativs he decided to take it over, just because he could. It was there he discovered the full power of the medallion.
Side (Nativ or Wolfen): Wolfen
Other: He has a tatto on his left shoulder of a crescent moon.
User Name: Yunas broken heart
Wolf Name: Howel
Gender: Male

Personality: A bit rough, almost always up for a good fight. Careless. Thinks a lot of himself since he was a Wolfen with more than half a brain before Drake even came. Messes with Drakes head a lot.
Skills/Abilities: Can kill with claws, start smalll fires and can use a sword. Has a free will of his own, un-like most Wolfen.
Weapon: Claws, fire, Sword.
Other: His loyalty is now with Drake, he has a bit of a friendship with the human as odd as it sounds.
I was created by: Yunas Broken Heart
I was named: Akira Ao
I've lived for: 18 years
The doctors say I am: Male
Don't tell anyone but I'm: Straight
In the mirror I see: A k i r a . A o
This is who I am: Calm and collected. I don't tend to tell people information. I prefer they find it out themselves. I only tend to do things if it benefits me. I don't like talking about my family. I hate all that 'quailty time' crap. I don't tend to tell people this, but I don't let people get close to me in fear of losing them... just like everyone else.
I'll fight with: a double blade katana.
I can: make art a reality or vise versa. A talent of mine is to play the piano. I've been preforming in front of a live audience for four years.
I am protected by: Unknown
Just so you know: I'm some what curious as to what the demons could offer, after all a power over art is kind of useless. Don't view me as a traitor to human kind because of this.
My name is: Akira Sohma
I am: 17
My animal is: Horse
My story is: My family had been kind to me, but kept me isolated from others. During that time I learned to play the piano. After my mother died my father ignored me. Now the isolation isn't because of my parents. I prefer to be alone.
I have a crush on: No one.
Am I pretty: Akira
Name: Akira Ao
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Black order Branch:
Innocence number:
Anti-akuma weapon/features:
Activation fraise:
Physical appearance:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Eye color:
Eye shape:
Facial features:
Outstanding features:
Outstanding features (unnatural):
Other information:
Upper body:
Lower body:
Equipment description/list: (where is all of their equipment kept, link to pages of possible and list)
Personality: (3 line minimum)
Relationships: (do they have any relationships with other characters? Say so here)
Abilities summary:
Specialty moves: (w/ innocence)
History: (1 paragraph minimum, that’s EASY people!)
username:Yunas Broken Heart
character name: Lileila/Lileiya (Both are correct)
character age: 15

personality: Lileiya is kind and friendly. Even so watch out! She believes strongly in fate and will do anything to make sure people 'follow their destiny'. She has a brilliantly strong will. Lileiya may come off as an air head but it's some what of an act. She can be pretty smart at times but in a relaxed situation or when she's paniced she's a complete scatter brain.
weapon: hatchet
Name: Rivel
Age: 16
Pet: N/A
pic anime only:

Username: Yunas broken heart
Name: Drake Onisarashi
Age when died: 17
how long have u haunted the school: So long that all is forgotten, or in other words... lost count.
how u died: Murder, the killer is still unknown.

Your Username: Yunas broken heart
Name: Drake Onisarashi
Age: forever 17
Race: Guardian Spirit
Color: Blue

Bio: He was first a guardian of a human, after his death though he was left to protect a forest. At first it was a piece of cake, but then some humans tried to cut it down. That was when things got bad and he ended up here.
Other: Drake can do all things normal spirits can, he doesn't know how.
power:Both change their form and can see through the eyes of others. Able to pick up on other people's ablilties. Case is able to bend reality with her drawing, it's limited to what she can draw, which isn't much. Ruby works in Curses and Vodo. She is far better at changing her form than Case.
hero or villian: Case is a 'good girl' but Ruby seemed to win out on this one making them villians.
bio: Case was a sweet girl all the way up to the age of 15. Then Ruby, her second personality showed up. The girl was far more than a bit crazy. She was out of control and a total brat. She does what ever she wants. Now at 16 the two are fighting for power over one another.



Ruby's favourite forms-

theme songs:
username: Yunas broken heart
Your Username: Yunas broken heart
Name: Case/Ruby
Age: 16
Race: Light elemental/Shape-Shifter
Color: Blue



Ruby's favourite forms-

Bio: Case had passed off as a normal human for 15 years. It was only when 'Ruby' showed up did things get complicated. See, Case was sweet and happy with what she got where Ruby on the other hand wanted everything. When the brat didn't get what she wanted she'd throw a fit and if people didn't bend to her will she'd 'break' them.
Other: Ruby is far better at changing her form but Case is better at using light. Ruby works in curses and vodo and Case can bend reality with her art.
The voice in my soul is called: Yunas broken heart
Those who know me call me: Case/Ruby Light
I was born a: Light Elemental/Shape-Shifter
Obviously I am: Girl
I have lived for 16 years
I dedicate my life to: I stands by my friends. Ruby cares only about herself
I am proficient in these tools: I have a kusarigama. Ruby uses vodo, a modern gun with cursed bullets, a blunderbuss with cursed magic, throwing knives and a cursed Tarot card deck.
I was gifted with: We can change our form and can see through the eyes of others. Able to pick up on other people's ablilties. I am able to bend reality with my drawings, it's limited to what I can draw, which isn't much. Ruby works in Curses and Vodo. She is far better at changing her form than I.
My life's calling is: We're school girls?
As for my past: I've been able to pass as a human (and for many years believed I was one) since I am a shape-shifter. I grew up with a half dark elemental named Drake. When I was about 7 or 8 I moved to Rema. It was a great life up to age 15 when Ruby had to show up. The girl is crazy! She's such a brat! Anyway, it was hard keeping her under control but we worked it out. Things seem great but another showed up. She seemed sweet enough at first, but we soon found out she was unstable. Ruby and I had to surpress her. We haven't heard from her since.
Those who know me would say: I am fairly sweet for the most part but ever since Ruby showed up I've been short on patience. Ruby on the other hand is overly cheerful, takes too many risks and is spoiled to the bone! She's a bit crazy and can be very violent when she doesn't get her way.
And, if you are curious: My childhood friend was Drake Onisarashi. I hope one day to find him again.
Now, look at me:



Ruby's favourite forms-