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These are stories a friend of mine wrote Excuse the spelling errors
Box of Magic Return
The box of magic return
Courtney Russell

The box of magic return is about a girl whose name is lane. She is a member of a big family of wizards. She has a mean mom and sister. She meets a boy named Austin. They become really good friends and as they both soon will find out there is more to this story then you think. A Hugh secret only a few will get. There are good things that will happen and very, very, very, bad things that will and have maybe already have had happened but I know that things are sometimes hard but in this story you will read, it’s to good to be true.

Expect the unexpected or unexpected the expected you choose, you get to, but they might not get this luck. Have a good time I hope you will enjoy this story more then you might or might not. Because lanes story is about to began.

Chapter 1

The beginning

My name is lane. I live with my mom and my big sister named Emily in a small house in a small town in Alerna. Alerna is a very remote area and only some people even know about it. It is so remote, that it’s not even on the map. But a lot of people live here and it pretty big so I don’t know why people don’t know more about it. I walk to school every day. I walk because my mom won’t drive me in the car and the there are not any buses to pick us up. We have a TV and phone but I’m not allowed to use them. But no madder what I know I will always be happy. My dad died when I was 3 years old, so I never really knew him that much. My best friends name was Jane she was the only person who under stud me. She lived next door to me. She has a car, a TV, and a phone everything was new but the car. She walks to school with me every day. One day, when I was feeling very unhappy and upset. She told me “you should always be happy with what you have and not ask for more” She said “a real friend is someone who understands you when you’re feeling pain, A real friend would never try to hurt you.”

When I was almost 9 years old I was going over to Jane’s house to play. I rang the doorbell and noticed no one was home. I was walking back to my house when I noticed Jane’s car on the river bridge. It was half way off the bridge I ran to get my mom then there was a loud noise my mom and I ran to the bridge Jane’s car was in the river. My mom yelled go call 911 as she jumped in to try to help. The car had fallen about 20 feet but it had flipped over as I was completely under water about 14 feet deep. She pulled with all her strength to open the door. She got it open and quickly swam up for another breath of air. She went back down to get Jane and her mom. My mom said she could barley see but she could feel as Jane tried to grab her hand my mom hurried to bring Jane up to the surface. Jane knew how to swim so she just keep afloat as my mom went down under again to try to get Jane’s mom. My mom tried but the side of the car she was in squished her legs stuck in place my mom knew she couldn’t do anything and as Jane’s mom lay unconscious my mom swam up. Jane was already ashore and bleeding a lot. Jane lived I was so happy I could see my friend. Then my mom told me “Jane had to go. She is going to be put up for adoption,” she said as soon as she can go she’s going to go. I remember the last words she said to me were remember we will always be friends and no madder what happens you will always be happy. I said okay as she grabbed the hand of the person who was going to take her. That was the last I heard of her. I really don’t have any friends now. But I am still happy P.S. I attend dream cloud middle school! My name is Austin. I have a big house, 2 older brothers, 1 little sister, and a dad and a mom. I have two TVs and cars, 4 phones and a cell phone. My house is 3 stories, 8 rooms on each floor my room is Hugh. Every day my 2 bothers pick me on. I usually ask to go with my brothers to do what there doing, and some times I get to and some times I don’t. When I don’t I have to listen to my sister ask to play. My dad always works and he always leave my brothers in charge but they go so that leave’s me with my sister Amy. I’m rich but my dad is never home to notice were in public school. I go to dream cloud middle school. I have no real friends every friend I had went to privet school because they’re rich. Every buddy at school knows am rich so they try to be my friend but they just want my money, so im usually not happy.

There really is not any real bad thing that has happened so far in my life except that one-day. My mom and I were going to the bank to take out some money so she and I could go to the movies and then go out to my favorite restaurant in town. There’s no point in telling you what that place was because we didn’t get the chance to go there any way. I say we were in line for about an hour before we reached the front of the line. See it was summer and the bank we use is the one bank everyone uses and there is no drive thought so you have to get in line and just wait. My mom was taking me out for some one on one with her as we do every year one week before my birthday. The year before that it had rain on that day and I thought that mom was going to make it the day after that day but she said, “you and I do this every year we do it one this day and we have fun. So were going to go to day and have fun because were never going to let anything bring use down”. I thought my mom was so cool that time we drove about 70 miles to go to the indoor mini golf course then to the outdoor one that was 4 miles away from are house. She didn’t care what we did we were going to have fun, not let anything stop us, and keep a smile on are face no madder what we had to do to get there. So back to that day we had just reached the front of the line and mom said hello I would like to make a withdraw so she was getting out her bank card and out of nowhere a guy comes from behind her and grabs her and holds a gun up to her head. Every one was screaming and my mom pushed me in to the crowed and a lady grabbed me. The man who was holding my mom hostage was yelling no one leaves and every one on the ground it was just like the TV shows except there were no police with guns, no cameras, and no actors and the guy who was keeping her hostage was not very smart and probably had the smallest idea of what was happening. He had my mom he wanted money. The people on the floor are mumbling and wining and crying like babies but very quietly. Over every one you could her my mom she was crying the most. But could blame her she didn’t disserve to die but more then anything she was crying because I was going to have to watch her die. I was 8 years old I had a brothers and a sister they were at home. They were upset they weren’t there but really they would not have wanted to be in my shoes as I watched my mom who I love very deeply die. The guy looked like a professional if you took a picture of his face you couldn’t tell that he was going to kill for money infect he was not even wearing mask. I cried out my moms name it was like the whole world had froze except for my mothers and my own cries. Some one had called the police the guy yelled to the lady working at the desk. Bring me all the money she froze and he yelled louder OPEN THE SAFE AND BRING ME THE MONEY! You cold hear the police cars and people started to stop making noise the guy panicked and turned back and forth a couple of time. I was still in my zone with my mom I heard her whisper, “I love you baby” then she smiled and ‘boom’ everyone was screaming again I was crying out mom, Mom, Mom, No, Mom! Do go! The women who was holding me back was crying softly because she could feel the pain in my voice but I was trying really hard to get away but it wasn’t over yet she said “no, not until the police come.” The police barged in yelling drop your weapon. He dropped it and the police ran to get him. I ran to crying for my mom I sat down beside her and cried I grabbed her hand and wrist I could still real a pulse I said, “mom no, mom you come back now!” Then her pulse was gone “NO!!!” I cried like a kid how feel and cut there nee but it was louder and longer because a kid runs to their mom when they cry and that help makes them stop. But my mom just died and this was a hundred times worse then falling and scraping your nee. The man who had now killed my mom was sentenced to a life in prison and will never be fully forgave by my family and more then anyone, me.

9 years later

I am here again it is me lane. My mom is very mean. She dose not let me have friends or go to school excepted when I was in elementary. No buddy even knows I’m alive probably anymore. I am 17 years old. My sister Emily is 18. My mom and Emily both have powers, I don’t. My mom says any on with out powers in are house has to be a maid whenever I don’t obey them they do things to me. Emily is also mean. We all had diner; I never get a lot of food because they do not really care if I starve to death. I was picking up the dishes from dinner, when I dropped one of the dishes on Emily’s new pants. Emily got mad and said, “Lane was being clumsy so make her 4 times smaller.” Emily grabbed me then I saw me get four times smaller Emily picked me up and put me in a jar. I was hard to breath and very compact and uncomfortable. Then Emily put the lead on and picked the jar that had me in it up with one of her hands. She I very uncaring for me let me be swung around by her arm swinging back and forth as she walked. She slammed the jar on the table. I hit my head on one side of the jar and it started to bleed. She saw and said “can go and you something to make that feel better. She grabbed the jar lightly and acted lie she cared she walked me in to the bathroom and put me on the counter next to the sink. She said first I would try to make it easier for you to breath. She grabbed the pair of scissors by the sink and said, “watch out” she stabbed the jar 2 times. On the third stroke it almost went into my nee. I was breathing hard and making noise while I did and that was not good either. When she heard me she said, “ You panting you must be thirsty” so she turned on the sink water and this should cool you off. Then are mom yelled to Emily “what are you going to do with lane” she said “im just going to put water in the jar.” So mom yelled “that’s all right just don’t make it to hot”. So with an evil looking grin she said, “okay I won’t make it to hot”. So she turned it almost, all the way cold then said, “ I will be a little generous and give you a little heat. So she put the jar under the water and watched me suffer as really cold water was being forced upon me. I yelled “stop, stop” but she ignored me and filled it up about a quarter of the way full. She was still very mad at me and didn’t care how long I was in there; as long as I was suffering she was happy. She again swung me back and forth as she walked back to the nightstand but the water helped me making it hurt less as I hit the sides. She put the jar back on the stand and said, “Sleep tight” as she walked to go change her pants. I knelt down and tried to go to sleep but it was very cold and felt like thousands of spiders crawling up your back. So I only got a couple of hour worth. I was woken up the next morning by a loud voice telling me to get up and the shaking of the jar. It was my mom. She said, “I’m going to town tonight and Emily’s going to the school dance” I said “ok.” In a fidgety voice because I was so cold. Then she said, “I couldn’t leave you alone so you’re going with Emily.” I said, “ok”, excitedly. Then she said, “You have to stay in her bag of course and not make any noise”. My mom opened the jar and pinched the back of my shirt and lifted me up. She grabbed the jar and still pinching on to me walked my over to my room. She opened the door and bent over and dropped me on the floor about a foot off the ground. As I hit the floor with a silent “thunk” my mom, said, “ you stay her and don’t do anything till its time to go. So the so a couple of hours before the dance while mom and Emily wear trying on dresses in Emily’s room I found a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote “help look in bag.” I changed my clothes into something dry and put it on. Emily chose a red dress, and then she put it on. I heard a loud “thunk, thunk, thunk” as Emily was walking over to my door. I quickly folded the paper and put it under the backside of my shirt. I tucked it in and right when I was done Emily walked in. she had chosen the only red bag she had to bring with her. It was an old red backpack. She opened it up and yelled, “Where are you?” and I said “ over hear by the side of the door” Emily lifted me up by my hand and pulled me up to her face and said, “you know I don’t what to take you” then she put me in the backpack. Then we left to go to the dance. Emily unlocked the car and put the backpack on the passengers seat. She started the car and drove off to the school. At the dance Emily sat down at a table she was there for at least 10 minutes before someone asked her to dance. she put the bag that had me in it on the table. She did not care that I was in the bag so she practically threw it on the table. I got hit on my back real hard with what seamed like a tube of lipstick. I really didn’t know because it was so dark. But I knew I would not have much time before she came back. From what I could see there was a hole in the bag were light was coming through but it wasn’t big. I cloud not get threw, but the paper could. I rolled it up so it was as small as a straw. I pushed it threw the hole I sat down in darkness hoping someone not Emily would open the backpack up. Then I heard a close “thunk” I knew someone had sat down. Then the tabled started to shake. I knew it wasn’t Emily because my mom teaches her to be a lady and ladies don’t put the arm on the table. It wasn’t a girl from what I could tell, the way that person put there arms on the table. So a guy had obviously sat down at the table. I was hoping this guy would have stopped because he saw the paper but He looked around a little. Then I heard a crumbling and knew he had noticed the paper. I hear him say the words in a low voice as he read it. Then after he finished reading it he took a second. I thought he must have been looking around to see if anyone was watching him. Then he grabbed the bag slid it over in front of him and opened it.

His eyes were almost completely out of his head and he wasn’t breathing. I said “don’t worry I am not poisonous.” He stared at me for about 30 seconds then he looked hesitated and lifted his head up and looked around some more. I said, “now that your finished looking at me, could you help me out.” He looked down at me his head shacking from side to side and his legs were moving. “Come on, please…” I looked at him and tried to make tears well up I my eyes, as I made a pouting face and the sound of a begging puppy.

He stared at me becoming less jumpy and mostlikely thinking I was cute of something because he looked like he was showing smoothing for me. Then he stuck his hand in the bag picked me up by my waist. He managed to say, “What the? What the? Who are you?” I said “I’m lane my mom and sister have powers that’s why I’m small.” Then I said “my moms went out of town for the day and my sister is the one in the red dress over there” I pointed to where she was, he saw her. Then he said, “ Im Austin so, you want me to help you get away?” I said in a long sarcastic voice “yes,” then in a less sarcastic voice I asked, “would you?” He said, “Yes, yes what should I do”. I said “lift me up and hide me so no one will see but most of all don’t let my sister see me”.

So he picked me up lightly and put me in his jacket, putting his arm under my feet so down to the ground and went out to his car. He got in and let me out. I said “ouch” he asked, “Are you okay” I said “yes”. I was to embarrassed that my hand got stuck in-between his abs. So I told him about what they do and what they make me do. We talked till 9:00pm then he said “we have to go” then he bulked me up and he drove to his house.

on the way I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a large closet on the floor in a blanket bed. I saw that the cut on my head had a piece of cotton on it and did a piece tape hold it up. It was 10 a.m. I noticed a note it said, ‘had to go to school be back around 4:00pm. Also please don’t try to come out I don’t want my dad to see you.’ I was really bored so I tried to see if I had powers I tried and tried and tried till, I did it but I was still shorter then I used to. Like a 2 feet less then a 1 half of Austin. I went out to look around his room and looked at some pictures of him and his friends. It wasn’t long before Austin got back so I cleaned his room up some. I look in his yearbook I found on the top shelf of his bookcase. But it was so tall I had to get on a chair but I still had to reach for them. It was 4:20 p.m. I was wondering were he was then I heard the door slam. Austin was back he ran up the stair immediately to see me .he opened the door slowly because he didn’t want to hit me if I was behind the it. He asked, “Where are you?” and looked around and saw me waving my hand. He asked, “How did you get taller?” I said, “I don’t know I guess some of my moms power got transpired to me and I didn’t try to use it.” He asked “are you hungry?” I said “yes.” He knelt down beside me and took off his backpack; he grabbed a bag of trail mix out of its back pocket. He opened it up and said, “hear you go” and gave it to me. He got up and walked over to his bed and sat down on the floor beside it. Then his dad yelled, “Are you doing your homework?” Austin yelled “yes.” He said, “I have to do this.” He grabbed the arm of his backpack and dragged it over to where he was sitting the second earlier. I followed the backpack as I ate the trial mix. He had opened his backpack and had done 2 problems and before he got stuck. He stuck his pencil in his mouth and thought really hard to get the answer but he could not concentrate with me being right by him just watching till he finished He said wait here so he got up real quick and got the remote for the television. He said its over there watch what you want just keep it kind of low please. So I looked around looking for something to watch but I could not find anything of interest. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Austin was still stuck but just on another problem. So I turned off the TV and sat down beside him and ate the trail mix more. He said why aren’t you watching the TV I said,” Because there is nothing I like.” He said “fine just stay there.” I asked him,” do you want help?” he said “sure”. I said the answer to problem 5 and the answer too 6 but then 7 Was in the light and I couldn’t see it. Austin said “ you don’t have to tell me the answer just help me understand it. I said “okay, okay, but I can’t see the other numbers from here. So Austin lifted me up onto his lap. He asked me “Is that was better?” I said, “It’s great let’s get back to work”. Within an hour he was done. Then I said maybe you should listen in class next time in a sarcastic voice. He said “okay” He said “how could you get so smart if you don’t go to school?” I said, “I read and I have an old computer my mom lets me use”. Then he picked his books up put them in his backpack and slide it over to the side. I got up off his lap and moved so he could get up. He said, “I’m usually distracted” as he sat down on his bed. I asked, “what’s the distraction?” he said “my dad wanted him to go to collage”. As he was saying that he was helping my get on the bed. I said, “What’s the problem with that?” He said “I don’t know if collage is right for me”. I told him “collage gives you good job opportunities”. Then he said “but I don’t have good a enough grades to get into a good one. I said “what if I tried a spell to make you focused in class so you can do you homework” he said “that might work, but can you do it?” I said, “all try but I might need a place to stay.” He said “we have deal” I put up my finger and said “Austin needs to focus in class help him focus, to get good grades for collage”. He said do you know if it worked I said we just have to wait till tomorrow. He said I just turned 18 how old are you? I said I’m 17 he said what if I get an apartment when I’m in collage you can probably stay. I said I might need to know a little more about you then fact that you are 17 years old. I put my finger up I said, “I can’t stay this way forever make me my normal size”, and it didn’t work. Then I said eghh. I will guess I said that about 50 times. I looked at Austin occasionally his was half asleep, I kicked his foot I knew he was just bored but I wanted to see if I cloud do it. Austin smiled you know you might end up doing this for the rest of your life if stay at this rate. Then said maybe if you weren’t so confident that you would get it the first time and concentrated on what you want then you will get, and I said I will try, and it worked. In normal size I’m sort of short so I’m only like a little more then half of Austin. then I said it worked then Austin got up really fast. I said, “I did it! I did it! I did it! Then jumped and hugged Austin surprisingly he hugged me back. He said you look like a small shrimp no madder what we do to you. I gave him a mad look and said, “ I like shrimp”. The excitement went on for about thirty seconds after that. I was expecting to be put down so I let all my weight fall. And he did not let go he said, “Where’s my kiss” I said “no”. “Please” he started begging. I said “no” with a kind of annoyed voice and somewhat socked tone in my voice. “I wont let go until you do” he stared at me with puckered lips; I turned my head and just ignored him just staring at the wall behind him. I was expecting him to give up after about 5 minutes of holding me. I mean if my lips were puckered for 5 minutes and holding me (even though I probably only weight like 90 pounds) I could not do that. But all he did was walk around with pucker lips and puppy dog eyes. I was getting tired and my whole body was limb. I yawned and thought well here goes nothing. He smiled right before probably because I yawned a little louder then I sold. So I rapped my arms around his neck too get close enough to kiss him and I gave him a light kiss on the lips. He leaned over till I touched the ground and I let go. I asked, “How can you hold me for so long? Are you so desperate for a kiss from me to the point were you would pull a muscle” as he straightened himself out. He said, “3 things one you don’t weight all that much, two I had a baby sister and I now how they can be three Im on the football team”. The last part he said in a really sarcastic voice, I guess expecting me to just assume that he has muscles the size of photons and the height of an NBA star because he is on the football team, but it did make since. I asked, “why did I have to give you a kiss?”,“because I helped you get that spell down and I know you wanted to do it”. I said, “Ah right”. Then I asked, “How I got in his room?” He said “you fell asleep in the car so I picked you up and put you on my bed I folded up a blanket for a bed then I put it on the bed and lifted you up. I put you inside of it and put you in the closet.” he said it all so quickly I almost missed it. I said “Thank you” Then he said “well…. it was more like dropping you down but your one heavy sleeper” I gave him a hateful look as I rubbed my left elbow. “Which explains why this was here when I woke up” I looked at my elbow and he followed my eyes. He gasped and said “ oh, sorry that make your-an-easy-bruiser another thing to list on my too know about lane list”. He gave me a big smirked as I heard his dad yell, “Austin, I’m home.” Austin said “I’m going to tell him about collage and you.” I said “okay, do you now how he will react?” I pulled my eyebrows together hoping for a good answer. He said “no, but I hope it good and not bad” he paused and asked, “do you want to come with me or stay here?” I said, “Come with.” Austin and I walked down the stairs and headed straight where his dads office was. Of course I didn’t know where it was so I just followed him. When we got down stairs I sat down on a chair. Austin walked in his dad’s office I heard him say I want to go to collage. Then his dad looked at him and said great. Then Austin said hold on then he walked over to get me. I sat down in the chair next to his. Then his dad said how you are? I said my name is lane and Im okay thank you. Then Austin said dad, lanes mom abused her and I was wondering if she could stay hear till I go to collage because she is almost 18 so she can’t go to an adoption center and she and I could be room mates. I said I clean and can follow any rules. Then Austin said instead of going to a dorm I could get an apartment. She could live with me. Then Austin’s dad said ok. Then I leaned over and hugged his dad. His dad said Austin show her around the house because she might be staying hear for a while. Then Austin showed me every room in the house and that there are only 2 rules be home by 10:00 and keep our rooms clean then he showed me my room and my bath room. I said why is your dad so strict? He said because he was in the military. But know he’s a doctor and believe me he has laid back a lot on the strictness. Then he said you can get ready in the bath room and there are some of my moms old cloths in the closet when your done meet me in my room. I had a shower and put on a pair of pants and a shirt. Then I went to Austin’s room. He wasn’t there I sat down on the bed. Then Austin came in he said have you ever seen a movie? I said no. He said have you ever heard of the story Cinderella? I said no. He said it’s an old one but it was the first movie I ever liked. Ones you see it you’ll see why I never told anyone. I asked why you are telling me when you have never told anyone else. He said because you seem different. I said well I have powers and when you found me I was the size of a Barbie. Then he played the movie on his TV then I was thinking it felt good to know there’s a person out there who would help you if it didn’t happen. I said out loud I bet I wouldn’t have found out that I like you if I hadn’t made my sister mad. He said well I like you to then I said thanks for helping me he said it was my pleaser in his own French accent, I wanted to leave anyway. When the movie was over Austin picked another movie I asked what this is. He said it’s a scary movie then I sat down on the floor. He was putting in the movie when I put my finger up and said I’m scared make me half my normal size. Austin got on the bed he saw me he put out his arms and started tickling me. I yelled and laughed for about a minute then he stopped got up and grabbed a blanket from his closet. Then he sat down beside me. The first scary seine I was so scared I put my hand over Austin’s and kept watching Austin looked at my hand it was half the size of his maybe even smaller. Austin toke the blanket in his hand and kept it there he picked me up with one hand and put me on the bed. He sat down again then put his handover to pick me up he spread out blanket on him and me. He put his hands beside me so if I was scared I could just grab them. When it was over my hand was still on his. Austin woke me up. He put me on the bed he was cleaning up and putting away the move when I lifted my finger and said its time to go to sleep makes me my normal size. Then I got up Austin was done then he said good night then I said good night then he bent over and said one pleases…so I kissed him on the lips again then we kissed again this time Austin picked me up wall we were kissing then we stopped and carried me to my room. I crawled into the bed then Austin said good night and so did I.

Chapter 4

That day

In the morning I got up real early to say good morning to Austin. I went into his room he was still asleep it was 7:00 I got on his bed and started tickling his neck he kept moving further away till bunk!! He had fallen on the floor. Obviously he was awake. He was about to go back to bed. When I said its time to get up, sticking my head over the side of the bed. I got off the bed and walked over to the side of Austin. I said that’s for last night when you tickled me. He said okay now were even. Then we both stud up. I walked back into my room. I toke a shower and got dress and so did Austin. Then I came out Austin was waiting for me we went to the kitchen and had cereal for breakfast. Then I asked if I could go to school. He said I don’t know maybe. If your shore you want to I could talk to the school counselor. He said if you could what classes would you like to take I said I have never been in school before so maybe could be in all your classes. He said ok. He said I have to go he went outside he waited about 2 minutes Then when the bus came. I sat in the window and watched him get on then I saw him wave at me I waved back. Then I thought I would look around. I went into Mr. Browns’ (Austin’s dad) office. He was there I asked if there were any old photo albums I could look at. He said in the library down stairs there is cabinet that has pictures in it. Then I said thank you. I went down and opened the cabinet I looked at them all I thought one of them was very funny it was Austin with his clown costume. There was also a woman in the picture. I flipped it over it read “Austin in his clown costume with his mom.” That made me founder if she was alive or not and if not how did she die. I was on the 14th album when I heard “I’m home” .I was looking Austin walk in, I yelled Austin I’m down hear. Austin walked down when the entire sudden there was a picture of Austin wearing black and crying. Austin sat down beside me and said what are you doing I said I’m looking at pictures. Then I closed it up and put it back on the shelf, in the cabinet Austin got up I asked how she died. He said see was shot, she was nice but some one did it anyway I remember the last words she said to me wear, “I love you baby”. Then he started to get a little up set. I put out my arms and hugged him and now we were both a little sad. Then we both walked up to his room he put his homework on the bed and we both sat down. I asked do you remember everything he said I think so then he did it within an hour. For another week we just gung out and just became better friends. He asked me on a date. I said yes. He put a blindfold over my eyes so I couldn’t see. When we got there he picked me up and put me on something then he toke off the blind fold he said turn around it was a picnic set up on the play ground pirate deck. Then he climbed up. We ate and talked about stuff. We put everything back into the picnic basket and got ready to go. Then He gave me a gift .I opened it. It was necklace with a heart shape locket that had a picture of him and I me in it. He helped me put around my neck. He said my dad gave it to my mom on there first date. But I toke their pictures out and put one of you and me. I said I love it then hugged Austin. We walked over to the bench and talked. Austin said you know how you asked If you could go to my school. I said yap, he said well then consoler said she would love to meet you and have you join are school. Then he said because you missed middle school you couldn’t go to collage. Then he said if you want you can have a meeting so you can join. Or you don’t have to go then I said I would do anything to be close to you. Then on the way home I asked him if he had any other family he said my 2 brothers who are married and a little sister in a privet school. When we got home there was a note on the door it said im on a business trip be back in a week inside on the table there are tickets for a football game. We walked in and on the table was what looked like a note and the tickets. The paper was promise slip for me to go to school. The tickets said the game would start in one hour then he said lets go so Austin got in the car and so did I we bulked up. Ten we made it with 10 min. to spare. Half the game I didn’t understand the other half Austin explained to me. When it was over and everyone was leaving. Asked Austin if he could carry me home he said yes then I put up my finger and said im always tired so make me go small whenever I fall asleep, and make me go small now. Then I went small Austin picked me up and heeled I like a baby. Then I fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning I was in Austin’s bed and Austin was on the floor.

Chapter 5

First day

It was 6a.m. 2 hours till school started so I went and toke a shower. There was an hour and forty min. left. I was nervous because this was my first day of school. When we were all ready to go we went out side to what for the bus wall we waited Austin said just follow me and all help you. I said ok then he said your locker is right under mine .I asked what you do at school? What do you do in class? He said you write down in your journal what the teacher says you have to you study. Then there’s a test. Then he said sit by me at lunch. I said okay, he said the consoler gave you this backpack it has everything you need in it. I asked how you get lunch. He said you go up pike your main chose and you can get sides and one snack. I said ok, and then the bus came. We got on the bus, I sat down in a set and Austin sat next to me. Then Austin’s friend Chad sat down in front of us. He said what’s up Austin. Then Austin said I want you to meet lane. Then he said lane this is Chad. Chad this is lane then we shacked hands then he said this is my girlfriend. Then he said lanes new here and I’m going to help her out. Then Chad said all right. Then he said she’s going to eat lunch with us. When we were there we went to homeroom. Then after that I went to my locker. I was having trouble opening my locker so Austin helped me then after 4 classes we had lunch. I got my lunch with money Austin’s dad gave me. Once I got out of the line I went over to sit with Austin. When I sat down, Austin introduced me to the whole football team. He is on it too. There all really cool, in the good friend way. I was shy but they didn’t care. The less I said the less likely I was to embarrass myself. After lunch we all went back to our classes and got ready for the next class. When we Austin and I where in class he put his backack on and moved over t sit in the desk next to me. “There is a game tomorrow, do you want to come and see us play?” he looked at me with anxious eyes. I smiled at him “sure, sound good.” He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. “Why, did you actually think I would miss seeing you do something you love” I made my voice sound serious but somehow sarcastic at the same time. “No, I just didn’t want you to think that I was forcing you to do things, like sitting with me and the guys at lunch you don’t have to do that. When school was over Austin and I rode the bus home. When we were home we went inside. Austin said, “we can’t share answers so you can do your homework in your room and I’ll do my homework in mine. Austin and I practically finished at the same time. Then I said how close are you to your football teammates? He said pretty close how about we have a party and invite the whole football team. I said great, and then we went to Austin’s car witch is a hummer, and got in to go pike up the team. We had picked up about two third of the team because one third was gone. In the car the boys talked about silly things like bombs blowing up and told jokes. I really like the team. When we got home we all went into the den. We watched football games and talked. The team helped me understand the game. Soon after that I understood the whole game. When the game was over we went out and played some flag football. I was on Austin’s team .I think they went really easy on me cause we won. We all went over to Chad’s house to watch a movie they all got chips and drinks. We went into his living room. We watched an old movie, speed. They voted I kept score. They liked it because stuff blows up, Surprisingly they where quite the whole movie. The movie was very good but I well asleep half way thought the movie. When I well asleep my head was leaning against Austin’s shoulder but he did not care. I bet I fell asleep because I didn’t have as much caffeine drinks as they did. When the movie was over Austin picked me up. I was half awake. Everyone left when we were out the door Chad said see ya man. Austin said you to. Then when Austin turned around I waved by Chad said see ya. When we got inside I shut the door. Austin toke me up stairs. He went into my room and sat down on the bed. Then I got back on my feet and onto the floor. Austin just sat there I said what’s wrong. He said I think you need to make more friends. I said okay he said well you have really only met the football team and me. Then I aid so you think I said interact with other people and spend less time with you. He said are you ok with that I said ok. Then I asked Austin if he wanted powers he said sure then I put up my finger and said I cant do everything make it so Austin has powers to. I said don’t try to use then to tomorrow. He said ok then got up and hugged and kissed me good night then I got into bed. That night I had was tossing and turning. Then I had seen my mom see was putting an unbreakable spell on me. She said lane has run away from home she dose not need to come home but I am erasing and powers that you might have found in you. Then she said and I will kill you then she was screaming .I woke up and was screaming to. Austin’s dad was gone but Austin came running in. he saw I was breathing hard he said what’s wrong I said my mom put a spell on me wall I was sleeping. Then I pointed at the light switch to turn it on but it stayed off .he said what did you do. I said that’s the problem I didn’t do anything. I was supposed to turn on the light switch she got read of my powers. Then Austin went over and turned on the light. Then he said if I practice can I give ten back to you. I said no if someone gives a spell when they’re asleep the spell is untouchable. Then Austin sat down beside me and said comedown. Then I said she also said she was going to kill me. Then Austin said I wont let anything happen to you. Then I asked him if he would sleep with me tonight he said okay. Then he got in he said its going to be alright then I kissed him good night. After the nightmare I could sleep again. In the morning I was still asleep because the alarm was not going to go off for another 45 min.

But Austin was awake trying to use his power he tried over and over again to make a cup shrink. Then I walked in and said what are you doing then he said sorry .he had made me shrink instead of the cup. He was on the floor. I sat down in front of him. I told him to concentrate he tried to concentrate and then the cup was big. I said concentrate on making the cup normal size and me. Then he did it and it worked. Then I helped him practice on 3 other thing like making people do things, changing thing into other things, and making things and people shrink and get bigger. Then the alarm went off. Its time to get ready for school I said then I also said, “don’t use your powers. He said fine lets just get ready.

Chapter 6

Since I never used my powers, a lot anyway. I got ready in about the same time I usually do. But I think Austin used his powers ones or twice. When the bus was hear we both had to run to get it and luckily we made it. When we were on the bus I asked Austin what he thinks I would be good at if I tried out for a team. He said your nice and cheerful maybe you could try out for cheerleading squad. But you have to be able to bend. Then he said but don’t try out today. I’ve never seen you do what they can. So maybe you should practice. I said okay but you have to help me. He said just be your self and try to hang out with good people .I asked why, he said because I don’t want anything to happen to you. I said I love you he said I love you to. When we were at school Austin said remember be you. When we were at the end of science class we were assigned partners for a project I was stuck with a girl name Mandy. Mandy was nice on the cheerleading squad and was smart. After that we had lunch. Mandy called me over to sit with her and Austin saw me and I saw him he was signaling me it was okay to go and eat lunch with someone else. Mandy introduced me to the squad. There was this one girl Amy. There were only 2 things about her she was mean and head of the squad or as the school calls her cheerleading captain. But I knew if I wanted to be on the squad I’d having to be nice to the captain even if she was mean. Mandy was nicer then the whole squad. I became good friends with her. She and I talked about are project and what we should do and where we should do it. She said her mom doesn’t like to have company so we should do it at your house. I said ok then we were just talking and I mentioned I wanted to be a cheerleader. She said she could help me out if I wanted any. I said that’s great you can come over we can work on the project and practice. When lunch was over I said good-bye to Mandy and looked for Austin. When I found him I told him that I meet a girl named Mandy and she is coming over to do a project. When school was over I went home with Austin. He asked how was your day I said I meet the cheerleading squad. I also met a girl named Mandy she said that she would come over and help me practice. When we got home Austin did his homework and I did mine. When we were done Austin said he was going over to Chad’s house to do the same project. I waited just five min. After he left then the doorbell rang. I opened it and Mandy was there. She said we should probably get started if you want to also practice. So we went upstairs to work on it. It was an easy project so we just finished it. When it was done we wrote a paper about what it is and how we did it. When we were completely done we went into the backyard to stretch. She said I need to know if you can do a back flip then I did one then this then that and I could do them all. Then she said what do you do? I said I practiced a lot. She showed me a routine. We did a lot of things then she said we need someone to support you. I said just what then she said for what? I said my boyfriend can probably do it but he’s not here yet. So we would have to what. We kept practicing till he came home. Then I went to get Austin. When I walked over to Austin I asked him if he could help us. He said ok for a kiss then I kissed him, then he and I walked in. I said Mandy you probably know Austin. She said of course. Then Austin said what do you want me to do. Then Mandy said can you lift her then he said probably then he lifted me up and said that proves it. Mandy said we need you to lift her after the routine we went out side and did the routine then when it was over. Austin lifted me up then at the end. Austin let go of me and let me fall then he cached me. Then kept kissing me and then I told him to stop. Then Mandy said I look like you know everything you need to know. Just come up for tryouts. I said ok then I said bye then she said see ya. Then she was gone then I said why’d you do that you want me to practice don’t you, He said yes. I went up stair and Austin went to his room. Then I turned on the TV and they said a big earthquake was coming. I panicked because I had never seen an earthquake happen. Or gone though with one. Then Austin came in he said that there is going to be an earthquake. I said I know and I’m scared. He said there is nothing to be scared of. Then there was a loud noise coming from out side. It was a Tornado. It was coming are why. Then I noticed I was shrinking then as I was gong down I yelled Austin! Then he said this is something you should be scared of. Then he picked me up and we went down stairs. I noticed he was concentrating on something and then the tornado was getting closer to us then as soon as it hit us it disappeared. Austin looked down to see if I was ok then he noticed something in my back. He zapped me big again then noticed it was a piece of wood. He said do you want me to pull it out or do you want to go to a doctor. I said a doctor. He asked if I could walk I tried and said no. Since the tornado stopped right in front of the house the house was not destroyed. The car was still there to. Austin carried me to the car and laid me down in the back seat. Then as Austin shut the door His dad pulled up in his car. He ran out and asked if we were all right. Austin said I’m all right but lane has a big piece of wood in her back with a couple of other little pieces. He got in the drivers seat. Austin sat down next to me. He asked dose it hurt I said of course it dose. Then I held my hand out so he could grab it then he did. When we got to the hospital Austin and his dad helped me walk into it. I sat down Austin’s dad went over to check in. I asked Austin if we could go now he said no we have to get the wood out, why? Well then Austin interrupted your afraid of doctors then I said no I’ve never been to the doctors. Then Austin’s said really you have never been to the doctors. I said yes. Then he said don’t worry the doctors aren’t that bad if it helps I’ll ask if I can stay in here with you. I said I’d like that. Then when they said they were ready to see me. Austin helped me walk to the bed then Austin asked if he could stay here with me. The doctor said that would be ok. So when they were ready to pull them out they said they gave me a pain reliever. But it only worked a little. He got out the wheel chair but I wouldn’t sit in it. So I slowly walked then Austin started l. Austin sat on a chair beside me and held my hand he could tell it hurt by how much I was squeezing Austin’s hand. When he noticed I saw him put a spell on his hand so I could squeeze it all I wanted. When it was over they bandaged me up and said I can go home tomorrow. But they also said I could go home but I should stay off my feet most of the time. They kept me in the same room. Austin said all be back in the morning to take you home. Then I said what about your dad then Austin said he has to go to a meeting in New York. Austin said I love you and I said I love you to then he left. So after an hour or so I was asleep. Nothing really happened that night. No nightmares nothing. Austin drove over at 8:00a.m, in the morning to pick me up. But when he got there I was still asleep. He waited and waited till finally I woke up. I was surprised to see how early he was getting here. Then he said well your up so lets go I said not so fast. He said what I said this might never happen again. He said what again I said you waiting on at 8:00a.m, in the morning. When I was ready the doctor came in and gave me a wheelchair and I sat down in it. They gave Austin the medicine I should take if I don’t fell well because of the wood chips. Austin pushed me out to the car. I sat in the passengers seat beside Austin. We both stayed quite till we got home. As he levitated me to my room he saw me smile at him because he had not even tried to do it, it was just what was on his mind at the time. He doesn’t want to touch me. He kept a serious look on his face most of the time. He looked at me with curious eyes, I mean if I just came back for the hospital because I just had a huge splinter removed from my back I would be curious as to “why” myself. “What?” he asked He stopped when I was onto of my bed he came in and helped me in bed. “Nothing”, we turned on the TV to see if we had school they said that the schools had not been destroyed but school will be out for the week. Then I said I just for got didn’t you have a game yesterday he said yes I did but I bet they didn’t have it because of the tornado. Austin then said how about, if you’re up to it we go and rent a boat for the week. I said ok then asked how did I get hurt when you haven’t got a scratch on you. I know you can only do one spell at a time and it takes a lot of power to stop a tornado. So that must mean you made your self-indestructible some other day. And I told you to layoff of using your powers. Austin said I might have been using them a little. I said how much is a little. He said 7 times, I said why? What did you have to do? He said I made my self-indestructible, stranger, faster, and the fest I did to finish my chores. I asked why? So I could bet the other team at the football game. I said but you said there was not going to be a game. He said I know but that were before the tornado warnings came then you known what happened. Austin said I don’t know what the big deal is you were doing it. I said I know but I always told you. I also didn’t intend to cheat on a football game. He said I’m sorry for using my powers without telling you. Do you still want to rent a boat? I said ok then with a sad frown on my face Austin kissed me. Austin said how about we go rent it tomorrow .I said okay and said I really have never been on a boat before. Austin said do you really forgive me I said it all depends how strong did you make your self. He said pretty strong. I said can you show me something he said all be right back he ran outside and got a metal pole he ran even faster up. I said there’s your speed. Then he said here is the strength and he bent the metal till it couldn’t go any more. I said ok. Then he handed it to me. I tried to move it but I couldn’t. Then I put the pole on the bed stand. Then Austin sat down on the bed. Then he said are you hungry I said yes and let me see that doctors paper thing he put it on table when we got in. so he all ready knew were the paper was. He grabbed the paper and handed it to me. It says I can eat anything. Then we heard the doorbell rang. I got out of bed and Austin went to go answer it I was a little slow but I caught up to Austin. Austin opened the door and there was Chad. He said I’m so glad to see you gays then he walked in .he said I know like 4 people who were injured in the tornado. He said well I’m just glad that you two are ok did ether of you guys get hurt. Austin said she did then Chad asked if I could see? I lifted up my shirt the bandages were see-through so you could see the holes he said ouch. Then I pulled my shirt down. Austin then said we where going out to eat do you want to come with. Chad said sure where are we going? Austin looked at me then I said I don’t know anywhere to go. Then Chad said what about that new place that opened last week. I said ok and then Austin said let’s go. Then I said what I have to talk to Austin about something then Chad said do what ever you want ill be here. Then I pulled Austin to the kitchen. He asked what I said what if we told Chad about your powers. Austin asked why? I said because he is your friend and he needs to know he said all right. So then I told him to shrink me. Then Austin asked would it be possible if I could give you some power t shrink when ever you want. I said it might be. Then Austin said I did the spell in my head. Then I tried it worked then I went big again on purpose. Then I said hold me on your back I walked behind Austin and Austin grabbed my hips. Then I went down 1/7 of my normal size. Then Austin pushed me up so I could wrap my arms on his shoulders. Then I said, “walk in tell him there is something I need to tell you. Then try to tell him.” He said I’ll try, but…” “But, what?” I asked but I already knew the answer.” “You know” he obviously didn’t want to say it out loud probably thinking it would hurt me feelings. So Austin and I walked in but Chad only saw Austin. Then Austin’s says Chad I need to tell you something. He asked, “what?” Then Austin said, “do you know how I meet lane” he said “no”. Then Austin said, “Well it was the day of the prom. I sat down there was I note that said help look in bag so I did and there was lane sitting in a purse, she was that small” he paused to think about what to say next. “Lane had powers and when she found out that she could use them she gave me some powers and then her evil mom destroyed all the powers she had. But I still had the powers she gave me” Then had shaking his head and grinning said, “that’s the lamest story I have ever heard” Then I said, “turn around Austin… turn around” Chad looked astonished as I came into view. Then I fell up side down as I let go of Austin’s shirt and shoulders but Austin was still holding on to my feet. Then said “could you help” then Chad grabbed me and turned me up right. Then he couldn’t breath and said “how?” Austin grabbed me turning around so that Chad wouldn’t drop me if his fingers suddenly went numb. He put his hand under my feet and one hand in fount of me so I could hold it trying to keep my balance. Then Austin said, “you can’t tell anybody.” Chad said, “I wont”. I noticed Chad couldn’t stop looking at me. I said, “what if you spent the night because I think you need to get used to this.” I smiled in an embarrassed way, but He kept looking at me. Then Austin kicked his foot. Then Chad said, “Ok sure”. Then he said, “So that story about how you guys met was true.” His eyes bulged out of his head and his voice slowed as he said true. We both looked at each other and said, “yes” Then I said “just so you know were not like witches were like good people with powers.” Then to break the awareness I started saying “im going to try to stay this why as long as I can, or at lest till your used to this. So I guess we cant go out to eat.” Then I asked Austin, “can you put me down” he hesitated and then did what I asked him to and set me on the ground, and started walking away. Austin whispered, “what’s wrong with you. You couldn’t at lest act like you were conferrable with this”. Even though I tried to ignore it, it was so quite that it seemed very load and I heard them anyway. He said “sorry dude but what would you expect” They followed me into the living room. Passing me after 5 steps and Austin picked me up so I wouldn’t have to do anything more. Then asked, “what are we going to do?” as Austin sat down on the couch. Then a huge cloud of fog appeared the corner of the room and then my moms face was in it. She said “im going to get you now that I know you don’t have powers.” Then the cloud with her in it got closer to me. Then Austin put me behind his back trying to protect me and I stuck my head out on the side so I could see my mom. then she looked at Austin. She said “so this must be your boyfriend, well anyway, I have a special surprise for you. Then the cloud disappeared. Chad asked, “What was that” then I answered, “That was my mom, but im not evil like her.” Austin said “how about we act like nothing just happened I’ll order some pizza.” Then he got up and walked to the phone. I said “okay” and climbed off the couch and started to walk towards the stairs. Austin asked, “What are you doing?” I said, “The doctor said I need to try to stay in bed and I have not been doing that lately.” Then again I tried to climb up the stair Austin and Chad started walking up the stair Austin went first then Chad, As Austin went by me still ordering the pizza. Then chad held his breath and leaned over and asked, “need a hand” I smiled and said, “ thanks, I now this must be hard to understand now but it will get better” I smiled with slight worry and nodded my head” he breathed and let out a quick smile before he picked me up. He grabbed me with both hands because that’s how he saw Austin do it and I guess to him I was as fragile as a baby needing to be held the right way. But I could tell him if he was doing it wrong and not cry about it. I smiled at my thought. Austin got off the phone and put out a hand and Chad handed me over to him. Austin pulled his hand back making his wrist a little shy of a 90-degree angle and let me sit there as he raised his hand so I was right in front of him. He said “I’m not going to leave you” I smiled and asked “why?” he gave me a loving but serious voice as he said, “because I love you, and because I don’t want your mom to hurt you”. I leaned in and grabbed both sides of his face “I love you too” and kissed him on the cheek. As I said that Austin was walking me into my room. He put me on the pillow on my bed. Chad was sitting on the chair by my TV. Then Austin said staring at Chad now, “what if you and me did some games for lane” I asked “what kind of a game?” I rolled my eyes hoping it would not be an annoying guy game. “Have you ever heard of the king of video games, because he is right here.” Just as I thought it was. Chad said, “You’re on” then Austin said, “what if we bet on it. How about who ever wins gets a kiss from lane and the loser has to kiss the winners feet.” I was going to comment but Then they started playing it was one race they were going back and forth on who was in first place and who was last. Then at the very end it was a tie then Austin and Chad looked at me. I yawned Then I told them what if you both got kisses and you both kissed each others feet. They said “okay” Then I zapped myself big again then Austin and Chad sat down on both sides of me first I kissed Austin on the lips. Then I kissed Chad on the cheek. Chad asked why can’t I get the lips for once…” because she’s my girlfriend. I smiled at both of them and said, “Now you have to kiss each others feet”.’ First Chad had to Neal over and kissed Austin’s feet. Then Austin and Chad switched places and Austin kissed Chad’s feet. I said, “That was entertaining” Then Austin got up. Then I asked “Chad are you conferrable with me being able to shrink and go back again” Chad said, “If you give me another kiss I would be.” So I kissed Chad then I said, “Now you need to get used to Austin’s powers” Then he said, “You never told me Austin got powers. “Then Austin said “how about we just say I made myself indestructible, stranger, and faster.” Chad said “cool, awesome, hay lane” kneeling over on the ground and begging please I really want super powers please………………..J. I said sorry but there’s nothing I can do and I personally don’t think you’re capable of having powers and not using them for the right reasons. Chad said “well then fine, okay I can handle that. I’m cool, ya I’m fine.” Then as he started to beg Austin, then the doorbell rang Austin got up to go get it. in a desperate attempt to get away from Chad. He was gone for about a miunte and a half, not that I was counting though. When he came back there was no pizza. We asked “was it the pizza?” he said “no” Then I asked, “Are you okay” and right as I finished my last word he ran a super speed and grabbed my neck. He was choking me, and then Chad ran over to try to stop him. Chad put his hands on Austin’s trying to pray them off my throat and with the slap of hand he flung Chad in the air like a ball. Then in the second it took Chad to hit the wall it was not the wall of the living room that it should have been. It was white and had circular windows on it. In that second the whole area around us started to blur and then Chad, Austin, and I were on a boat. Then three figures walked around the shadowed corner of the boat and walked forward into the light. It was my mom, my sister, and Austin. I realized that Austin was chaptered and the Austin choking me was just a clone. Good thing because other wise that meant Austin had lost it and if I made it out alive he would probably be in a straight jacket in one of those all-round foam rooms. Then my mom said, “I heard you were going to rent a boat so I thought I would give you a going away present” Then Austin’s clone threw me at the wall. I hit it with a load bang then fell straight down to the ground. I lifted my head up a little so I could see if the clone was coming back but I saw Austin leaning with a very serous, sad, mad, and frightening look on his face. He tried again and again but it was a rope spell. It was like quick sand the more you tried to get away the more force was put o you to stay. He started turning red and with one last effect he pull and ran as hard as he could to get away from the invisible pull. Then Austin ran over and the next thing you could see was my mom and sister gasping. They were as surprised as I was that he got away from them let alone had enough strength to make them have to breath hard. The spell they used combined my mom and sisters powers and also needed strength to keep it going, so it took a lot of power and strength to over come the spell they put on him. But now there was a hint of curiosity in their faces as they and I were wondering if he could get past the clone. Austin ran, ready to tackle, at the clone and with a load boom they both fell on their backs. Austin and the clone got up in about 2 seconds and were fighting. While they were fighting Chad came over to me to see if I was okay I was hurt but could still move. Austin punched and punched and punched and punched but his clone wouldn’t move but an inch. Then he threw Austin into the wall like me but he could not even get up practically. Austin’s clone started to walk up to me. I was slowly getting up the clone grabbed my neck again then with the other hand pushed Chad to the wall were Austin had hit. Then the clone dragged me by my neck over to the side of the boat. He lifted me up slowly by the neck. He turned and I was hanging off the side of the boat. Austin and Chad ran over as fast as they could. It was to late. I had been dropped down. Chad and Austin sighed and my mom gave her evil laugh. Then, right in the middle of it a Hugh light came thought the clouds it lifted me up slowly. I was unconscious, then my mom noticed then Austin, Chad, my sister, and then the clone. They watched as I went about 13 feet above the deck. Then there was a person like figure coming out of the sky, then another one, then another one, and one more and a lot more. Then they all started to speed up they all conjoined together. They went threw me I woke up. I saw my aunts, cousins, uncles, and one person I really recognized was my dad. It was like I had a flash back of every second that my dad, and me spent together it felt like the world was spinning in slow motion and everything going though my mind was really happing all over again. Then I started to slowly smile and close my eyes. Then I saw the last one it was my 5th birthday, my family, everyone who loved me even my aunt bitts. She wasn’t even my real aunt she was my dads ex-girlfriend. They broke up because of family causes and she still loved me anyway. Then I blow out my candles and everything went black as If it was a dream that stopped. I opened my eyes and my dad said happy birthday, I love sweet heart. Then they all turned back into rays of light and separated into three. They each hit mom, Emily, and the clone. They had vanished then the light came back thought me and into the clouds. When it did I fell from the sky Austin ran over. He caught me and with all his strength tried to get up. I was so happy the second I woke up. I hugged Austin. Then Chad said look over there then we saw my mom and sister as ghost then they were dragged into the water to the bottom of the ocean. Then Austin said are you okay? I said I am but my back hurts a little. We all walked into the boat to sit down and I realized that Austin really could not carry me all that much so I shrunk down some to make it easier. I hugged Austin with all my strength

Through these lifeless eyes, you're just another dead ********>

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