Nice...I know and the cool thing about it is that you can already see that Link is older and more mature than he has ever been. Some things that you can point out is that for one he is older and then second he is not holding the Master Sword.....now what is Miyamoto planning and who is that girl who is standing behind him? Some people have guessed that she is a zora, some say that she is a fairy that come from the Wind Waker series, but the one that makes me most intersted is the one guess that she is the spirit of the Master Sword. Now in the pic that I am about to put it points out how many similarities there are between her and the Master Sword. Here it is:

How cool does that look? Now many of you are wondering why Miyamoto didn't say much about it at the E3 2009 thing right. Well he really wanted too, but unfortunatly the team was still working on art for the game and still working out many parts of the story so there was no way that he could have told us somthing without the fact that it may not be true. We will just have to wait and see what is soon to come. I will be keeping this journal up for all to see so feel free to comment and ask me questions and I will try my hardest to find the answer and then post it in the next info journal that I post. Legend of Zelda is one of the greatest series and I really can't wait to see what they are planning. Stay close my friends!