Zachery Slayer

Age: 500, appears Twenty-six
Race: Human Servant
Personality: Zachery was arrogant, usually controlling, and very confident. He treated women like objects, until he met Belle and she put him in place. He became polite, formal, but the controlling arrogance may just have resided beneath the surface.
Sexuality: Straight Dominatrix
Past: Zachery lived in a small village as a child. When a vampire killed his family, he made his purpose in life to kill them. His oath to himself.
After years, he became good at it, and he cared more for the money and fame than his oath. At twenty-five, he worried about death and what came after. Then, a vampiress he was sent after offered him immortality, without becoming inhuman. He took it.
In all his years, he hadn't felt a single emotion for his vampiric mistress.
Written description: Zachery was 6'2, naturally fair-skinned. His eyes were emerald green and his hair a surfer blonde. He appeared to be quite strong.
Powers: None, just talent with weapons and fighting.
Characters seen with: Belle, Reign, Konohashie.
Song: Crazy b***h, Buckcherry
OverlordLunacy · Thu Jun 11, 2009 @ 11:52pm · 0 Comments |