Post color: #F62217
Who will I drag to Hell with me today~?
The simple things
Name: Asirrast, if it wasn't obvious you silly creature
Race: Can't you see? I'm a demon~!
Sins: It is hard for a demon to not gather any sins, do you not think? My sins are vanity and greed.
Age: Haha, age is such trivial thing. I have no idea how old I am, why would I keep track of that? There is no need.
Sex: Teehee, male~
Sexuality: Hah, why so concerned over these few facts? If you must know I get what I want from whoever I want, whether they want it or not. Isn't that half the fun?
Height: Why I'm 6'6", thanks for asking
Weight: Would you ask a lady how much she weighs? ~laughs~ I'm 226 pounds of lean muscle
Hair color: Dark red and red, see? Do you like my long braids and golden ties~?
Eye color: I've never had eyes! I see with my mind and other senses. Your eyes can be tricky, I wouldn't trust them if I had them
Teeth: Oh ho, my teeth are all sharp. I'm strictly carnivorous hun, and my canines are my longest teeth. Sometimes they stick out when I smile, grin or smirk. And if you're wondering, I've never bitten my tongue.
Build: I'm built for running and tracking, and I'm more than formidable in a fight. Speed, stamina and agility are my thing
Hands: Oh my hands~ Aren't they delightful? My claws are so long and incredibly difficult to break, perfect for lashing and stabbing.
Feet: My feet look like that of any human. Until I need my claws that is, then they are similar to my hands and help with traction and climbing smooth walls and objects that others can not.
I would also like to take this time to say that my tongue is unusually long. Just a little tidbit some find interesting~ And no it isn't forked. Why? Do you think it should be?
Oh ho, so you wish to learn of my powers? Very well then.
Whenever I wish to I can become invisible. You may find that simply amazing and would use that ability at any given time to sneak into places you do not belong, but really where is the skill in that? I only use this from time to time, even on the surface.
Fire~ But really what demon does not have some sort of fire ability?
I am silent. No one relying on their auditory senses can hear me approaching, no one. I may as well be hovering above the ground really.
I am also an excellent jumper and climber. There is nothing too tall for me to jump onto or climb the surface of, no matter the texture.
Also trivial, they get in the way. However I can't deny I get a certain satisfaction from certain articles. Like my dear friend Ne'eren I wear only cloth around my waist. It's some of the finest red cloth you can find, and only available to those who take it from others. I got my I don't know how long ago from a demon, I took it from him after I ripped his heart from his chest and took his soul back to Hell with me. His blood was particularly sweet~
Apart from that is the red cloth wrapped around my head to cover where my eyes would be. It's just so comfortable~ That's really my only reason for wearing it.
Oh and don't forget the gold clasps in my long red tresses. Aren't they gorgeous? Some of them are actually containers, some have liquids of various uses and others have small trinkets or other useful items.
And oh yes, the gold, black and red scarf with the emerald I wear around my neck. Wouldn't want to forget that now, would I? These gold ear cuffs aren't half bad either~!
Name: Asirrast, if it wasn't obvious you silly creature
Race: Can't you see? I'm a demon~!
Sins: It is hard for a demon to not gather any sins, do you not think? My sins are vanity and greed.
Age: Haha, age is such trivial thing. I have no idea how old I am, why would I keep track of that? There is no need.
Sex: Teehee, male~
Sexuality: Hah, why so concerned over these few facts? If you must know I get what I want from whoever I want, whether they want it or not. Isn't that half the fun?
Height: Why I'm 6'6", thanks for asking
Weight: Would you ask a lady how much she weighs? ~laughs~ I'm 226 pounds of lean muscle
Hair color: Dark red and red, see? Do you like my long braids and golden ties~?
Eye color: I've never had eyes! I see with my mind and other senses. Your eyes can be tricky, I wouldn't trust them if I had them
Teeth: Oh ho, my teeth are all sharp. I'm strictly carnivorous hun, and my canines are my longest teeth. Sometimes they stick out when I smile, grin or smirk. And if you're wondering, I've never bitten my tongue.
Build: I'm built for running and tracking, and I'm more than formidable in a fight. Speed, stamina and agility are my thing
Hands: Oh my hands~ Aren't they delightful? My claws are so long and incredibly difficult to break, perfect for lashing and stabbing.
Feet: My feet look like that of any human. Until I need my claws that is, then they are similar to my hands and help with traction and climbing smooth walls and objects that others can not.
I would also like to take this time to say that my tongue is unusually long. Just a little tidbit some find interesting~ And no it isn't forked. Why? Do you think it should be?
Oh ho, so you wish to learn of my powers? Very well then.
Whenever I wish to I can become invisible. You may find that simply amazing and would use that ability at any given time to sneak into places you do not belong, but really where is the skill in that? I only use this from time to time, even on the surface.
Fire~ But really what demon does not have some sort of fire ability?
I am silent. No one relying on their auditory senses can hear me approaching, no one. I may as well be hovering above the ground really.
I am also an excellent jumper and climber. There is nothing too tall for me to jump onto or climb the surface of, no matter the texture.
Also trivial, they get in the way. However I can't deny I get a certain satisfaction from certain articles. Like my dear friend Ne'eren I wear only cloth around my waist. It's some of the finest red cloth you can find, and only available to those who take it from others. I got my I don't know how long ago from a demon, I took it from him after I ripped his heart from his chest and took his soul back to Hell with me. His blood was particularly sweet~
Apart from that is the red cloth wrapped around my head to cover where my eyes would be. It's just so comfortable~ That's really my only reason for wearing it.
Oh and don't forget the gold clasps in my long red tresses. Aren't they gorgeous? Some of them are actually containers, some have liquids of various uses and others have small trinkets or other useful items.
And oh yes, the gold, black and red scarf with the emerald I wear around my neck. Wouldn't want to forget that now, would I? These gold ear cuffs aren't half bad either~!
Oh goody! I get to talk about myself now do I?!
Some say I am a vain and greedy creature. They are right, I love the finest things available. In my chamber you will find many pretties, all shining and gleaming brightly in the fires of Hell. Jewels, minerals, gold, fine materials- I love it all, and I hoard it all. They are my things, any demon would be foolish to try and take something from my chamber. I know where every last one of my things are and I am the best tracker you'll ever find. I am also a successful assassin, I have been to the surface and taken jobs for more precious goodies.
Killing. It is fun and I do so enjoy it, but more than that I love the thrill of the hunt. I have tracked animals before, but I have found that humans, spirits, and others of my own kind prove to be the most fun. Some are predictable, others keep me on my toes. I am excited about my newest assignment. It seems as if one of my master's play things and his son have escaped, it's my job to bring them back. I am coming for you Duncan and Ne'eren, you can't hide from me~ You see, I am one of the select few who can freely pass between the worlds. I have even gone so far as to trespass on Heaven without being detected; nicked a few items here, stole a soul there. Good times.
Some call me a vampire, but I just laugh in their faces. I like to bite and draw blood, and yes I love to drink it, but no I do not need it to survive. I savor every drop. Biting the soft flesh of anyone willing(or not willing) and drawing blood from the fresh holes to suck from... licking the warm crimson liquid from my claws after a fresh kill(it is even more enjoyable if the victim watches you do it, provided they are still alive). Heehee, I even save blood and make decorations out of it, and for the blood that simply tastes divine or oh so delightfully full of sin I save in vials for consumption at a later date. It is just one of those things that makes me...me!
Oh, so you want to know some of my history now, eh? Darling I am afraid there is not enough time in a thousand of your lifetimes to tell you what I have done and what I have witnessed. Just know that I have dedicated my life to the royal family, whatever they ask of me I will perform with zeal. They command me to hunt, to assassinate, to gather, to witness, to do things for the surface dwellers during times of war, and even 'peace'. Anytime something happens and government and politics changes, it is a safe bet I had a hand in it. I am the one they go to for the assassination of figure heads.
Oh, is that all the time I have? Shucks darling, perhaps some other time~
I can not do it all by my lonesome
My compatriots and subordinates are as such:

Ah, my dear dear friend Namiah. She is a barrel of laughs, that one. Loves to tell me everything she hears; a real gossip. Namiah sees many things, and for that she is great help in my endeavors. What I can not see, she can. We met when I was first starting out and still developing my skills. I do not need her help anymore, but I still visit her for a good chat. Occasionally she drops nuggets of wisdom if I am in need of guidance.

This is my faithful hound, Ingrel. He helps me track my little quail. I can't be everywhere at once now can I? Oh but that would come in handy. Ingrel isn't only good for helping track; he's an excellant guard dog. When there is no one to track or the task is so simple I do not need his aid he stays in my chamber and makes sure that any stupid demon keeps their grubby hands off of my pretties.
Well aren't you a pretty thing

"Speaking." 'Thinking.' Acting.
Would you like to come home with me?
Of course you would don't be so stingy~
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[color=#F62217][b]"Speaking."[/b] [b][i]'Thinking.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black]Acting.[/color]
[align=right][i][b][color=#c01107]W[/color][color=#c31907]o[/color][color=#c62108]u[/color][color=#c92a08]l[/color][color=#cc3209]d[/color] [color=#d24209]y[/color][color=#d54b0a]o[/color][color=#d8530a]u[/color] [color=#de630b]l[/color][color=#e16b0b]i[/color][color=#e4740c]k[/color][color=#e77c0c]e[/color] [color=#ed8c0d]t[/color][color=#f0950d]o[/color] [color=#f6a50e]c[/color][color=#f39d0e]o[/color][color=#f0950d]m[/color][color=#ed8c0d]e[/color] [color=#e77c0c]h[/color][color=#e4740c]o[/color][color=#e16b0b]m[/color][color=#de630b]e[/color] [color=#d8530a]w[/color][color=#d54b0a]i[/color][color=#d24209]t[/color][color=#cf3a09]h[/color] [color=#c92a08]m[/color][color=#c62108]e[/color][color=#c31907]?[/color][/b][/i][/align]
[align=center][b][i][color=#c01107]O[/color][color=#c31907]f[/color] [color=#c82808]c[/color][color=#cb2f08]o[/color][color=#ce3709]u[/color][color=#d13f09]r[/color][color=#d3460a]s[/color][color=#d64e0a]e[/color] [color=#dc5d0b]y[/color][color=#de640b]o[/color][color=#e16c0b]u[/color] [color=#e77b0c]w[/color][color=#ea830c]o[/color][color=#ec8a0d]u[/color][color=#ef920d]l[/color][color=#f29a0d]d[/color] [color=#f29a0d]d[/color][color=#ef920d]o[/color][color=#ec8a0d]n[/color][color=#ea830c]'[/color][color=#e77b0c]t[/color] [color=#e16c0b]b[/color][color=#de640b]e[/color] [color=#d9550a]s[/color][color=#d64e0a]o[/color] [color=#d13f09]s[/color][color=#ce3709]t[/color][color=#cb2f08]i[/color][color=#c82808]n[/color][color=#c62008]g[/color][color=#c31907]y[/color][color=#c01107]~[/color][/i][/b][/align]
[color=#F62217][b]"Speaking."[/b] [b][i]'Thinking.'[/i][/b][/color] [color=black]Acting.[/color]
[align=right][i][b][color=#c01107]W[/color][color=#c31907]o[/color][color=#c62108]u[/color][color=#c92a08]l[/color][color=#cc3209]d[/color] [color=#d24209]y[/color][color=#d54b0a]o[/color][color=#d8530a]u[/color] [color=#de630b]l[/color][color=#e16b0b]i[/color][color=#e4740c]k[/color][color=#e77c0c]e[/color] [color=#ed8c0d]t[/color][color=#f0950d]o[/color] [color=#f6a50e]c[/color][color=#f39d0e]o[/color][color=#f0950d]m[/color][color=#ed8c0d]e[/color] [color=#e77c0c]h[/color][color=#e4740c]o[/color][color=#e16b0b]m[/color][color=#de630b]e[/color] [color=#d8530a]w[/color][color=#d54b0a]i[/color][color=#d24209]t[/color][color=#cf3a09]h[/color] [color=#c92a08]m[/color][color=#c62108]e[/color][color=#c31907]?[/color][/b][/i][/align]
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