page 3(its still part one though)
[2 weeks later]
Edward: I cant live like this!! It was hard enough with out mom..........but.........without Al...............its................I want him back! he was all i had............maybe if i work and study a bit harder..........i could pull it I've decided.......I'm bringing him back..............
{lightning strikes past the window}
{on the phone}
Izumi: oh why hello Edward what a surprizing call.....
Edward: e-heh oh hey teacher can I ask you something.....
Izumi: go right ahead then.....
[the next day]
{Ed is packing things into a bag}
Winry: what do you mean your going to study with your teacher again?
Edward: exactly what I meant.........
Winry: Edward..........whats going on?why would you go and study with your teacher again all of a sudden........what are you planing..........
{Ed was silent}
Winry: your planing on bringing Alphonse back to life...............arent you?
Edward:......................I have to go
{finishes packing and starts to leave}
Winry: Ed........just be careful.............
Edward: you bet..................
{Edward walks past the grave yard as he walks to the train station,he then stops by Al's grave}
Edward: Alphonse............yeah It's me again...........
{sits on the ground}
Edward: well I'm gonna go and study with Teacher again...............e-heh...........Al I promise I wont give up until your back again!! I'll study extra hard ok!! cause..........thats just what you mean to me when I dont be sorry ok...........
{Ed then smiled and wipe his face with his sleeve}
Edward: bye Al.........when I come back,we'll be a family again.....just like before
{Ed then contiues to the train station,but before he left he picked a flower near the grave yard and placed it on Al's grave}
[a year later]
{it was raining}
Winry: Hey Al its me Winry,yep its time to visit again heheh *she smiled* I'm visiting extra for Ed too heheh,your brother really misses you Al,I do too
{she places a flowers on grave}
Winry:arent they pretty Al? hehe I picked them myself,I thought you might like them
{Edward returned home and was in the basement prepareing}
Edward: ok that should be it............If what I learned is correct this should be the perfect ingerdients for the body.................but for the soul........well I'll just have to cross that bridge myself.............*he cuts his finger* my blood................for his soul........that should be a good enough price right?..........this should do it............I should see Al real soon................Al I promised,just as I said.....
{he started cring and he smiled a bit as he went to activate the circle}
{Lightning struck past the house}
[meanwhile outside]
Envy: what a perfect sound it is to wittness a human suffering,well I see I was right to have come sfter all..........
Winry: man what a storm........
Edward:.........uh........what happe- WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ARM AND MY FREAKIN LEG?!?
{Edward then started to cough blood}
Edward: what?..........Im coughing teacher? why?! oww! *grabs onto his stomach* WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME I- thats right.......AL?! AL?!
Edward: Al- Al is that you?
{Ed then smiled tring to look though the fog to see what was calling for him thinking it was Al}
Edward: Did I do it?! did I bring you back Al?! *smiling* ........Al? *gasp* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
{Edward then saw what was calling him,but it wasent Al,it was a mishapen creature that wasent even human,Winry then heard Ed scream}
Winry: well AL i have to go- WHAT THAT SOUNDED LIKE ED! sorry Al I have to make this visit short,forgive me.........
{Winry then rushed to Ed's aid,she wasent able to see what Ed saw because of the fog}
Winry: ED! there you are!
{she tried to lift him up yet she felt blood and felt he was missing his arm and leg}
Winry: WHAT THE HELL?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!! our arm and leg are missing!!
Edward:YEAH I NOTICED!! *coughes up more blood*
Winry: well this is no time to be smart! I have to hel your going to bleed to death if I dont!!! but what happened!!!
Winry: What the-......that.....that sounded like-like Al.............
Edward: dont look isnt human!
Winry: what are you talking abo- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
[meanwhile outside]
Lust: my my our Master was right
Gluttony: right right right!
Lust: so a new homunculus really has been born..........and on such a horrorible day like this too,well we didnt waste our time coming then humph.....
Gluttnony: Lust.....Im hungrey *stomach growls*
continue on to page 4 ----->
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this is mainly to advertise my fanfic and ideas biggrin yay me XD
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MY GREED-CHAN! >w< heart heart heart heart

Yesh im a girl >w< and yesh im a greed fan-girl xd
(just has a dude avi for cosplay XD )

Yesh im a girl >w< and yesh im a greed fan-girl xd
(just has a dude avi for cosplay XD )