I just found out today that one of my really close friends died yesterday. I was so sad! crying I cried and cried because I loved him so much!! Well, as a friend anyway. We've known each other since 3rd grade. I remember during lunch once in 6th grade he started a food fight. It was really funny!! But he ended up getting suspended. But then he said it was worth it because he got spaghetti on the principal's head. And our principal was bald!! It was really funny!! I really wish that his dad didn't die because then this wouldn't be happening. He committed suicide because he blamed himself for the death of his dad. He had an overdose of his mom's sleeping pills. I don't even know why she needs it. She always leaves at night. At least that's what his sister told me. I just wish that he waited for the right time to die. He was only 16! 16!! Well, I or anyone else can't do anything about it. I miss him so much!! I love you Jesse!!!

December 10, 1992 - June 15, 2009