ok here is 2 of 3 fourms.
[evil fourm]
Total Value: 389,757 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dark Elf's Staff
Devil Imp Plushie
Elemental Wings
Silent Night
Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Name: Kiki Uchiha
Age: 15
Gender: female
Race: vampire/demon (evil hearted)
Sexuality: strait
History: Kiki is the evil side of hazel. she is the demonic half of the 3 sides. she is ruthless and stops at nothing to get what she wants. even if it means that hazel's sole will be crushed in the prosses. kiki trained with the devil him self. and is 10,000 times stronger then hazel could ever be. her demonic aura makes it imposible for her to be hit in battel. when she moves at full speed she is invisible.
Likes: kiki likes to see people suffer untill there at the breaking point
Dislikes: Kiki hates to see the joy of others. and when someone befor her is happy or joy full she will step in and ruin it. giving them pain and sadness as long as kiki is around.
Theme Song: still fly by devil wheres parada
Turn On's: ruthless, selfish, arogent, stuborn, and demanding people.
Turn Off's: kind hearted, unselfish, joy full, high spirited people
What makes them happy: when people befor her suffer
What makes them angry: when people befor her are full of happiness and hope
What makes them sad: nothing kiki is ruthless. she laughfs at peoples pain.
Favorite food: any thing un healthy, she knows its bad for hazel. and wants hazel to be unhealthy
Favorite Color: black, pitch black.
Least favorite food: any thing healthy.
Least favorite color: white, the color of the heavens.
Favorite Song: die Mother @#$%@# die
Least favorite song: sparceling angel
Love Interest: ruthless, demanding, selfish, lustfull men,
Other: kiki's personality is completly cold hearted. when hazel trancefourms in to her. the addvantage is, she is stronger, but the dissadvantages is, when she is hit kiki dosn't feel the pain, the real hazel dose, and the pain is amplified times 10. when hazel regains controle. her body is in a weak state, depending on how long kiki controled her
[evil fourm]

Total Value: 389,757 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dark Elf's Staff
Devil Imp Plushie
Elemental Wings
Silent Night
Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Name: Kiki Uchiha
Age: 15
Gender: female
Race: vampire/demon (evil hearted)
Sexuality: strait
History: Kiki is the evil side of hazel. she is the demonic half of the 3 sides. she is ruthless and stops at nothing to get what she wants. even if it means that hazel's sole will be crushed in the prosses. kiki trained with the devil him self. and is 10,000 times stronger then hazel could ever be. her demonic aura makes it imposible for her to be hit in battel. when she moves at full speed she is invisible.
Likes: kiki likes to see people suffer untill there at the breaking point
Dislikes: Kiki hates to see the joy of others. and when someone befor her is happy or joy full she will step in and ruin it. giving them pain and sadness as long as kiki is around.
Theme Song: still fly by devil wheres parada
Turn On's: ruthless, selfish, arogent, stuborn, and demanding people.
Turn Off's: kind hearted, unselfish, joy full, high spirited people
What makes them happy: when people befor her suffer
What makes them angry: when people befor her are full of happiness and hope
What makes them sad: nothing kiki is ruthless. she laughfs at peoples pain.
Favorite food: any thing un healthy, she knows its bad for hazel. and wants hazel to be unhealthy
Favorite Color: black, pitch black.
Least favorite food: any thing healthy.
Least favorite color: white, the color of the heavens.
Favorite Song: die Mother @#$%@# die
Least favorite song: sparceling angel
Love Interest: ruthless, demanding, selfish, lustfull men,
Other: kiki's personality is completly cold hearted. when hazel trancefourms in to her. the addvantage is, she is stronger, but the dissadvantages is, when she is hit kiki dosn't feel the pain, the real hazel dose, and the pain is amplified times 10. when hazel regains controle. her body is in a weak state, depending on how long kiki controled her