I just spent the last hour catching up on what items I've missed over just the past couple days. x ___x; It really doesn't take long to fall behind on all of this info.
I really didn't think we'd get an item in memory of Michael Jackson. I was proven wrong. Tektek says the item is available through the daily chance. It's a nice little item.
Lucky Chest
O: They've made opening the chest worth it. When the chest was first released, you'd get a random shot at items varying from 199 to 199 cash or so for buying a key that costs 99c. It all sounds too good to be true, you double your money. However, the gold value of each item was less than the gold value of the key. The highest priced item from the chest cost 30k at best, then the next were about 16k, 15k, 8k,... 2k. The keys were worth 38k on the day of release. I thought their prices would deflate quickly. I was wrong. Key prices have ranged from 30-50k from what I've seen. They're currently worth 40k. I didn't understand how they'd be worth so much still until I saw the new items.
A few days ago, I'd noticed the coral edge and coral staff. These two items can only be found in a lucky chest and have been given arbitrary cash shop values. Too high, I thought.
Today, I just saw the pirate sandoh's vest and raider shih's garment. Wow. The pirate one is nice, but the raider one is yummy. o 3o The pirate one is currently worth around 80k and the raider one is worth around... well, tektek says 250k but the lowest I see in the mp right now is at 400k.
The evolving items were all rather nice this week. :3 Ethe is back to take over the Gogh reed once again. The pearl diver of the reve just lost her heart to a shark. I have multiple theories brewing on that one and I'm sure I'm all wrong. A mysterious cavalier just showed up. I hope that he wasn't already a lover who's losing his other half, but someone who will swoop in and save the day. n -n
I just saw someone's theory about her loving the cavalier, but ignoring him for her love of cratfs... So the cavalier got jealous, turned into a shark and stole her heart. That's the gist of it, the guy explained it better... but the theory sounded interesting~
I found out that we have yet another EI. O: And since fremere's guard just ended, I still expect another EI to come along soon. XD;; A different artist will work on the nightmare EI each week. It sounds intriguing. I just want to know each artist interprets the nightmare. Muahahahaaa, soon we shall know all of their fears! ...kidding. ;}
Zomsoundtrack Headphones
Soundtrack to zomg plus a pair of cool headphones? Sweet.
Yeah, I really don't have much to say on this. I like the headphones. I like the zOMG music, but I'd rather just listen while playing the game. > <
Unlreleased items!
I really wish they'd hurry up and release that cute skittles wig that's shown up in a couple ads lately. And I'm still waiting, sort of patiently, for that orange gentleman's vest that shows up in various item previews too.
Midsummer Swirl
Our cute new RIG that came in swiftly after GeeBoi left. The new RIG items all fit the ice cream and heat theme. We got tons of new dolls this time. I like a lot of the items, but I just have to stop buying them. x .x; The cheap ones didn't get as cheap as I'd like them to.
On backwings:
I'm part of that group who was so happy about finally getting the rumored quest system since our backwings were supposed to come with it. Then they were supposed to come with phase two of the quest system... which also tied into the rumored battle system (zOMG). Gaia keeps giving us wings and as they do, we keep getting wings that are closer and closer to the backwings dream. Backwings are large feathery angelic or batty demonic wings that sprout from the shoulder blade area. We've gotten many items, but none of the wings totally fit that description, yet. Even our imps have large wings that sprout from ears instead of shoulder blades.
This last RIG realllly came close. The radio jack wings are exactly what I'd want in a pair of mini demonic wings. o 3o They're mini, so they aren't quite demonic backwngs. I think they're well positioned. The fire phoenix lets the user have large, glorious golden backwings. I think the only reason the artists got away with it is because the wings are gold and not white or angelic blue. Otherwise, I think we'd officially have angelic backwings. x .x
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lanruoJ 'sdrawkcaB
Most of the journals will log the big updates and feelings of the times. I plan to look back on these in the future. Some large change affecting our lives now usually often turns into something we rarely think about.
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