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View User's Journal

I'm bored and that's probably the only reason why I write in here.
Untitled Story (Part 2)

After my last class dismisses us, I walked to my locker slowly. I exchanged books before I walked out of the school. I walked towards the street and started to walk the fifty miles to my mansion. While I walked, I thought about today and the past weeks of our senior year. Everything has gone wrong, so far. I could not wait to get my cast off, but I still had like four or five weeks left. About two miles from school, I heard a car pull up next to me and honk. I stopped and turned my head to see Lyle waving me over. I shrugged and went over to the passenger window as he rolled it down.
“Get in, I’ll drive you home.” He said, unlocking the door. I nodded and jumped in. I buckled up and he got back on the street, driving towards my mansion.
“I’m sorry for today. I’m just having a hard time, that’s all.” I said, looking out the window.
“I know and I’m sure Lance knows you didn’t mean it. We all know it must be tough for you. None of us could imagine what it’s like to be you.” Lyle responded, as he turned down a street.
“Was Lance ok after I left?” I glanced at Lyle, and then looked back out the window.
“Yeah, he was a little shocked at the name, but he didn’t take it to heart. We usually don’t when you call us names.”
“Alright, good. I wrote a song for Lance to sing, I mean if we’re still doing the band thing.”
“Awesome, and as far as I know, we’re still in.”
“Ok, shoot.”
“When did you realize you were in love with Lance?”
“What do you mean? I’m not in love with Lance.”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Lee. Luke and I know you love him.”
“How? When?”
“Just from the way you are around him and such. We’ve known since freshmen year, but we could tell you didn’t know.”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Sometimes, other times you hide it really well. He doesn’t know though.”
“Good. I don’t know when it happened. I really had no idea until you just said something. I don’t know if I can love him like that. I’ve always thought of him as my brother.”
“Well, you need to tell him before its too late.”
“What do you mean?”
“Luke says he likes that one chick, Jewel.”
“That popular bimbo!”
“Yeah, her. I hear he’s really into her and he’s going to change a little.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, you’ll see.” Lyle pulled into my driveway and stopped in front of the door.
“I’m scared, anyways, can I have another ride tomorrow morning? Doctor says I can’t drive anything with my hand and I haven’t quite mastered one hand driving.” I opened the door.
“Yeah, pick you up at seven?”
“Cool.” I jumped out and closed the door. Lyle waved and pulled out of the driveway before I walked into the house.

I woke up, got showered, and got dressed. Today I was sporting a black tank top with black baggy jeans and my black combat boots. I had my usual make-up on and my hair pulled back in a low ponytail at the nape of my neck. I walked into my kitchen, grabbed my bag and an apple before I walked out the front door. I sat on the front step and waited for Lyle. It was one minute to seven.

Two minutes after seven Lyle pulled into the driveway and up to the front door. I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up as he pulled out of the driveway. Lyle was wearing a black T-shirt that said ‘I Got Out Of Bed, What Else Do You Want Me To Do?’ in big white letters on the front, faded blue jeans, and tan worker boots. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes, waiting to get to school.

Lyle and I walked into school and went to our separate lockers. I exchanged books before I shut the door and turned around. Lance’s locker was across the hall from mine. Standing in front of his locker was Lance, but it was not him. Lance was wearing a sky blue T-shirt with light tan dress up pants and loafers. His hair was gelled nicely and he was wearing a watch. I stared at him for a moment, wondering what happened to my Lance before Jewel came up to him. They started talking and flirting. I shook my head, grabbed my bag, and walked to my first class with a broken heart.

At lunch, I walked out the back of the school and walked to the oak tree. I was about halfway there when I saw Lance and Jewel making out in front of the tree. I cursed to myself while I turned around and went back into the cafeteria. I walked over to Lyle and Luke; they were sitting at our usual table. I plopped down in a chair and glared at the wall. Luke was wearing a black muscle shirt with black skinny jeans and black sneakers.
“I’m sorry Lee.” Lyle whispered, reaching across the table and patting my shoulder.
“Whatever, if he wants to be a freakin’ prep, then he’s not welcome to hang with us, unless you guys want to ditch me too.” I said, looking at them. They looked at each other for a moment then back at me.
“Nope, we’re with you all the way. If he wants to hang with those idiots then so be it.” Luke replied, smiling. I smiled a small smile and nodded my head.
“Well, he took her to the oak tree. So, if we want to be there then we better be early.” I said, sadly. The oak tree was our place and everyone knew it.

After school, Luke, Lyle, and I walked to their cars and found Lance leaning against Lyle’s vehicle. We walked up to him and glared.
“What are you doing here, prep?” I sneered, coldly as I walked up to Lance who was leaning against the passenger side of Lyle’s SUV.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with you? It’s still me, Lance.” Lance replied, confused.
“Get out of my way, prep.” I warned, cracking my knuckles.
“Seriously, stop messing around guys.” Lance was getting a little worried now.
“Look, if you want to hang with the preps, then we’re going to treat you like one. Now move, dumbass!” I said loudly, Luke and Lyle walked up behind me, offering their support.
“Fine, whatever. I don’t need you guys.” Lance walked away to his truck, shaking his head.
“I’m tired, Ly, take me home?” I asked, turning around to look at Lyle. He nodded as Luke patted my shoulder before walking over to his car while Lyle got in the driver side of his. He unlocked the door and I jumped in before he pulled out the parking lot.

Lyle, Luke, and I ran to the oak tree to find that Lance was not there. It has been about a month since Lance asked Jewel to be his girlfriend and we have not talked to him. Lyle, Luke and I miss him a lot, but we know he has made his choice. I got my cast off a few days ago and my scars have healed nicely. I have full use of my wrist now. We sat around the base of the tree, leaning on it and sighed.
“Do you think he’s happy?” Lyle asked, sadly.
“Yeah, I’m sure he is.” Luke replied, just as sadly. We shook our heads and leaned our heads back, closing our eyes.

About five minutes later, we heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Lance, Jewel, and the rest of the preps standing over us. Lyle, Luke, and I stood up, glaring at them. Jewel had shoulder length blonde hair with dull blue eyes, and too much make-up. She was wearing those super short skirts with a super tight shirt. She looked like a prostitute most days with a height of 5’7.
“What do you want, preps?” I asked coldly as I took a step forward and so did Jewel.
“We want this spot as our hang out.” Jewel replied icily.
“Hell no.” I stated, calmly.
“We have a right to it, so we want it for ourselves. That means we don’t want you idiot losers hanging around here, at all.” Jewel said, stepping forward to get in my face.
“Let me repeat myself, since you obviously don’t understand plain English. Hell no.” I replied, not moving.
“No, it is you who doesn’t understand English. We rule this school and since we got Hot Lance here, we can do whatever we want, b***h.” Jewel smirked and pushed me back. I stumbled back a step or two and regained my balance, standing up straight. I could feel Luke and Lyle, step forward to help, but I held out my hand telling them I had this.
“If you think that I’m scared of Lance, then you really are a dumb a** slut. You still can’t have this spot; we claimed this spot the start of freshmen year, so you can’t just come up here thinking you can take it just because you decided to screw Lance.” I stepped up and pushed her back into her friends.
“Shut up Lee!” Lance exclaimed, stepping up from his position behind Jewel. Her friends helped her up and she smirked.
“You can’t tell me what to do. Why should I anyways?” I looked him up and down.
“Don’t insult my girlfriend!” Lance said, pushing me back into Luke and Lyle. They caught me before I fell to the ground.
“Damnnit Lance!” Luke yelled, helping me up before he walked up to Lance.
“Luke, back off, I got this.” I said calmly as I brushed off and walked up to them. Luke looked at me for a moment before he stepped back to stand next to Lyle.
“Don’t insult my girlfriend again, you little b***h a** whore!” Lance yelled, winking at Jewel. I glared at him while I cracked my knuckles and my neck.
“I see how it is, now. I hope you’re happy with that stupid prostitute. Oh and when she dumps you after she gets bored don’t come back to us. You’re not welcome anymore, b*****d.” I motioned for Luke and Lyle to walk ahead of me. They glared as they pushed past Jewel and her gang. I shook my head as I walked past a fuming Lance. When I was about three feet past him, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head before I fell to my knees, as I got dizzy. I saw Luke and Lyle staring in shock, anger before Luke ran past me, and Lyle ran up to me as I fell forward. He caught me as I heard commotion behind me, but I was too dizzy to look or concentrate. After a couple minutes I felt myself being picked up and carried towards school, my vision was too blurry to make out anything.

I must have passed out because I opened my eyes to see myself in the nurse’s office. I slowly looked around and put a hand to my head.
“Easy Lee, you’re ok.” Lyle said, laying a hand on my raised arm.
“What happened?” I whispered hoarsely.
“Lance punched you in the back of the head as you walked away.” Lyle replied, softly.
“Oh, what was that commotion I heard after that?” I asked, looking at Lyle.
“That was Luke and Lance. Luke jumped on him after he punched you and they started to fight until I told Luke that you needed to be taken to the nurse. He carried you here.” Lyle explained, glancing off to the side.
“Is he ok? Is he hurt?” I asked, sitting up.
“Yeah, he’s fine. He just got a black eye and busted lip.” Lyle smiled and walked away. Luke took Lyle’s seat and smiled.
“Hey, are you ok? You didn’t have to do that you know.” I whispered, hugging him.
“I’m fine, I’ve gotten worse. I did too have to do that; I couldn’t let him do that to you.” Luke replied, hugging me back. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. He kept his arms wrapped around me.

The next day, Luke, Lyle and I walked into the cafeteria and everyone looked at me as they tried not to laugh. I raised an eyebrow as we walked to our usual table and sat down.
“I think Jewel told everyone about yesterday.” Lyle whispered as we looked around at the snickering people.
“Yeah.” Luke and I agreed as we saw Lance walk towards us. We looked around for Jewel and her gang as Lance stopped at the table.
“Don’t you think you’ve caused enough damage?” Luke sneered at him as he stood up from his chair next to me.
“Look, I wanted to explain.” Lance said, sadly. I put my hand on Luke’s arm and pulled him back down in his chair.
“Save it for someone who cares.” I stated as I crossed my arms and Luke shifted in his chair.
“I’m sorry, ok?” Lance said, glancing around.
“We don’t waste our time on sissy preps like you, so why don’t you just go back to your little b***h.” I said through gritted teeth.
“Damn you Lee! Shut up about her! You don’t know her like I do!” Lance yelled, slamming his fists down on the table. I stood up with lightning speed, causing my chair to topple over.
“No, you’re nothing to me anymore so I don’t have to do anything you want me to do! I’m not your little puppet! We were your friends, your true friends that cared about you! Your only friends! That was until you chose them over us! How could you, Lance! How could you just throw us aside like that! Let me tell you something, we will always be there for you no matter what! We’ll always be there to help you and protect you, but those people won’t! They could care less for you! They don’t care about anything! Yet, you chose them. Well, I hope you’re happy with your new friends!” I yelled at him, resisting the urge to bash his head in the table.
“You don’t know anything of them! You don’t know s**t, stupid idiot! I don’t need you or your bitches! You all can go to hell for all I care!” Lance yelled back, angrily. I walked around the table to stand next to him. He turned to face me and I punched him as hard as I could in his face. He fell to the ground and held his nose.
“Don’t. Insult. My. Friends. a*****e.” I said slowly through gritted teeth. He just stared up at me as I shook my head and walked out of the cafeteria.

I stopped at the front of the school entrance and stood there, looking out over the parking lot. I felt two people walk up and stand on either side of me; I looked to see Luke and Lyle.
“Are we going to be there for him?” Luke asked quietly as we looked out over the parking lot.
“Yeah, he’s our friend and nothing can change that. We still love him, even if he doesn’t love us. I’ll understand if you guys don’t want anything to do with him.” I replied, closing my eyes for a brief second.
“We feel the same; we just weren’t sure about you. I mean, you love him and he just ditched you for some hooker chick.” Lyle said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
“Well, I don’t want anything to happen to him. So, let’s keep a close eye on him.” I said, wrapping an arm around Luke’s waist.
“Alright, but can we still be mean to him?” Luke asked, hopeful.
“For sure, people need to think that we hate him. Which, we kind of do, but we still love him. It’s complicated I guess.” I replied, smiling sadly.

The next day Lyle, Luke, and I walked into the cafeteria to see Lance and Jewel and Jewel’s gang sitting at our table. I felt Luke’s arm around my shoulders, as we got closer to them. We stopped a couple feet in front of them. Lance and Jewel turned to look at us.
“This is our table, get your own.” I stated calmly as I felt Luke’s arm drop to his side.
“Too bad, it’s ours now.” Lance said, standing up and stepping up to stand a foot in front of me.
“Just because you hang out with those people, don’t mean you can take over what used to be part yours.” I replied calmly.
“I was the leader, so I can take whatever I want. Beat it, kids.” Lance laughed with the others. I raised my eyebrow and stepped up to him, closing the gap between us.
“Oh, hell no, you just did not call us kids!” I pushed him into the table slightly.
“I did, now beat it you little whore!” He pushed me back a couple steps.
“Shut up, damnit! I can’t believe you! I took a beating for you! I got my arm broken for you! I even helped you buy your ******** truck! How could you just throw our friendship out the window for them! I liked you and you just throw it all away! Luke and Lyle have been there for you too, but you don’t give a damn! You just toss us aside as if we’re a piece of trash! I even wrote you a song, but you’ll never get to sing it because you chose them over us! We thought we knew you! We care about you! We’ve been through everything together! Why! Why did you have to go with them! What is wrong with you!” I glared at him as I pushed him back hard enough to make him fall on the table. He just laid there, staring at me in shock. Jewel and her friends stared at me in shock, before they got an evil smirk on their faces. I eyed them suspiciously, as Jewel stood up and walked over to me.
“You helped him buy his truck, huh?” Jewel asked, smirking evilly as she stopped a foot in front of me. I raised an eyebrow and thought for moment.
“Yeah, why?” I replied, glaring at her.
“Ah, so it is true!” Jewel exclaimed, pointing her index finger to the ceiling, looking happy.
“What are you talking about, b***h?” I asked, grabbing the front of her shirt and pulling her closer, just inches between our faces. She laughed and pushed away, making me loose my grip on her shirt.
“Figures you wouldn’t know. The rumors, stupid, about you.” She looked at me, with amusement in her eyes.
“Speak or forever be mute!” I cracked my knuckles and my neck, still glaring at her. I glanced at Lance, for a moment, which looked a little guilty, before I turned my attention back to Jewel.
“Ok, ok, I’ll tell you, only because I like my voice. The rumors are that you’re super rich and you live alone because your parents didn’t want you and left you when you were a freshman. Also, they say that your parents hate you so much that your dad beats you whenever they come back. They barely speak to you too. Now it all makes sense. No wonder you’re like that. Your dad does beat you and your parents do hate you.” She looked back at her snickering friends and winked at them, then looked back at me. I could see Lance get up from the table and back away slowly. I growled before I jumped on her, sending us both back into the table behind her. I straddled her waist as she tried to protect her face with her arms as I started to punch her.

After I got a couple punches in, I felt two sets of hands grab me and start to pull me off Jewel. I struggled against the hands and kicked Jewel as I was being dragged off her. Luke and Lyle successfully pulled me back far enough out of reach of Jewel as her friends fused over her. Luke wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind and held me close to his chest as Lyle wrapped his arms around my waist. Lyle moved closer and laid his forehead on my head as Luke leaned down to rest his chin on my shoulder. I stopped struggling and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath letting it out slowly.
“Lee? I’m sorry, it was an accident. I didn’t mean to say anything to them. I swear.” I heard Lance whisper softly from in front of me. My eyes snapped open and narrowed as I glared at him.
“You.” I said low and dangerously. Fear flashed across his eyes as he gulped.
“I’m sorry, really. They kind of forced it out of me.” He looked at the ground, avoiding my eyes.
“No! No! NO!” I struggled against my two friends, but they held firm. Trying to calm me down before I went on a rampage and kill someone.
“I’m sorry.” I stopped struggling and blinked at him.
“How could you? How could you betray me like that? I thought you were my friend! I trusted you with my secret! HOW COULD YOU!” I started out whispering, but I screamed the last part, causing Luke and Lyle to jerk their heads away from my head. Lance’s head snapped up at me with a sad look in his eyes. I could feel the rest of the cafeteria’s eyes on me as everything went silent. I could feel the tears, but I held them back. My vision got a little blurry from the tears that wanted to be shed. Lance’s eyes widened as he saw my eyes water and I could tell he knew that he had gone too far. I never cried, ever, and if you made me cry then that’s the worse thing you could ever do.
“Lee?” Luke whispered in my ear, I shook my head. Luke and Lyle let go and I ran out of the cafeteria with them right behind me. I ran to my bike in the parking lot and quickly got on, putting my helmet on. I started it up and drove to my mansion as fast as I could.

I ran into the house and back to the stables to see Lightning. I stopped in front of Lightning’s stall and threw open the door, Lightning just watched me. I heard the dogs start barking as they ran up to the stall. I walked in and jumped on Lightning’s back before I pulled on his mane; he ran out of his stall and down towards the lake as fast as he could run. Lightning skidded to a stop a couple feet from the water’s edge and I slid off him to the ground. I sat there as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, looking out over the water at the willows. I felt Lightning lay down against my back and he nudged me with his head. I shook my head as I closed my eyes as tears rolled down my cheek; I was not wearing make-up today.

After a while, I felt Lightning get up as I felt arms around my shoulders as someone pulled me sideways into their chest. I looked up to see Luke looking at me with concern in his eyes.
“It’s ok Lee, we’re here.” Luke said, nodding to someone behind me. I looked behind me to see Lyle smiling at me, sadly. I let go of my legs and wrapped my arms around Luke as I buried my head in his chest, silently soaking his shirt with my tears.

After about ten minutes, I pulled away and looked out over the lake. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. Luke dropped his arm from around my shoulders and gently reached up, wiping my tears as Lyle wrapped an arm around my shoulders. After Luke wiped my face, I laid my forehead on my arms and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths, letting them out slowly.
“Are you ok now, Lee?” Lyle asked, carefully.
“I’ll never be ok, Ly.” I responded softly, not moving except to breath.
“I can’t believe he told them all of that. He should know better.” Luke said, clenching his fists.
“It’s like I don’t know him anymore. He’s not the Lance that we grew up with; he’s someone else. Someone completely different.” I raise my head just enough to rest my chin on my arms.
“Yeah, exactly.” They both agreed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, as I thought of a song.
“Do you know how much it hurts to love someone
When they don’t love you
Do you know how much I wish for you to hold me
When I feel I’m going to break
Do you know how much I wish for you to kiss me
So I know you actually care
Do you know how hard it is to not see your face
When my tears start to fall…” I started singing as I looked over the water at the willows. “Do you know what it’s like to have everyone cause you pain
Even the ones that love you more than life itself
Do you know how much I wish for your comfort
When I think all is lost
Do you know how much it pains me not being close to you
When I need someone to go to as my world comes crashing down
Do you know how much I want to spend just one more second with you
When I think no one cares
Do you know how much I want you to sit with me
When I’ve given up on life itself
Do you know how much I wish for you to say those three words
When I’m going to slip away
Do you know how much I’m afraid to live
When I know you’ll reject me
Do you know how much I see your bright smile
When my world is full of darkness
Do you know how much I want you to catch me
When I’m falling an endless fall
Do you know how much I need you to fight
When I can’t anymore
Do you know how much it hurts to not see you everyday
When everyone cause me pain I can’t bear…
Do you know…
Did you know…
How could you know…
No one did….” I finished singing and I heard a soft clapping before Luke and Lyle embraced me.

A few minutes later, they let go and smiled at me.
“Nice song, Lee.” Someone said from behind us. We quickly whipped around to see Lance standing there with his hands in his pockets and his head down so we couldn’t see his face. Luke jumped up and walked around to stand in front of Lance as I turned back around to look over the lake with my arms around my knees.
“What are you doing here, asswipe?” Luke asked through clenched teeth.
“I wanted to talk to Lee, please.” Lance replied, looking up at Luke with regret in his eyes.
“I want to hear what he has to say. You guys go on up to the house.” I whispered loud enough for them to hear me. Lyle leaned over and kissed my temple before he got up. Luke walked back over to me, leaned down, and kissed my cheek. Luke and Lyle walked off to their horses, got on, and galloped back up to the stables.

After a minute of silence, Lance cautiously walked over and sat next to me.
“What do you want, Lance? Haven’t you caused enough pain today?” I asked, not looking at him.
“There’s not enough apologies in the world to make up for what I’ve done. I shouldn’t have said anything, you’re right. I betrayed you and in the worst way. I know that you’ll never forgive me, I wouldn’t.” Lance replied.
“What is wrong with you? It’s like we don’t know you anymore. We can’t even call you our friend anymore and we’re ashamed to even say we know you.” I kept looking straight ahead.
“I know I’m ashamed of myself. I don’t really know what’s gotten into me. One minute I’m your friend and the next Jewel is talking to me, saying she’ll be my girlfriend on certain conditions.”
“What conditions?”
“I had to dump you guys and act a certain way towards you guys and just be how I’ve been acting.” I jumped up and glared at him.
“So, you’re only doing this because you wanted her as your girlfriend! I can’t believe you!” He looked up at me and I slapped him, hard, making his head snap to the side.
“I can’t believe me either.” He turned his head to look back over the small lake.
“Look, just get off my property; I can’t talk to you anymore.” I turned to leave, but a hand firmly grasping my wrist stopped me.
“Wait, I have one last question.” I turned my head to look at Lance as he slowly rose to his feet.
“Why did you take a beating for me?” He tightened his hold on my wrist a little and I turned my head to look back towards the house.
“Because you were my friend and I couldn’t let you get hurt because my father has a problem.” I jerked my hand out of his grasp and whistled for Lightning.
“I truly am sorry, but I had no other choice.” With that said, he walked back towards the house. Lightning came up to me and nuzzled my shoulder as I watched Lance walk away with a confused expression on my face.

After he was out of sight, I jumped on Lightning and he ran as fast as he could towards the stables. Lightning stopped at the entrance of the stables and I jumped off, leaving him to be cared for by one of the grooms. I ran out of the stables and towards the driveway. I stopped near the garage and saw Lance get in his truck and start it.
“Wait!” I yelled, running towards his truck as he started to pull down the driveway towards the street.
“WAIT, DAMNIT!” I screamed again, the truck abruptly stopped and I ran up to the driver’s side. Lance rolled down his window and looked at me curiously.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“What did you mean by you had no choice?” I replied, staring at him intently. Lance shook his head and rolled up his window, before he drove the rest of the way out of the driveway and onto the street.

I sighed as I walked into the game room; I saw Luke and Lyle sitting near the TV just staring at it.
“Are you guys ok?” I asked walking over to them. Their heads snapped up at my voice and their faces brightened.
“Lee!” Luke exclaimed as he jumped up and threw his arms around me. I blinked as he kept me close.
“What’s up?” I asked, patting his back.
“We were just worried about you, that’s all.” Lyle responded as he stood up and smiled.
“I’m fine, nothing happened. We just talked for a moment.” I explained pushing Luke off me.
“We saw you slap him.” Luke stated, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, Luke was about ready to run down there and beat the holy crap outta Lance.” Lyle laughed as he patted Luke’s shoulder.
“Oh, that, well, he just said something that made me mad. That’s all.” I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck as I turned around and walked towards my bedroom.
“Hey Lee, what’s wrong? What did he say?” Luke asked running up to me, grabbing my hand making me turn around to face him as I stopped halfway to the door.
“Nothing, he just said something that got me thinking. There’s something wrong with this whole situation, that’s all. Come on, let’s talk.” I motioned to Lyle to follow us as I lead Luke into my room, still holding his hand.

The three of us sat down on the window seat under the huge window. I had my back against the wall that stuck out at the end of the window and my legs crossed. Luke was sitting in front of me, leaning against the glass with his arms crossed and his legs hanging off the seat. Lyle was next to him leaning sideways against the other wall the stuck out at the other end of the window.
“Lance wouldn’t act like this, unless given a good reason, right?” I asked, looking out the window next to me.
“Right.” They both agreed as I crossed my arms over my chest like Luke.
“I need to find out the reason, we need him back. It’s hard not to have him here.” I stated turning my head to look at the two in front of me.
“Yeah.” Lyle said, staring at Luke who was glaring at the ground.
“He even asked why I took that beating for him. I mean, seriously, even you too know the answer to that.” I scoffed, looking back out the window. All of a sudden, Luke jumped up and stomped out of the room, fuming. I watched him slam the door as he left the room.
“Did I miss something?” I asked, looking back at Lyle.
“Can’t you tell?” Lyle sighed, staring at the door Luke just exited.
“No.” I tilted my head to the side and looked at him questioningly.
“Luke’s loved you since the seventh grade. Why do you think he jumped on Lance when he punched you? Or why he was the first to notice when something was wrong? Or when he let you soak his shirt today? Or why he’s always sat on your left as close as he could without letting you know anything? Or why he glared at Lance when he always sat on your right? Or when you kissed Lance that one day, his heart totally shattered? Haven’t you ever noticed? I mean both of us think that you are in love with Lance.” Lyle explained, turning his head to look at me. I bowed my head and closed my eyes.

After a couple minutes, I looked up to see Lyle still looking at me.
“I need to know something. How do you really feel about me? I can’t do what I need to do if you have some unknown feelings.” I asked, lowering my head again.
“I honestly think of you as the sister I’ve always wanted. Nothing more, nothing less.” Lyle replied, smiling warmly.
“Good, because I think of you as my brother, nothing more nothing less.” I smiled and stood up.
“How do you feel about them?”
“I don’t like Lance. I never did. I just felt safe and comfortable around him, but with Luke. It’s a little different. I guess I’ve always felt something, but never noticed it until these past few weeks.” I smiled and leaned down, kissing Lyle’s forehead before I turned back to the door.
“I’m glad.” I walked out the door, and ran down the stairs wondering where Luke went.

I ran into the living room, but Luke wasn’t there. I ran into the kitchen and skidded to a stop when I saw Luke sitting at the bar.
“Lu…gah!” I said, losing my balance on the tile floor and fell backwards. Luke whipped around and ran over to me.
“Lee, are you ok?” He asked, worriedly as he helped me sit up. I smiled and nodded before I leaned up and kissed him. His eyes widened before they slid shut and his arms wrapped around my waist; my eyes slid closed as I snaked my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer as he deepened the kiss. We broke apart when we needed air and Luke suddenly jumped back, letting go of me in the process. I rolled my eyes and stood up, holding my hand out to help him up. He took my hand and I pulled him up. He looked at me, with so many different emotions flicking through his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” I said, standing up straighter as we stared into each other’s eyes.
“For what? I should be apologizing.” He replied, bowing his head. I smiled and stepped closer to him, only an inch separating our bodies.
“I’m sorry for obsessing about Lance. It’s just that’s he’s one of my best friends in the whole world. I hate to lose him. I don’t like him like that. I’m in love with someone else.” I reached up and cupped his cheek, causing him to look at me.
“What are you saying?” Luke asked, reaching up and placing his hand over mine.
“I’m saying that he’s my best friend, nothing more. I’m in love with you.” I explained, smiling again.
“No, you can’t be. You’re just saying this because of today and because you can’t have Lance so you’re going with the second best thing.” Luke pushed my hand away from his cheek and stepped back, shaking his head as he glared at me. I let the smile slip from my lips as I watched him.
“Luke, you’re the only one that can keep me from killing someone. When I see your smile my head starts spinning. When I’m in your arms, I feel like nothing can happen to me. When you’re near me, I know that I’m safe. When I can’t sleep at night, you’re the first to pop in my head. When I got that beat down from my dad, all I could think about was seeing your face again. I got my feelings mixed up. I don’t like Lance! I didn’t even feel anything when I kissed him, but I felt something just now.” I looked at him with pleading eyes.
“Yeah, right. Whatever. I know you’re lying to me.” He walked past me, but stopped at the doorway of the kitchen.
“Damnit Luke! Why can’t you believe me! Why can’t you just except the fact that I love you and not Lance! Have I done something to make you not trust me?” I clenched my fists at my side and glared at his back.
“I can’t believe you because you kissed him and now since you know that he’s ditched you for some chick you’re going for the second best thing. I bet that after you lose me, you’ll go after Lyle because you’ll claim to have made a mistake. You can’t love me, you never have.” With that said, he left.

I slowly walked up the stairs to my room. I walked in to see Lyle where I left him on the window seat; he was looking out the window. Lyle got up and turned towards me, he jumped when he saw me.
“Let me guess, you’re going to leave me too? Just like them.” I spat, walking into the music room and slamming the door shut. I sat down on my stool after grabbing my guitar and started to strum the strings softly. After a while, I stopped and set the guitar back on its stand before I went downstairs to the kitchen.

The next day, I woke up, got a shower, and got dressed. I raced down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple, leaning against the counter near the sink. Today, I was sporting a black tank top, black baggy jeans, black combat boots, a black wristwatch, and my usual make-up. My hair was pulled into a low ponytail at the nape of my neck with my spiked choker on my neck and my black backpack on my back. After I finished my apple I grabbed my black leather jacket and my keys on my way to the garage. I put on my jacket, zipped it, and walked over to my motorcycle. I grabbed the helmet, put it on, and hopped on the bike, putting in the key and turning it on. I pulled out of the garage and down the driveway, on my way to school.

I got to school thirty minutes later and parked. I took off my helmet and unzipped my jacket before I walked to the doors of the school. I went up to my locker and exchanged books before I went to class. I was halfway there when I noticed Luke and Lyle off the side, talking. I stopped a moment to take in their look. Luke was wearing a bright red T-shirt with faded blue jeans and dark blue VANS. Lyle was wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and his usual tan worker boots. I cursed to myself before I went to class.

At lunch, I walked to my usual table in the back and saw Jewel, Lance, Luke, Lyle, and Jewel’s gang sitting around it. I growled as I turned to walk away, only to be stopped by Jewel’s voice calling my name. I turned back around and walked over to her.
“What?” I growled, glaring at her.
“Someone is mad today. I wonder why.” She replied with a smug smirk. Jewel was wearing a tight tube top, a short tight skirt and knee-high boots. Her hair was down and she had too much make-up on, as usual. Lance was wearing a dull yellow T-shirt, tan cargo pants, and white sneakers. His hair shapeless and not spiked.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone? I’m tired of you and your sissy a** bitches you call your friends! I don’t care anymore. You can have the tree and the table. You can have my so-called friends, but you’re not going to get to me. I don’t need anyone, I was doing fine until they came into my life. Just leave me alone, damnnit!” I snapped at her and walked away to another table at the other end of the cafeteria. I sat down on a chair and stared at the wall. Well, so much for my friends. I knew it was too good to be true. Nothing ever really works out for me anyways. Oh crap! I forgot my dad is coming back to town today. s**t! How could I forget! Crap, I’m a dead person! I thought shaking my head before I got up and started to walk towards the doors leading to the classes. I was halfway there when I was pushed sideways into a table. I got the air knocked out of me and stood up, gasping for breath. I turned around to see Jim and his two friends laughing darkly at me.
“What now?” I gasped out, finally catching my breath a second later.
“I just thought it was time for a little payback.” He said, before he punched me square in the jaw. My head snapped to the side, and I quickly turned back to look at him.
“Fine, but you’ll regret this.” I replied, glaring at him.
“Yeah, right. It’s three against one. You’ll never win.” He said, reeling back to punch me again.
“You wanna bet?” I asked before I pounced on him with inhuman speed right as his hand was in mid punch. We fell to the floor; I straddled his waist and started to punch him. As I got my third punch in, a foot connected with my cheek, sending me flying into a table to my left. I brought my hands up to block my head from hitting the table and looked to see who kicked me. I crouched down before I pushed off the ground, sending myself flying into the one that kicked me. My arms wrapped around his waist as I knocked him into the table behind him. By now, all the students around us retreated back to give us room.

We flew into the table, his back first and he cried out in pain as the edge of the table was jabbed in his back. I let go of him and stood up, only to be pushed head first over the table. I landed on the other side of the table with a very ungraceful thud; I stood up and looked to see who pushed me. It was the other friend. I leapt over the table and grabbed him, sending us both to the ground near a table. Before I got a punch in, he flipped us over so that I was under him and he was straddling my waist. He punched me twice before I pushed my lower body up, sending him flying onto the table to my right. He landed on the table and it broke in two. I reached up and touched my face right under my nose, I brought my hand back to look at it and saw that my nose was bleeding. Suddenly I felt a foot on my chest, pressing down on it, making it hard to breath. I grabbed the ankle and looked up to see Jim smirking down at me. I glared before I brought my right leg up, kicking him in the back as hard as I could. He fell forwards and I rolled out of the way before he landed where I just was. I jumped up and flipped him over, before I put my foot on his throat, making sure he could breathe a little. His hands reached up and grabbed my foot, trying to pull it away. I shook my head and pulled out my very sharp dagger from my boot. I pointed it at his forehead and smirked when he got a horrified look on his face.
“I told you I could take you guys on. Now, will you leave me alone? If you don’t, I won’t hesitate to castrate you.” I hissed, glaring at me.
“Y-yeah, I-I w-won’t b-b-bother y-you an-anymore. Pr-promise.” He stuttered out, still trying to breath.
“I’ll hold you to it.” I stated as I removed my foot from his throat and put my dagger back in my boot. I turned and walked out of the cafeteria with all eyes on me.

During my sixth period class, I was called to the principle’s office. I walked in and sat down in a chair, waiting to be called in. After a couple minutes, the secretary motioned me to go in. I opened the door to his office and walked in, taking a seat in the chair in front of his desk. He looked up at me and leaned back in his chair. Principle Gord was a strict person, with a height of 6’5 and short professional brown hair. He was wearing a white dress shirt, navy blue pants with making jacket, and black dress shoes. He was very handsome and kind, when he was in a good mood. His eyes held wisdom far beyond his 28 years of age. He was the only one I called ‘sir’ and the only adult that I completely and honestly respected.
“Ah, Miss Kipson, so nice to see you again.” He greeted with a small smile.
“It’s always a pleasure, sir.” I replied, bowing my head slightly in greeting before I locked eyes with him.
“I suppose you know why you’re here.” I nodded and he continued, “Do inform me why you got into a fight with three of the students here.” He said, with amusement in his eyes. He knew I was good, but he didn’t know I was good enough to take on three people at a time. I was usually always here, covering up for one of the others when we got in fights over stupid things.
“Well, sir, Jim started it. I was walking out of the cafeteria when I was pushed into a table. I turned to see Jim laughing and I jumped on him. I was only defending myself, sir. Anyways, I was kicked by one of his friends, that’s when I jumped on him, which sent us in another table. After I stood up, his other friend decided to jump in. I knocked him to the ground where he flipped us over and started to punch me. After about two punches, I sent him into another table, which he broke when he landed on it. That’s when Jim finally decided to step in again. He tried to stop my breathing by placing his foot on my chest, sir, but I kicked him in the back and he fell forward. I got up, flipped him over, and put my foot to his throat only allowing him a little breathe. That’s when he promised to leave me alone.” I explained, holding back a smug smirk and keeping my face emotionless.
“Where were your friends? I know they had to help you, they always do.” He said, trying to hold back a small laugh.
“They ditched me to hang out with the populars, sir.” I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear me.
“Oh, then I guess they weren’t that great of friends.” He said, frowning.
“They were the best friends anyone could ask for, sir. I’ve known them since fifth grade, sir. Two of them were like brothers to me.” I said, lowering my head.
“Oh. You know I’m going to have to suspend you, right?” He asked, changing the subject.
“Yes, sir, I know.” I responded, not looking up.
“This time, since it was self defense, you’re only suspended for two days. So, go on and finish the rest of today, but don’t come back until Friday.” He said sternly, staring at me intently.
“Yes, sir. Am I free to go?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Yes, you’re free to go.” He nodded and I got up.
“Have a good day, sir, and don’t work too hard.” I flashed him a smile before I walked out of the door, silently closing it behind me.

After my last class, I slowly walked to my locker and then my bike. I slowly put on my helmet and got on my bike. I pulled out of the parking lot and took the long way home. I got home about an hour later, parked my bike in the garage and went inside. I got halfway to the stairs before I found myself face first in the ground. My already sore nose hurt like hell as I slowly stood up and turned around to see my fuming dad.
“Hello father, can I help you with something?” I asked, ignoring the blood making its way over my lips and down my chin.
“YOU GOT SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL!” He roared before he punched me so hard, that I fell backwards onto the ground.
“Yes.” I stated simply as he stomped his foot in my stomach. I gasped for breath and turned on my side, holding my stomach.
“You worthless little whore! Stupid enough to be kicked out of school! Stupid b***h, you’re a complete idiot!” He yelled, kicking me while I was on my side, facing him. After a good five minutes of kicking, he nudged me over on my back and plopped down, straddling my stomach. He grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling my upper body up off the ground and started to punch me. After another ten minutes of that, he got up and went into the kitchen. He came back a minute later with a knife, and stabbed my left forearm, my right thigh, and then cut across my stomach before he cut my other cheek, to match the one he cut not too long ago. After he was satisfied with his work, he got back up and left out the front door. After a while, I heard my servants shuffling around, and then I passed out.

I came back to the conscious world to see a bright light through my eyelids. I opened my eyes groggily and blinked a few times, trying to focus. I looked around as much as I could. I was in a white hospital room; sunlight was seeping through the blinds on the small window near my bed. The room was somewhat small with a couch and two chairs in the corner. Sitting on the couch was Luke and Lyle, staring at the ground in front of them. In on of the chairs in the corner was Lance, his head was tilted back resting against the wall, arms crossed and eyes closed. I turned my head to the left side and I hissed from the pain before I turned my head back up to face the ceiling. I heard the three of them jump up and run over to me. Luke was on my right, Lance at the foot of the bed, and Lyle on my left; they were staring at me with relief in their eyes.
“Get out.” I whispered harshly as I shot glares at each one of them.
“What? Why?” Lyle asked, confused. I looked each of them up and down; they were wearing what I last saw them in.
“Oh, I see.” Luke said, sighing.
“What?” Lance asked, clueless.
“Get out!” I said, a little more loudly. They looked back at me and shook their heads.
“No.” Luke stated firmly. I growled and closed my eyes with a huff. I heard them chuckle before I heard footsteps and the scraping of chairs on tile.

After about five minutes, I opened my eyes to see Luke and Lyle sitting on either side of me in chairs and Lance sitting on the couch.
“What happened?” Lyle asked, nodding towards my body and face. I lifted my head a little and looked at the visible parts of my body. My forearm was wrapped in white gauze with a little red that seeped through. I could feel my thigh wrapped as well, my cheek had some gauze tapped on it. I could feel lots of gauze around my middle and rib cage. I was sure I had a black eye, busted lip, and my scarred cheek was still a little swollen. I gently laid my head back down and sighed.
“Let’s see, where shall I start? Oh, how about at school. Jim and his friends jumped me. I kicked their asses and got suspended for two days. Then I forgot that my dad was coming back and he heard about my suspension. He got me right before I got to the stairs and started to beat me. After about fifteen minutes of punching and kicking, he went and got the knife. He stabbed me and cut my stomach. I passed out after that.” I said matter-of-factly.
“God damnnit!” Luke yelled, glaring at the wall behind Lyle.
“You really need to do something about him.” Lyle said, shaking his head.
“What the hell you want me to do?! It’s too late for anything to be done! I’m almost eighteen! As soon as I get accepted into college, I’m leaving! I’m getting out of here, leaving my ******** up life behind, never to return again!” I yelled, regaining my voice.
“She’s right.” Lance stated from the couch.
“Why are you guys even here, anyways?” I eyed them curiously.
“We were on our way to see you and Walt told us that you were at the hospital. When we got here the doctor said you were in pretty bad shape.” Luke explained.
“Just get out. I don’t want any of you in here. If you still refuse to leave, I’ll call a nurse and make her call the police and you’ll get arrested for harassment. Now, leave and don’t come back!” I commanded. They sighed and got up. They looked at me one last time before leaving.

A month later, I was released from the hospital. My wounds healed nicely and I have use in my arm and leg. I was left with a long scar running down my cheek, matching my other cheek, a scar on my forearm and thigh. In addition, I had a long scar across my stomach, which still looked bad. I walked up to my locker and quickly exchanged books before I headed to the cafeteria. I walked to my new table and sat down, setting my bag on the table in front of me. A minute later, I heard three people sit down at the table. I looked up to see Luke, Lance, and Lyle staring at me.
“What do you want?” I snapped, pulling out my notebook and pencil from my bag.
“Nothing.” They replied, shrugging.
“Tell me, why were you guys coming to see me that day?” I asked, flipping to a page in my book.
“We wanted to explain to you about what’s been up. We’ve been feeling really bad about ditching you.” Lance answered.
“Yeah, sure. You just felt bad because I was a loner again.” I started to work on my almost finished drawing.
“No, that’s not it.” Lyle said.
“Yeah, whatever.” I continued to draw.
“Look, the reason why I ditched you was because Jewel threatened me. Then Luke and Lyle joined us.”
“I only joined because I was mad and hurt because of what you said.”
“I only joined because Luke told me too and because you seemed really pissed that one day.”
“Shut up already! I don’t care. Just leave me alone and return to your damn bitches.” I stopped drawing, stuffed it in my bag, got up, and stormed off towards class.

At free period, I decided to look for Jewel. I found her exiting the bathrooms; I ran up to her and pushed her back in. I shut the door and locked it, knowing that no one else was in here. She backed away and stopped when her back pressed against the opposite wall; she was scared.
“What do you want?” She asked nervously.
“I heard you threatened Lance.” I said, coldly while glaring at her.
“Oh.” Was all she said.
“Explain.” I stated.
“I’ve always envied you! You get to hang out with those guys every day! It’s not fair! I should be with them you don’t deserve them! You’re a nothing and they’re far better than you! You shouldn’t even be associated with them!” She yelled, waving her hands around.
“So…you’re jealous? You threatened Lance because you’re jealous?” I asked, trying to process this.
“Duh! I wanted to make you suffer! Take everything that meant most to you! Looks like I succeeded!” She replied, smirking and crossing her arms over her chest. I narrowed my eyes at her and slowly stalked toward her. Her eyes widened and she let her arms drop to her side as she tried to back up some more, but the wall was already pressed against her back firmly. I stopped a couple inches from her and slapped her causing her head to snap to the side.

A second later, she looked at me before she slapped me, making my head snap to the side. I turned my head as I punched her; right hook. She slipped to the floor and quickly got up, before she made a break for the door. I ran up behind her and pushed her into the wall behind the door. She hit the wall, hard, and pushed me back with all her strength. I lost my balance and fell backwards as she got the door open. I could hear the hum of the school as the bell rang, dismissing seventh period. I jumped up just as she stumbled out the door and threw the door open before I tackled her to the floor. She landed on her back with me on top of her; she tried to push me off, but I moved so that I was straddling her stomach and I punched her twice. As we were fighting, the kids around us gasped and moved back against the walls, giving us room. When I reeled back to punch her again, she reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling on it. I put my hands on her throat and pressed, leaving enough air to breathe. After three minutes, she let go of my hair and grabbed my hands on her throat, gasping for more air. I let go and punched her again before I slapped her, by then I was being pulled off her by three sets of familiarly strong hands. I struggled against them as Jewel’s gang rushed up to her and started fusing over her, throwing glares at me.
“I swear, if you ever threaten my friends again, no one will find the body.” I warned, darkly as I was dragged through the crowds of kids, struggling to get free.

After about ten minutes, I found myself in an empty classroom as the three hands let me go. I stood up straight and brushed off, before I turned around to see Luke, Lance, and Lyle standing there with their arms crossed over their chests and serious looks on their faces.
“Don’t look at me like that, traitors.” I snapped as I turned to go, but only to be stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Lance asked, as the hand spun me around to face them again.
“Do you really think that I want to listen to the likes of you?” I sneered, glaring coldly at them.
“Yes, considering that you just attacked Jewel and told her to not threaten your friends.” Lyle answered, smirking.
“Even though you guys turned your backs on me, don’t mean I’ll do the same.” I stated, my face turning emotionless.
“She threatened to do some crazy s**t, just for me to be with her.” Lance replied, letting his arm drop to his side.
“It wasn’t about you, it was about me. She was using you to get to me. She told me so. Now, let me go.” I kept the emotionless face as I talked.
“No, we want you back.” Lyle stepped up and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.
“What makes you think I want you back?” I roughly pushed Lyle off, causing him to stumble into Lance, who caught him easily.
“You don’t?” Luke spoke up, looking at me sadly. I turned most of my attention to Luke.
“I do, but I don’t. You left me because of some threat! You acted as if I didn’t even matter anymore! You pushed me aside as if I was nothing! Then, you had the gall to come see me in the hospital and act as if nothing happened! And you!” I pointed to Luke, “You wouldn’t even let me explain! I never said how I loved Lance! Everyone just assumed that it was a lover’s love! It’s not! It’s more of a best friend brother love! You didn’t even believe me when I said that I loved you! You even accused me of going to Lyle and saying that I loved him and I made a mistake with you two! How dare you!” I dropped my hand and spoke to all of them, “How dare you! I thought we were friends! Best friends! I hate you guys!” I screamed as I ran out the classroom and to my bike. I could always get my bag tomorrow. I put my helmet on, zipped up my jacket, and got on the bike before I pulled out the parking lot.

I slammed the door to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed as I heard my dogs barking from the backyard. I pulled a pillow over and buried my face in it, screaming into the pillowcase. After a while, I got up and went down to the kitchen to have a chef make me something to eat.

The next day, I walked into the school a little late. The bell would ring in about five minutes and almost everyone is in the hallway at their lockers. The door slammed close behind me, causing a couple kids to look at me. They did a double take when they saw me and soon everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. The boys looked at me with wide eyes, jaws dropped, and lust in their eyes. The girls looked at me with envy, jealousy, and disgust. Today, I was wearing a blood red tube top that showed off my curves just right, a pair of black low rise hip hugger jeans that clung to me showing off the rest of my curves, and my black combat boots; no leather jacket because I drove the Ferrari and the weather was sunny. I had on black eye-liner, shiny red lip-gloss, light brown eye shadow, foundation, and blush; my hair was pulled into a bun with a couple strands hanging down around my face. I had to admit, I looked HOT and I am sure everyone knew it. I adjusted my backpack as I made my way to my locker to exchange my books and on to class.

I jumped on the stage of the cafeteria, it was lunchtime and the cafeteria was full, and walked over to the microphone in the middle of the stage.
“Yo, listen up people! I’m going to sing a couple songs for you, but it’s mainly for certain people. So, sit down, shut up, and listen.” I announced in the microphone; everyone found a chair and sat down, staring up at me. I took a deep breath as the prerecorded music played; I recorded it last night.
“No one can see
This pain inside of me
This other place
I put on a fake face
They know nothing
Of the something
That’s stirring inside
No where to hide
No one to confide in
No one knows where I been
This pain that’s here
I wish it would disappear
Don’t say you understand
No one can
Why must I be alone
When this pain has grown
I need to be saved
I want to be saved

Tell me what it’s like
To be on the other side
Someone save me please
Don’t just tease
No one can see
This pain inside of me.” I sang; the cafeteria erupted in applause and whistles. I motioned with my hand to quiet them down as I waited for the next song’s music to play.
“I see you standing there
It’s like you actually care
I see the look on your face
It’s like you think you’re in place

Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever

I feel your arms around me
It’s like you want to be
I feel your breath on my ear
It’s like you want to be here

Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever

I look in your eyes
It’s like you have no lies
I look at your smile
It’s like you’re gunna stay for a while

Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever

I hear your heart beating in time with mine
It’s like you wanted to cross the line
I hear your sweet voice whispering comforting words
It’s like you’re making me fly like the birds

Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever

I feel your hand wiping my tears
It’s like you want to rid me of my fears
I feel your lips on my lips
It’s like you’re staying and not gunna give me the slip

Make me cry
You’ll wish to die
Make me laugh
You’ll wish to stay forever.” I finished singing as the music faded away. The whole cafeteria erupted into applause and whistles; cheering me. I let a small smile grace my lips as I stepped to the side of the microphone. I bent my left arm around behind my back as the other bent in front of my stomach as I bowed at the waist. Slowly, I straightened up and walked off the stage, on my way to change before I went to my class. As I walked off the stage, I saw the three guys staring at me shocked, watching me.

To Be Coninuted...

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