Haha so funny!!! Okay, I might have to revise my earlier statement that Shikamaru is my favorite Naruto character!!!! Haha! But it's not Neji... no it is not! He's to destiny-ish... eh. Maybe Gaara.... Of The Funk! (of Naruto abridged) He's cool. Here is a really cool Gaara of the Funk Tribute Video on Youtube!! COOL! (DO NOT WATCH IF YOU HAVE SEZURES (I'm serious))
Gaara Of The Funk Tribute - Dam Da Dee Doo
I didn't spell that right SORRY! But What ever! You get the Idea! That would suck if you didn't get the idea... Why don't you? Do you? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I think I just gave myself a hernia... no. Did you believe me? WOW! I'm lucky I'm a good typer or I would be s**t out of luck right now because the journal fuction is acting up and I can't excactly see my words being typed... except when I hit 'Preview' I really want to punch someone... maybe the Hannaford's Manage because he was going to charge my mom for twelve cups of coffee! When she just wanted a box... or something... I guess. Whatever. This is seriously a pain... grrrrrrrrrrr. I really feel like punching the computer or maybee ... someone named joe... I just kidding!!!!! I don't know anyone named joe that would be funny though. Like This:
Me: Hey Joe!!!
Joe: Hey, What- *gets punched*
joe would be so surprised he would be speechless then he would probably punch me back. What ever an eye for an eye that would suck then you would have two half blind people... I LOVE HOLLY BLACK!! She is a great writer, I don't like the Spiderwick series as much as I used to as with most books made into movies they lose their apeal. I spelt that wrong but I do love the books she wrote called (If you do read them you should read them in this order)
1. Tithe
2. Valiant
3. Ironside
They are all really great books and I love them! They are about fairies but they have nothing to do with the 'Spiderwick' Series. Love those books anyway I don't really have much else to talk about So NIGHT-NIGHT to everyone who sleeps at night (you know who you are)