Whew. I don't know if it's funny or sad that I get absolutely hysterical whenever something big comes up in Fire Emblem.
First was when I was about to fight Medeus in Shadow Dragon. I kept going like "Okay. You can do this, Marth. Everything will turn out all right as long as Elice has her staff..." I talk to my units when I'm stressed out. Go ahead and laugh.
Second was during the Endgame of Part III of Radiant Dawn when that number kept going up. I kept wondering when I would hit the breaking point, and I can't believe how quickly I hit the top.
Third was, and probably is when I went all but insane, when I was about to fight The Black Knight in Path of Radiance. I kept laughing at myself and my heart was pounding (considering I take being a gaming nerd to the max). I kept telling myself I knew Ike would pull through- until I saw the Black Knight's stats. Bye bye Ikey! Nice knowing you. Then I considered letting the Black Knight attack only, and on my turn I'd heal Ike. Well, surprise surprise when the Black Knight didn't attack. Maybe he had the same idea. So I spent the entire 5 turns standing there, waiting for him to make a move. I couldn't believe how worked up I got.
Fourth would probably be when the Black Knight showed up in the Grann Desert. I stared at the TV screen for about five minutes before standing up, going outside, and calling my friend. The Black Knight. Is there. To protect Micaiah. Who is allied to Ike. Anyone else see a problem there?
Now, I'm starting the Endgame of Radiant Dawn Part IV. In other words, the final part. And once again I was hysterical. "Choose your units carefully." I think and hope I did... But before making it to that point, I kept looking at Ike's stats, hoping he'd be able to stand up to the Black Knight. Especially his Luna skill. But then I noticed Ike had Nihil, so he'd cancel out the Black Knight's Luna, and even still have Aether. I'm really starting to think like a tactician.
So yeah. I'm crazy. I know that. I also know the main part of the Galdr of Rebirth by heart. So laugh all you will, but I think I'm truly becoming a full-fledged Fire Emblem nerd.
On the brighter side, Sothe looks good as a Whisper, and Micaiah as a Light Priestess. Ike, however, I like him more as a Ranger or Lord. He's not so... serious with that glare of death. Even as a Hero he's okay, but his Vanguard look seems so... clunky. I don't really know.
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iMonsho no Nazo
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