Generally when it comes to your personal loyalties it varries slightly from situation to situation. Example: Ever classic friends fighting over something you either remain neutral (that's always a good idea!) or pick the closest friend who has your back most often (I tend to do that...not such a good choice) and an ever ugly situation that just loves to show up. Friends who ditch for their boyfriends. I personally know I have done that but in my useless defense we worked totally opposite shifts...He worked from like 11pm-7am somedays....Others it was 11pm-9 or 10am. (Bubbles I just hope you never met him because you'll kick my a**....or run me over.....<.< >.> which ever comes first)
But anyway we hung out in the morning before he drove me to school (pre-drop/kick out), before he drove me to work and on his two days off a week. (Yes I dated a workaholic) I dont think those count since we never really went on any public dates...(Mainly cause Im very self conscious of myself. ) Aside from my birthday....Which resulted in me getting sick in a parking lot >.> (TMI? ^.^;;;). And since he worked almost all the time *rolls eyes* he generally fell asleep at my house or I made him go home to bed ^.^;;; (Demanding much?)
Haha I keep getting off track....So where was I? *ponders* Oh right! Loyalties! Anyway reguardless of what seems like my endless time spent with my (now ex) boyfriend previous plans always remained. Doesn't matter if it was two days, three hours, etc. If I had plans before he asked me to do something I worked my way around everything. Example you ask? Hehe Id be happy to give one! (Yes I know you didnt ask for one! Im not that blonde!...Yet)
If I had made plans for lunch with my Bestie! (Bubbles yes that is you! *points and places a flashing neon sign beside her*...Oh shes going to either run me over or laugh ^.^;; wink And my (again now ex) BF wanted to hang out during my breaks (which were quite long..*coughsthreehourscoughs*) BUT I had these plans with the Bestie. The pre-made plans always came first! (Reguardless plans with Bestie stay in tack because...well Chicks Before Dicks right Bubbles?)
The same went for when he asked me to do something before someone else did....(I felt like s**t for bailing but meh we always rearranged things)
All in all this is a really long rant...Statment thingy.....He-he...Sorry ^.^;;;;
So just in case you missed the moral of the....The...Erm....Well....Ranty...Storyey (WTF does that mean?! O.O)...Statmenty...Journaly...Well for lack of a better term this THING! Here is the.....Um...... *ponders again*...Right....MORAL! Haha! I knew I knew that word...>.> (Agree or my duck army will come for you!)
So here for the second time is my attempted moral of the...whatever this is!..
THE MORAL OF THIS IS (if you didnt catch it before cause im sneaky like that!)
Sisters before Misters
(If youre friends are female and well your sister basicly just not by birthday cause well your birthdays are wayyy too close (Bubbles and I are like what two weeks apart? *checks calender*) or she always has your back (Again thats Bubbles...Break her in any way shape or form and I break you twice as hard >.>) or youre parents (or in my case parent) couldnt handle you as sisters...Maybe the world couldnt either....(O.O...Or even the universe!! O.O)...Maybe Destiny forgot to give them to you (That could happen!)
Chicks Before Dicks
If youre friends but not like sisters
Bros before Hoes
*coughs The male counter part to Sisters Before Misters
Well I think I made my point! (Hopefully)
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