Mech Guardian Chapter 4: First day of classes’ part - 2
Takeshi and Katilyn walked into room # 119, This Room was much different then the other. It was filled with coaches and recliners that surrounded black marble tables. Computer towers sat next to the tables and flat LCD monitors sat on the tables. Against the walls were screening panels which you could draw on and they would be transported onto the computers. There was a small room which on the door read –Art utensils-. There was a rotating white board which spun around into a further back room. The walls were Brown with a black border line, the floor was titled in a art pattern while on the walls were computer art like old computer parts and Plasma TV’s which showed looping images of short animations. Crystal objects hung from the ceiling from fishing line that was strong enough, but thin enough to see through without lines. At the far end but centered was a large dark oak table that had been carved into a unique pattern by an artist. On top of the desk was a laptop, a desk lamp and some papers. There were speakers in each corner of the room which were playing some sort of rock music.
Both Takeshi and Katilyn walked to one of the middle tables and sat down next to each other. “If you think about it it’s kind of funny that we like the same thing... Well sort of” said Takeshi with a bit of a laugh. “Well yeah I joined for that art, and because you look like such a dork you joined for the tech part” said Katilyn with a smile and laughing at her own joke. “Very funny” said Takeshi pushing her playfully. Katilyn then pushed him back laughing and Takeshi did it back to her, laughing as well. “So Katilyn where are you staying while you are attending her anyway?” asked Takeshi. “Oh not to far from here it’s a small Studio apartment close to the park” replied Katilyn. “Oh that’s cool see I live on the beach in a private apartment myself, second floor, want me to give you the address?” asked Takeshi. “Sure, might as well exchange phone numbers as well to call each other” replied Katilyn. Takeshi grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down his address and phone number then He handed it to her and smiled. “You know for someone who is really shy you don’t seem it” said Takeshi. ”believe me I am… honestly right now I’m a little nervous around you, not because your making me!, it’s just… I feel kind of happy around you and I’m having a lot of fun… I hope we get to spend lots of time together” said Katilyn shyly. “Hey how about this, after we go play 0-G soccer, we go get a slushy at the mall together? know… me and you… just us…” Takeshi smiled and blushed trying not to look directly at the cute girl. Katilyn immediately blushed and looked down slumping in her seat and looking just a little at Takeshi, replied “U…us? mean like a …da…date? … Sure… I mean... id really like that!” Takeshi smiled a little and replied back “Yeah… I guess you could call it a date.” Katilyn smiled up at him still blushing and nodded in a yes manner. “Ok then it’s a date” said Katilyn. The door to the class room then opened and a black female in a Brown suit with black dress shoes and socks walked in.
The female had red hair which she hung up in a pony tail which then hanged down to her small of her back. She held a pen in between her middle and pointer finger and in the other hand was a folder. She was fairly tall with a very slim body which seemed to curve down her body. She looked young at least 25 or 27 years of age. “good morning class I am your art professor please take a piece of paper form your desk, I would like you all to draw me what Art is to you whether it’s a beautiful portrait of someone, a composer of music or even a Slide sheet. Draw me something you like to create, just let your creativity flow” said the professor as she walked towards her desk. Takeshi took another piece of paper and turned away from Katilyn and began to draw away on the piece of paper. Katilyn being curious, she tries convincing him to let her see. “Come on, just at least tell me what your making Takeshi!” demanded Katilyn. “No, not yet it has to be perfect and I need to draw it out just wait please?” said Takeshi laughing with a smirk. “Fine then see if I show you mine” said Katilyn turning away and starting to draw. The two of them kept drawing facing away from each other to avoid blowing there secrets out of the water. Takeshi was finally finished and sat patently waiting for Katilyn to finish. She seemed to be taking her time using her pencil to draw what she was carefully. She finally finished and both of them faced each other. “Ok you go first!” they both said excited. “No you go first Takeshi” said Katilyn. “Fine but your going to think I’m a dork” said Takeshi. “Don’t worry what I think Takeshi just show me” said Katilyn with a smile. “Fine, fine, here” said Takeshi turning around the paper. On the piece of paper was the drawing of giant mech which was surrounded in detailed words. “You’re right you are a dork” said Katilyn laughing and smiling at Takeshi. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, lets see what you drew funny girl” said Takeshi laughing himself. “No… I changed my mind… your going to not like it… I’m a terrible artist…” said Katilyn putting herself down. “Don’t say that, that’s why we take this class to get better, besides I drew a mech drawing, you can easily top that” said Takeshi picking her spirit up. “Ok... don’t laugh then ok? Promise?” agreed Katilyn. “I won’t laugh I promise Katilyn” said Takeshi. Katilyn turned her drawing around to show a careful picture with a Orange hand which had roots like a tree that shoot up. There also was a snake curling around the tree to climb up and a flower in its hand, in the background was a ying yang moon which rose above the grass and behind the hand tree.“Wow… Katilyn this really… it’s beautiful I haven’t seen art like that in a while, your really creative” said Takeshi with his mouth opened. “Really like it? Thank you I appreciate it” said Katilyn.
“Alright class now that you’re comfortable with your drawing skills lets begin our first lesson. I want you to Design a self portrait of your partner to get comfortable with them” said the professor. Takeshi turned to Katilyn, grabbing another piece of paper and a clipboard, to view her. He started to draw her keeping the picture to himself drawing the sketch ever so carefully. Katilyn grab a piece of paper as well and began to draw Takeshi. Time seem to be moving faster as only a few minutes seemed to be only a few seconds. “Ok now, show your partner what you have finished and then you may gather your things and go, class dismissed” said the professor as she got up and left caring an empty coffee cup. “Well let me see” said Katilyn with a smile on her face. “Fine will turn them around on the count of 3, 1… 2… 3… go!” he replied back to her. They both switched there pads around and they showed each other’s self portraits of one another. Takeshi was this really crappy stick figure which Katilyn busted out laughing because all it had was a smile face with long hair in the back and a stick body, above read her name. Katilyn pad had a very well detailed picture of Takeshi and his name above his picture with a tiny heart on the I. “What the hell is that!, oh my god that’s the best portrait anyone has ever done of me” laughed Katilyn. “Thanks I think it brings out your eyes in the picture!” laughed Takeshi. Takeshi looked at Katilyn self portraits and smiled and then commented on it. “Wow and that has to be the best picture of me ever, can I have it so I may frame it?” asked Takeshi with a smile. “Sure! So…. Ill guess ill see you after we are done with all of our classes for today” said Katilyn with a sad look. “Don’t worry, ill meet you at the center of the university and will all meet up ok?” said Takeshi. “Sure see you then” said Katilyn begging to walk the opposite direction.
Takeshi walked down the halls to his 3rd class, room #134 –Robotics Handling- and saw Christie and Matt talking outside the door against the wall. “Hey Christie, Matt, I’m here how was your 2nd period?” said Takeshi getting closer to them. “Fine, I enjoyed my Mechanics class, I was the first one to increase a power core with Sarah’s help and we just talked about you and that other girl for the rest of class” said Christie. “A girl huh? Sounds like Takeshi was having fun!” said Matt with a snicker and a smirk. “Yeah actually I asked her out on a date, Oh! And are you guys up for some 0-G soccer? We are all going to meet up at the center of the university” Said Takeshi standing at the door finally. “Sure I would love to go and play the game! That means I can kick Matt’s a** at soccer again like I did years ago” said Christie in excitement. “Never again I told you next time we did I would get you!” said Matt with a bit of anger in his voice. “Alright that sounds like a yes from both of you. Lets go to class already I want to pilot something for once” Said Takeshi opening up the door. The three of them walked into the class room together and were surprised at what they saw.
“Whole... Ly… crap” Said Matt with his mouth dropping. “It’s like god opened up the door to the heavens gate and we were toast into the vacation spot!” said Christie with excitement and almost jumping off the ground. “It’s… so…. Beautiful!” said Takeshi dropping to his knees. The room was larger then any other room they had seen so far, It was 3 stories tall and four large football fields in a box shape side by side, two in the front and two behind those. It wasn’t a room at all it was a gigantic hanger for a arsenal of Mech’s and X75-Air force planes. The walls were metal and were a dark gray, in the far back of them behind Mech’s was two large hanger blast doors and the floors were light gray concrete. X75-figther planes were diagonally lined side by side in front of the Mech’s. The X75-figther planes and the Mech’s were all different colors and different types with different symbols on them. Some of them came from the prototypes to present day construction Mech’s. They were also many different sizes of Mech’s and had different uses from their past use. In another corner of the hanger, closer to them were oak chairs and tables and 20 feet from those tables were Training Mech Simulators (T.M.S.) which were a black cage with bars forming a circle, In side those was a black circle in a hexagon circle shape with flat screens viewing panels on the front. Above the T.M.S.’s was a large flat screen television. Some of the students had been looking at the X75-figther planes while others sat in their seats talking about the hanger and its contents. Takeshi, Christie, and Matt walked to their seats and sat down in the middle section of the tables rows and began to talk to each other. “I remember some of these, I was about the age of 10 when I saw my first Mech fight and I also remember at the age of 13 how when I walked down the street of the cities with my father, I could see Different Mech’s constructing buildings, Lifting Shipment crates and guarding our city from attacks by other countries” said Christie. “Yeah my father is a ex-pilot of them, He use to fly over our home before he left to go fight in Operation – Metal Blockaded” said Takeshi. “My father was a Fighter pilot during that Operation Takeshi; maybe he saved your dads life” said Matt laughing. “More like my father saved yours!” said Takeshi laughing back. After a few minutes of arguing the point back and forth the door next to them opened and a male who had to be in his late 40’s entered the room.
His hair was in a box army cut and was a dark gray and he seemed to have a muscular body build to him. He wore a black shirt with torn selves and Black jeans which had holes in them. His face had a few scars on them, one across his right eye which stretched from his nose to the far middle edge of his head in a slanted position. Another was across the bottom of his chin which was straight. Smaller one’s that were a little harder to notice were different lines across his face. His arms also had a scar or two on each side and he had a large one going up the front of his leg, from top to bottom. He wore black army boots which were polished clean and 27 dog tags hung from a metal chain around his neck. “Take your seats!” said the Man in a serous and loud voice. “You will call me by the name Captain Trevor, Captain, Sir, or Yes Sir. Do not call me by any other name. I am not your friend; I am not your teacher. I am either your Superior officer, your Commander, your only bail out or your Enemy! Do I make myself understood?!” Said Captain Trevor in a Loud, Angry, Serous voice. “Yes Captain Trevor” replied the class. “Good! Now from here on out you will be fighting for your lives! My tests are hardest, tiring, and most painful that you will ever take in your maggot lives! Welcome to Robotics’ Handling!” said Captain Trevor in a commanding voice. “Today you will learn how to use the basic controls of the Mech’s many controls. I need three of you maggots to step up to this first challenge, Put on a pressure suit and step into one of the ten T.M.S.’s” said Captain Trevor in a still loud but much quieter voice. Immediately Takeshi, Christie, Matt, and four students raised there hands to participate. “You three at that table there stand and tell me your names then walk forward and take a pressure suit” said Captain Trevor pointing to Takeshi’s group. Matt stood first and stood at attention with his hand sin a fist at the sides of his pants and his feet together 6 inch’s apart. “Student Matt Redron ready to go sir!” said matt with a serous attitude. “Oh so your Redrons kid huh? Yeah I knew your father, hopefully your not as much of a punk kid as he was” said Captain Trevor. Matt grunted and walked forward picking up one of the 3 pressure suits. The suits were all black but with 2 strips on both arms of the suit which were red. The suit Arms had padding on them with a small holes pocked into the fabric. The front of the suit looked like a bullet vest with the A placement for awards, a name tag and Pin rank. It also had two red pads at the bottom of the front of the suit with a Pilot logo on it and on the other was the planets Military symbol. The pants had 2 strips on both sides of the legs and padding on the knees. Christie stood up next and presented herself. “Student Christie Bailey ready to go sir!” said Christie with a serous attitude. She walked up to the front and picked up a pressure suit which was the same as matt. Takeshi stood up with the last one to stand and present himself. “Student Takeshi Ohmishi the 3rd ready to go sir!” Said Takeshi with a serous attitude. “You’re the son of Commander Ohmishi! Well then Takeshi I hope to see an excellent performance by you!” said Captain Trevor with a loud but proud voice. “Yes sir!” said Takeshi walking towards the front. He picked up a pressure suit much like the others but his was blue instead of red. He walked back into a empty blank room and changed his clothing. He then walked back out and stood at attention next to matt and Christie waiting for instructions.
Captain Trevor walked over to a T.M.S. and pressed a green button witched lit up and then a red one turned on turning off the green one. He then did the same for two more beside it. “Alright maggots sit down into these machines and listen to my instructions for a moment, The rest of you take notes and pay close attention, alright maggot’s, Proceed” commended captain Trevor. Takeshi stepped into the middle one and sat down looking around him. The inside of the T.M.S. had enough room to move around and lean back but was still relatively small. The T.M.S. was black with purple, white, and green flashing lights and lights that did nothing around him. The front left side had buttons witched flashed purple and white but also had blue buttons and small switches that you could flick off and on and a Small screen which was on but not active. The front right side was the same but with one more screen just above it. Behind him was black with sound speakers. The Chair was black, leather like material which had holes witched seemed to blow cool air into the T.M.S. and the seat could turn in direction as far as the panels went. The left and right sides had more switched on the wall and green lights that were on. There were a few red lights with the switches facing down and each switches read a different name or Short letters representing a longer word or sentence of the use of the switch. The top panels of the T.M.S. were also screens but had 3 switches each. There was a purple, see through keyboard which slid from the left arm side towards the front of both arms.
“Alright now pull the head set off the wall to your right and put it onto your head. Make sure the mic is facing you, both speakers are in your ears and the Rectangular piece over your left eye. Then press the blue button on your right and stay seated” instructed Commander Trevor. The three of them did as they were told sliding the keyboard into place and then pressing the button which then the front panel door came down making a locking sound. The T.M.S. went black and the mic made a low buzzing noise for a moment then stooped after a voice came on. “Alright Maggot’s you are now going to start your first mission. Flick the entire top switches on the top panel’s and wait for the screen to turn on. You should see the Planets military logo appear followed by the Command Interactive Nano Terminal Helping Incite A.I. or [C.I.N.T.H.I.A.] for short. Ok class watch on the large screen at what they do and remember it when it is your turn” Instructed Captain Trevor. Takeshi turned on every switch above him quickly and making sure the green lights came on. The screen flashed and then came back on with the Planets military logo on it. A voice came through the head set and the speakers behind him. “Welcome to the T.M.S. I am Cinthia please enter your Profile information as I ask you it on your screen and by my voice” Instructed Cinthia. The voice reminded Takeshi of a young child like females voice. “What is your name, age, instructors name, weight, height, and your birth date please” Asked Cinthia. Takeshi typed in the information and pressed enter. “Thank you, you’re now Private Ohmishi. New information, New information, you have attended a training test at the base at Hanson Air base. You’re now the rank of Corporeal Ohmishi” Said Cinthia. “I forgot to mention if any of you have attended a air base in the world your record is automatically updated to a rank higher then you started with” said Captain Trevor. “Your user id is now -23M6TU9KX- please remember this code to re-access your file” said Cinthia through just the headset. “Ok now that you are ‘soldiers’ you need to now read off the list of commands from your computer and do them as quickly as possible. You can try it slow for now but remember in a battle you have limited time when your enemy is coming at you” commanded Captain Trevor. Takeshi began to turn on the switches that were on the screens list and turned off the others that the screen also listed. Lights flashed as Takeshi did what he was instructed to do and after pressing a green light button. Two control sticks and a pair of gloves popped up from the edge of the arms from his chair. He heard his chair click and he felt as if he was pulled back in his chair. His eye piece came up and began to list sentences that were a checking sequence of the systems. “All systems checked, confirm?” asked Cinthia. “Alright that click was your suit hooking up to your Mech or the T.M.S. in this case. Put the gloves on and you should be able to lean forward and put your feet on the pad below your feet. Now just say all systems set command or Cinthia, this is, your rank and name, and the word ago” Instructed Captain Trevor. “All systems set command, this is Corporeal Ohmishi ago” said Takeshi after putting his gloves on and positioning himself.. “Roger that Corporeal, You are now clear for Operation –Gateway-“ said Cinthia. Takeshi felt something strap onto his feet and felt them roll a tiny bit. “Alright ‘Soldiers’ you control the arms of your mech by the gloves using the shape of your hand and the sticks to move them forward. Your feet can roll back and forth to move the Mech’s feet, if you press down or lean back while pulling the feet back you can activate a jet boost from your pack. The weapons can be activated by pressing down on buttons, while if you had a sword you need to press both buttons and swing them in the way of the sword. Now do note these controls are different for each mech some stand, others have chairs. You can watch each others health and heart rate by the top right monitor and. Green is the Mech’s health and the yellow line which goes up and down is their real health, but for the T.M.S. it is there fake health. The red line is their shield. Finally the blue line is their weapons over heating bar. Cinthia will let you know when one or more of them are in danger. To the top left is your information. In a moment your T.M.S. will begin your mission. Pay attention to your commander and watch each others back out there” Instructed Captain Trevor.
The T.M.S. went dark for a second and after a moment or two flashed with a bright light and the sounds of explosions far away, alarms and a lift. The T.M.S. shook each time there was an explosion and the floor vibrated with the sound of the lift. Takeshi could now see an underground hanger in which people were run across the floor and other Mech’s were lifting up to the surface. The front panels that didn’t have buttons on them lit up with the scene and the screens blended in with it. They were now replaced with see through green plasma screens. “Alright pilot listen carefully, I am your fleet commander Captain Douglas. We don’t have time to explain it all but our enemy from the northern Hemisphere is attacking us. Follow me grunt and if you get into trouble that you can’t escape hit the red button on the left side of your chair. Do you understand!?” said a male voice over the speaker system and headset. “Understood commander” replied Takeshi. “Alright I’m activating the lift now! Ill see you on top” said the digital voice. There was loud radio chatter over the radio and explosions as well. All Takeshi could do was sit and wait while the lift rose to the planets surface. When the mech finally got to the surface Takeshi was greeted by a large explosion in his face. He felt a rough shake and his T.M.S. moved him on his side laying facing up. The screens went blurry as he could hear only white noise and a far away voice watching a fighter plan go by. Another mech came over and he used to controls to get up. “Get up man; I don’t need to lose you right off the bat! We have to find Christie come on!” said a voice over the headset. The mech helped Takeshi up and at that point Takeshi knew who it was, piloting the other mech was Matt himself. “Glad to see you matt I was hoping we would start off close to each other. If I’m correct then Christie must just be over the mountain there” said Takeshi using his controls to point towards a mountain close by them. They both ran and used there boosters to get over the mountain. They could see a hanger that was half destroyed and they saw a mech which was under an attack by two other Mech’s. “That’s has to be her down there and from the looks she is pinned down!” said Takeshi. “Takeshi watch out we have 2 enemies Mech’s coming at us! Rescue Christie, ill take them on! Go now!” said matt over the radio charter. Matt took out his Mech klinge and flew off towards the enemies. Takeshi looked back at the damaged hanger and flew towards it and fired a few rounds towards the enemies that were pinning the other mech down. “Christie I’m here and your shield readings are down, give me two seconds and ill have you out of there!” said Takeshi. “It’s about damn time you got here! My weapons jammed and they blasted the klinge out of my hand and I can’t get to it!” Replied Christie over the radio. Takeshi fired more rounds at the enemy Mech’s destroying one of there arms and then the core of the mech. The other backed off and jumped behind a large wall and fired back at Takeshi. Takeshi ran into the damaged hanger grabbing Christie’s klinge and ran towards her. “Head around the back of the hanger and see if you can get a shot at him, ill draw his fire” ordered Takeshi. Christie got her Mech up and blasted a hole in the back just as Takeshi ran out and jumped behind some shipment crates. Takeshi fired at the Enemy drawing his fire towards him. Christie waited for an opening and then took a shot at the enemy Mech causing it to explode. “We need to get back to the rest of the fleet and get our orders, ill get matt boost yourself over the mountain and wait for us there” Instructed Takeshi. “Alright don’t keep me waiting other wise I’m going on with out you guys” said Christie running out of the damaged hanger. Takeshi shot a round into the roof and boosted himself out of it and then towards the top of the mountain. Matt was high up in the air avoiding shot’s from enemy Mech’s.
Takeshi landed on the mountain and saw an abandoned arterially cannon which sat loft sided in a dug out hole. The area around it was blanked and torn up with holes by Plasma missiles launched from enemy fighters. The ground was littered with fallen burned trees, sand bags and dead bodies. Takeshi Picked up the arterially cannon and loaded it with the small shells. He then pointed it towards Matt’s enemies and fired destroying one of their jets causing them to fall in a spiral towards the ground. Matt fired at the other causing it to explode in mid air. Matt saw Christie and flew towards her and he and her began to run towards a group of Mech’s which were gathering at an airfield to help get fighters in the air. Takeshi flew over with them, carrying the arterially cannon with him; just then a Man came onto the middle screen. “Damn it we need to get these X75-figther planes into the air now! If any more of those bombers destroy our hangers, barracks, or the X75-Figther planes there will be northing left to defend the valley! Corporeal I need you to take your squad into combat and defend the landing and take off strip near the ocean. Private matt you will go with your squad to the hangers and take out any enemies that are causing our fighters to not be able to take off. Private Christie your squad is heading over to the hills to take out there heavy artillery coming from there ships and beach heads. All of you will now have control over 3 units each, be careful out there” Said Captain Douglas. The screen went back to normal and Takeshi moved his mech towards the edge of the run way and watched his friends fly off into different directions without another word. The radio chatter was heavy and loud, Explosions and commands rolled together to form crowded noise. Takeshi eye scanner pointed out 5 units right away and his navigation scanner showed 15 enemy dots with 2 allies approaching Takeshi’s Mech. “Corporeal what is your command sir?” said a voice over the radio. “Pick 5 targets and begin your attack, don’t let any of them attack the airfield if any get past go after them first” ordered Takeshi. “Roger that braking off from the formation sir” said the same voice. The two allies that followed Takeshi broke off and boosted towards the sides of him. Takeshi went towards two enemy troop transports and was then greeted by massive amounts of AA fire from the ships. Takeshi used the arterially cannon to fire 5 shots into the first boat witched cause it to exploded in the center and start to sink. Takeshi could see enemy soldiers that were jumping off the ship or had died from the explosion, oil was also leaking from the metallic ship. Takeshi landed on the other ship and tore a few AA gun’s off the deck of the ship opening a hole into the engine room below. He pushed the arterially cannon and then boosted of and fired a round at the arterially cannon causing it to fire and cause the front of the boat to separate in an explosion from the rest of the ship. The whole ship sank forward lifting up spilling more oil into the water. Takeshi fired another shoot at the oil causing it to burn and set fire to all the soldiers near it. Takeshi was to close to this to avoid the shock wave he fell back wards and into the water.
“Warning …warning …warning Mech has entered water and is starting to let in water. You have 15 seconds to either escape water level or eject from your Mech” said Cinthia. “Takeshi what’s wrong, your shield are lowering and heart rate has increased” Said Matt’s voice over the radio. “10 seconds till system shut down” said Cinthia. Takeshi’s suit was starting to feel heavy and felt like the pressure in the T.M.S. had increased against his chest. He was starting to panic and his seat was sideways so he was hanging from it. The seat also began to slowly rotate to simulate him sinking while heat came into the T.M.S. to simulate the fire in front of him. Time seemed to slow down and things began to look bad, Takeshi couldn’t move his arms or legs to boost out of the water. Just when things seemed to be hopeless and over Takeshi’s pocket glowed and everyone saw his shields rise back up and his jet boost blasted so hard it caused all the water to create a hole around him. “T.M.S. reading special Mech crystal supply in area, activating special use of crystal” Said Cinthia over the headset. Takeshi was surprised he had no clue what was going on but he took his chance and flew out of the water in a spiral. The hole that was created caused the ship to sink even more. It now was facing straight up sinking down into the water. “I don’t know what you just did but it seemed to work I saw a white flash and then the water fly up. Also your shields are all the way back up, in any case glad to have you back” said Christie over the radio. “Yeah I got this now, I just hit a few switches” replied Takeshi. Takeshi boosted father away from the ships and attacked two bombers on a course towards the air field. In the distance was a large black mech which had a designed pattern on it. The Mech was different from because it had a red outline which went through the sides of the Mech. It had Pointy broad shoulders and knee caps. The feet were also three points and the body was also abstract. The hands were normal but the knuckles were point and straight. “Sir! Watch out that’s a D12 unit. They are used to attack smaller ground units” said a voice over the radio. Takeshi approached the unit and fired 3 rounds at it. The enemy mech stood there and absorber the shoots into it’s shield and took out its klinge. Takeshi did the same and before he could attack first the enemy did knocking Takeshi back. He swung back destroying one of its legs causing it to lose a little bit of stability. The enemy swung back towards Takeshi center where the core was located. Takeshi slashed the right arm of the mech off and avoided it from cutting off his arm as well. With a finally blow he attacked the center of the enemy causing it to explode after a moment or two. “All enemies have been destroyed in the area” said Cinthia.
“Takeshi I need help I have Tanks coming from the beach and my squad is pinned down by artillery fire by the ships. If you can fly around and attack the Heavy ships from the side” Requested Christie over the radio. “I just finished up hold on ill fly over and help you, matt how are you holding out yourself” Replied and asked Takeshi flying towards the mountain range. “I’m almost done I just need to fight the enemy’s coming from the west and ill be set” replied Matt with explosions and gun fire in the background. “Squad attack the tanks ill take care of the ships” instructed Takeshi taking out his gun again. Takeshi fired a heavy round into the left side of the first ship which blasted through the next. The damage was minimum, but was enough to cause the arterially to stop firing for a moment. Takeshi landed on the deck one of ships and tore one of the artillery cannons off with a little bit of a struggle and throw it at the second ship which caused it to open the hole more letting water rush into the ship causing it to start to sink. 3 other ships turned towards their arterially cannons towards his mech and fired. Takeshi boosted his mech into the air and landed on a 3rd ship smashing their AA guns and tearing up the ship to make it sink. He kept going 1 ship after another firing holes and tearing them apart. After setting the last ship on fire he flew towards land attacking tanks and throwing them into the ocean. The next wave of a land invasion had started. Takeshi saw a few abandon artillery cannon on the beach. He picked one off the ground and tore the cannon piece off of it and attached it to the barrel of his gun. He then fired his gun towards the invasion wave of troops destroying most of them and causing the rest to roll over and either sink or flip them over to the point you couldn’t flip them back over. Other Mech’s had joined the beach fight at this point attacking the enemy. Tanks were begin to retreat towards the far end of the island but Christie fired round after round hiding behind the mountain destroying them as they tried to escape. Matt had just joined the fight himself shooting his gun causing craters in the sand. The beach was a massive amount of metal and sand flying all over, the beach soon became littered wink smoking destroyed vehicles and bodies. The enemy that survived turned around and ran back towards invasion boats that were starting to turn around. The enemy was in full retreat as of their ground invasion and the bombers and X75-figther planes took off from the strip and attacked the rest of the fighter planes. “Well done but there are still more enemy Mech’s on their way, all units head towards the south side of the island” said Captain Douglas over the radio. Takeshi along with 25 other Mech’s moved towards that edge of the beach with their morale high. “Ok lets make this quick, easy and as least causalities of our allies as possible” Ordered Takeshi.
When they all finally got to the edge of the beach they looked towards the horizon and saw a horrifying site. In the distance …coming above the oceans liquid floor …was a wave of 100 Mech’s coming towards the island. “No way… This has to be a mistake… there has to be… I can’t even count…” said Matt with a worried sense. “Takeshi your apparently in charge of this defense… we are out gunned and I don’t think we are going to last much longer” Reported Christie. “Have faith… all units lock and load. All tanks roll into the woods and stay hidden with your cannons ready to fire. AA gun’s aim towards the air above the south end. All ground troops bring your casualties in anyone who can fire a bazooka or rotate an arterially cannon get to one and prepare to fire the weapon towards the sky. On my cue commence all attacks on the enemy soldiers.
Christie, Matt, I want you two to switch to my squad and follow my commands” Ordered Takeshi. All the digital units formed into the position that was said. The enemy began to get closer and closer to the island becoming clearer to see there full structures. “Wait for it… wait for it…. NOW! All units attack!” Just as the enemy came over the far beach line the air was filled with AA and arterially fire and became a black cloud of fire. The enemy disappeared behind the black cloud and all you could see was fire and hear the sounds of explosions. Out from this cloud rained metal Mech body parts witched some of it splashed into the water and the rest smashed into the beach leaving small pockets of craters across it. There was almost complete silence besides the firing and then out of the smoke came more mech units. The fire only destroyed 37 of the Mech’s up front. The allied Mech’s boosted into the air and begun to fire at the other Mech’s. The air filled with AA fire explosions and Mech fighting each other firing round after round and smashing their klinge together. One after another the enemy fell but the others seemed to be getting stronger each time. Takeshi slashed 1 unit after another starting to sweet in his chair as he was working up his heart rate. In the distance Christie was about to die from a sneak attack from behind as she was fighting another unit. “Christie watch your back!” yelled Takeshi over the radio. Just then matt’s unit jumped in and was the one who got killed. “Damn it I’m down!” yelled matt over the radio. His mech feel onto the beach hard and then gave off a large explosion from the center of his Mech. His life sign turned off and the screen showed his name with the words K.I.A. on it. “Takeshi, Matt is K.I.A. on my screen, we have to be more careful” said Christie over the radio. “Alright I’m counting 35 more enemy Mech’s and 15 more allied Mech’s on my radar Retreat back a bit to get out the mess” ordered Takeshi. The both of them backed off just enough to see and continued to attack. Takeshi killed another four cutting most of them in half to cut off the cores power to the suit. Christie destroyed another seven destroying the head of the enemy’s mech by shooting them. One after another the enemy fell but each time the next was stronger. Another mech appeared out of no where and shoot a large concentrated S46 Short range rail gun. Takeshi went to look over and saw that Christie was in the way of the blast so he used his jets to boost over to her. “Christie get out of the way! Eject before you get killed!” yelled Takeshi moving as quickly as he could towards her. The blast grew closer, time seemed to of all but stopped, he was only inches away from pushing her out of the way and then he grabbed onto her arm and began to push her mech away. The laser shoot right into his Mech’s hand and Christie’s suit destroying it on contact. Takeshi’s suit was damaged he felt the heat from the explosion and smashed down onto the beach making the T.M.S. Shake violently and turn it facing up. He felt the pain of hitting the ground and everything was once again blurry and sound seemed muffled and distance with a ringing noise.
The T.M.S. sparked and flashed a red light Takeshi struggled to get the Mech up onto its feet. When he finally did, the controls seemed to barely function and he had trouble stabilizing the screen. Christies screen did the same as Matt’s and showed her name with K.I.A. in the center of it. Takeshi finally regained almost full visibility and sound and looked up and saw the finally few Enemies dieing off and black clouds of AA fire. He looked around and saw that the beach was now full of craters and metal pieces. The front of the water was drenched in red blood from pilots that had died and washed up on shore. Takeshi backed up and fell over still trying to finally focus. When he finally came through to be able to see he looked over to what he tripped on. At his feet laid at his friends destroyed mech suit. Just then the sound of bombers could be heard and explosions close by. He looked up and over to see explosion come right at him. Just as the bomb hit he felt an intense flash of heat hit him and his T.M.S. went dark. The door opened and Takeshi was blinded by a bright light. He stood up and got out trying to figure out what just happened. “Well done team you saved the base but you all died. However let’s review what you learned today. Matt you gave the ultimate sacrifice and saved your fellow pilot. Hadn’t you of done so the battle would of properly been lost. Christie you learned to back out of a crowded area to see what you were doing and then reengage into the fight. Takeshi you let Christie have to eject by sacrificing your hand. Even if you all died you changed the battle itself. You did well today. Now gather your books and go change out, the rest of you are dismissed” congratulated Captain Trevor. Takeshi, Matt and Christie all walked off into different changing rooms and changed out they put the pressure suit back on the table and left the hanger. Takeshi turned back to say something to the Captain but when he did the Captain had a suspicious look on his face. Takeshi just turned back around and continued to walk. “I’ll catch up with guys after this class ok?” Takeshi said as he walked backwards towards the stairs. “yeah see you later” said matt with a disappointed voice.
Authors note
Hi everyone! If you have kept with me these last couple of chapters you have realized that I am absolutely and positively! …I fail at writing! So here is what I’m asking you to do. Give me some feed back send pm’s post comments whether it’s good or bad, make suggestions. I have a few things planned for the future but for now this is what I’m thinking of. Should I post after the finally story line the middle school directors cut of Mech guardian? Honestly I don’t think it’s needed but the fact is. The book has been written 4 time sin the past and its starting to tare apart. What should I do? Post the directors cut or move onto Mech guardian two? Post a comment about anything.
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Community Member
But word of caution:
You should break up the paragraphs more because Gaia's Journal is a tiny block as opposed to filling your screen (which would make more sense).
But it's not bad so far. I'm intrigued.
...Who's each character based on?
Takeshi = You.
Kaitlyn = Kaitlynn, roflmao.
And the rest? ;D
I'm curious.