name: Midnight, Silver (headmaster's daughter)
nickname: midori, Silver
gender: female
age: 17
sexuality: straight
personality: optimistic, mysterious, clueless, forgetful, cheerful, loves music, etc.
race: wizard/human/fairy/demon
powers: telekinesis, can make it snow around her, she is the daughter of the Queen of Water, fly's, walks through walls, and has more powers she doesn't know about.
Dorm: midnight and dante
likes: pancakes, to eat, books, music, piano, etc.
dislikes: people who try to make her jealous
dreams: to become the greatest wizard, and to become a great dancer and a great pianist.
fears: being alone in a world
crush: none yet
job(s): plays the piano at a cafe, dances on different shows, gets paid atleast $700 a week! donates $200 to charity.
bio: Midnight was raised by loving parents, ever since midnight was little her mother serenity always played the piano to her and midnight wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps. midnight was always alone and played by herself! midnight had dyslexia when she was younger and couldn't and now there was a cure for that and midnight could once read and she enjoys reading. on midnight's 8th b-day they gave her a pet wolf named Whisper.
appearance: User Image
pet: wolf
pet's name: whisper
pet's age: 3 years
pet's race: a neko/wolf
pet's power's: fly's
pet's appearance: coming soon,
brownish tanish, small, cute

name: Joanne
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powers: whatever
dorm: Joanne and zero
pet: angel wolf fly's
name: shiver
age: 3


name: ichi, Dante
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powers: fly's, easiest to get girls, watver can achieve.
pet: wolf
wolf: dark
age: 4

name: zero
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powers: whatever he can archive
pet: none

this is just a cute boy i saw on the internet when i was looking at other posts lolz i might use this!
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