My story that is true!
There is a creek down the road from my house. So me and my 2 friends went down there to go take pictures because its beautiful down there. Anyways, when we got down there we saw a turtle but had nothing to catch it with so we went back to her house and got a bucket. But then when we came back to the creek it was gone. So we tried searching for it down the creek a little ways. Then my friend (Emily) shoe came off and it was a pretty fast current. But I ran after it anyways. There were also sharp rocks and big rocks. I couldn't get it after I kept going down the creek looking for it. So finally when I gave up and was going to go home Emily's other flipflop fell off but I was right down the river from her so I was able to get that one. Anyways right when I got it and was heading towards her my flipflop fell off. (and mine were the nice Adias kind that cost a lot) The current was really fast and the water was a bit past my ankles so I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to get it by running. So instead I dove for it. (I know pretty brave huh? lol) I got it but landed on a bunch of rocks that were uncomfortable. Instinctively I got up and was walking towards my friends practically shaking. When I got over there I noticed an uncomfortable pain in my hand. I look down at it and it was swollen. (looked like a marble underneath my skin. It was on the inside of my hand right above my wrist.) Then I started crying for like 10 seconds then stopped. All I wanted to do was get out of the horrible creek and go home. Then on the way back Emily saw a snake near us in the water so we ran away. And my other friend Kennedy she fell in the stream and cut her knee. Then when we were just about to get out of the stream and head home
Emily lost her other flipflop and we didn't bother to go after it. Then when I got home and got changed and everything I showed my mom my hand (she's a nurse) and she said that I busted a blood vessel. Nothing too extreme. It would heal over time. And thats about it... But it was one of the worst days I have probably ever had. >.<
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