I just discovered Halloweentown and the Durem Graveyard. When did they get there? Gaia, seriously, draw some more attention to the "world map" navigation. I'm off to explore more of the Old Gaia that you lot have forgotten. abandoned.
Wow, I just ran across an 11 year old; she makes me wonder who's the youngest Gaian. Though, she has more of a right to stay on Gaia; she seems lightyears more mature than the 13 yr. old noobs. Hmm, good taste in music; I never heard of Owl City before.
Technically, Gaia doesn't forbid her from visiting/participating as long as she's under parental guidance (that's what the PG in PG-13 stands for ladies and gentlemen), but I doubt her parents sit over her shoulder watching everything she clicks or talks about.