The Angry Game Corner With Katt
Today's Entry: Crash Gets Smashed
Hello and welcome to The Angry Game Corner With Katt. This is my very first episode so I might as well tell you what it's about.
Many a year a go all I did around the house was games. I wouldn't stop until I beat the game I was playing, buy another one, beat it, then repeat. But there were few games that dare challenged my skill..however..I was fairly little at the 15 now so this continues to happen. So my temper gets easily used.
Now onto the game..When I was either...11, 12, or maybe 13 I played a game called Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex..But unlike most easily angered people..after a while on a stubborn part..they beat it..a few years later I am still stuck on that part. It was the second level boss...every level before that was easy..but this one decided to smack me across the face. So now it begins.. I got to the very first level..easy enough. 2 one. A little tougher..odd. Usually these kinda games go easy until later. But however, this particular game challenged me. So the first know? That queer in the rubber band ball? For some reason..Crash somehow managed to get one. And instead of that ultimate creation coming out and ripping me to pieces. He has to roll around and hit me..and if you hit him enough times..apparently he gets irritated and says "******** it" And runs away..yeah okay.
So now apparently he has friggin' elemental powers, I don't know..So I'm on the water level..Here's where it began and never ended. Every water level thingy was surprisingly easy for me..until the boss. So now apparently we go from just hitting each others balls (Pun intended) to a giant water tiki making floating tiles on the water, making them move at times, throwing friggin' volts of electricity at you (Again..yeah okay) So you have to jump over some, then duck right away as you hit the button and go all the way and hit him..God was that annoying! Still is! So after the fifth try I walk out of my room, breathe, then go back in and try again..
I bet you can imagine me..This is what it was like..from start to finish. " I'm facing a giant rock that somehow controls water and electricity..Wait what the ********?! Yeah okay..Alright Crash..don't screw up on this and we can go one step forward to beating the game..okay..jump, jump again, jump to the next floaty thing over there, duck, jump, one more, same thing, hit him..YES! Alright..this will be over within a few minutes..What the hell? they move..things get faster, duck, jump, ********! Alright! Second Hit! He is so dead! Hey....what ********? I'm 'spose to jump and crouch AND dodge that thing! Ow..okay that hurt..Ow! What the..Okay I died.." And many tries later "******** YOU CRASH! ******** YOU TOO CORTEX! You flying nerd. I have an insane animal that wears only pants, spins like friggin' godamn Taz, runs like a queer, and you come in with THAT? What the hell this is only the second level!" I threw the controller down..almost broke it..walked out of my room..and started crying..god that was a hard game >.< But after that...I came back in and just shouted "You sir! Are a cheating douche!" And walked out..
I hope you enjoyed this little memory of mine. Next time, I will be reviewing the Ratchet and Clank games! Which is much more funnier, I recall.