~~~Update <3 ~~~
So, I've been planning on posting a new journal for a while, a couple actually, but a lot has been happening and I haven't gotten around to it till now. I was originally planning on submitting something about my family, and even spent an hour the night I started this journal writing up a draft. I forgot about it though, and now I'm at my mom's so I don't have the draft. Last week I went on a 'date' to the movies with my friend Alex, which went absolutely nowhere...I reconnected with him through my new MyYearbook account. And then, a couple of days later, I met Chris on MyYearbook. We met at the mall, I brought a friend with me in case he wasn't who he said he was, and we hung out and went to Borders and stuff. Later that evening, over IM, I officially became his girlfriend. We've been fighting a bit because of some differences of opinion, but I think it's going to last ^^ I'm so happy to finally have someone, I just hope my parents don't find out, because he's two years older than me. We're going to see The Perfect Getaway, the horror flick, on Saturday. Apparently somehow his whole family found out about me, and his dad is going to get us in. I'm a bit nervous and freaked out, and I hope everything goes well, because this is my first time being alone with a guy... I'll update this again after our date ^^ Oh, and I officially love MyYearbook. It made it so I went on my first date, went on a different date-type thing the next day with someone else, and got my first boyfriend ^_^ Without MyYearbook, none of this would have been possible.