This is my "Woman on a mission" avi. As for what mission I don't know... but she sure is going to do it.

This was just playing around to test out the rainbow skin a bit.

I do ninja so often, I decided to try for a Samurai.

This one was just for a bit more of fun. I enjoy the rainbow skin and like the effects I have.

My Shattered Dancing Doll avi I'm unfond of the eyes, so I went to the marketplace and tried these ones on:

I like it a lot better. I think it shows her sadness a lot better. I love the way the tears fall in the cracks. Still this avi breaks my heart to see.

This is my street walking hussy

I was aiming for a Reaper. I think I did pretty well with a lost soul added in to the mix.

I suspected that the alaruna's rose and the new nightmare item would look good together, Figured I should try and it turned into a dominatrix avi before I could stop myself.

My sweet little snow queen. Though the more I look at her, she seems like a water queen.

To be honest, my mind does not remember what I was thinking... but I'm sure it was nifty.

Lastly, My jilted lover ghost. Got to love the jilt lovers.
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