- You genuinely can't spell to save your life; you actually have to strain your
brain to produce grammatically correct sentences.
You don't notice the "puppets" you call entertainers nor how they oversexualize
everything - even spongebob.
You think sign language and rock & roll came before evil.
You put humans up on a golden pedestal because they're oh-so intelligent; you
sport a metaphorical "humans rule" bumper sticker.
You sign your rights away - willingly yet unknowingly.
You can't think outside the box and try to beat the freethinkers back.
You blindly practice a religion and can't possibly fathom that you might just be
worshipping something malicious and inflicting your own woes.
You want children just cuz'. Never researching into the best possible education
to tailor their individual needs, you just dump them into a pubic/private school.
You simply don't think. Ever. You speak in cliches.
You believe ignorance causes bliss. Just because you refuse to acknowledge
the harmful effects, doesn't mean the effects won't kill you.