"Bye honey, call me as soon as you get there, okay?"
Addison stared at her mother, whose eyes were glimmering under the moonlight as she waited for the taxi driver to finish loading the car boot with her luggage bags and other items. Being transferred to another school was okay with her, for she hadn't any close friends back in New York. But what frustrated her was the fact that she had to be transferred at night time. "I mean, who gets transferred at night?" she would question her mother, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "I don't know, honey, but I'm sure everything will be splendid once you get there."
"Tchh, yeah right, mom. I'll try to believe that this time." Mrs. Valentino gazed at her emotionally. "I love you, sweetheart." A sigh escaped her lips. "I love you too, mom. I'll call you. Don't worry."
And with those words, the engine started and the taxi began to accelerate. Addison looked over her shoulder. She could see her mother waving at her direction, but the image of her was slowly fading away as the distance between them grew bigger. Finally, she turned back around, and waited for the school to come in sight.
Everything was blurred. Slowly, her eyelids lowered. Before she knew it, she was asleep.
The taxi suddenly stopped, and Addison was beginning to twist and yawn and stretch and groan. "Why'd we stop...?" she grumbled, rubbing her eyes in a sleepy manner. "We're uhh.. here, miss," the taxi driver replied, looking at her through the rear-view mirror. He had that certain accent that sounded especially familiar. What was it... ummm... Oh yeah! Flushing! she thought, staring at him in silence. Things got awkward for a moment in the car, with the silence and the tense atmosphere. "Ummm.. My mom paid, right?" The man who seemed to be in his early twenties raised his eyebrow. "Yeah. Want me to help ya out with ya things, kid?" Addison's face grew red. "Eh, nah. I can handle it myself." A crooked smile stretched across his face. "Whatever you say, miss."
After exiting the car, Addison jogged around to the back of it. "Pop the trunk," she called, patting the paint-coated metal surface of the lid. As it flew open, Addison began to unload the boot by carrying her things out, one by one.
Addison stood by the entrance, still puzzled of why she had to be transferred at night. "There's night class, maybe," she mumbled to herself, dragging one of her luggage bags on the floor as she entered the administration building. Surprisingly, it was empty. "Grrrr.." But then, she saw something moving about in the shadows. "What the--" It was a figure, shaped like a normal person, but she couldn't really make out the details like his face and stuff. It was more of a... silhouette. "Hello?" she called boldly, irritated by the fact that the person - or whatever it was - was still lurking among the shadows. What the Hell is his problem? she pondered, frowning to herself. "Whatever." She got her phone out, and immediately dialed for her mother's number. It took a while, for the reception was tremendously bad, but alas, her mother answered. "Hey, mom, I'm here. Weirdly, there's no one around. Oh wait, of course there isn't anyone around! It's 10 o'clock at night!" She paused as her mother said something back. Then, "Okay, so there is someone. But he's probably some freak who likes to go around in the shadows scaring people. It's not working though." She emphasized on the last sentence, strictly referring to the figure hiding in the shadows. "Okay mom, bye. Love you."
PM to continue; you can play as the night class students, day class students, the taxi driver, the teachers or even all four if you're kind enough. kthx.