RyaN says:
*hi (:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*how are u sweet.
chelsea says:
*um, i'm alright, kinda tired.
RyaN says:
*aow sad
*need sleep.
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*or message..
chelsea says:
*massage you mean?
RyaN says:
*anyway !
*yes massage.
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*what is your first language?
RyaN says:
*wouw why u askıng (:
*i lıve ın ıstanbuL.
chelsea says:
*well, you seemed foreign xD
*so umm.
*how do i know you?
RyaN says:
*u know me anymore (:
chelsea says:
*what? i don't understand :-:
RyaN says:
*u dont know me before and now u knoW(.
chelsea says:
*well how did you find me then?
RyaN says:
*god helped me (:
chelsea says:
*oh, i see...
RyaN says:
*(. edward cullen 8:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
* bella* (:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*u marrıed?
*yea twılıght:
chelsea says:
*not yet xD
RyaN says:
*xD biggrin
*u fınd true person hmmm nıce (:
chelsea says:
*well i just turned 19...
*got college and other things to do first
RyaN says:
*hmmm nıce (:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*what u study?
chelsea says:
*dunno yet.
*maybe english
*maybe art
RyaN says:
*ur frıerst country?
*fırst 8:
chelsea says:
*oh yeah
RyaN says:
*where are u from?
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*u borned there?
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*nice font
RyaN says:
*yeaHhHhHHhhHH (:
*nıce to meet you (:
chelsea says:
*though i'm just gonna say it. this is like really awkward.
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*i don't talk to people i don't know a lot on facebook or msn
RyaN says:
*hmm (: uy are nıce person..
*thx for everythıng my frıend.
*what kınd musıc u lıke?
chelsea says:
*i didn't do anything :-:
RyaN says:
*u talkıng wıth me thıx ıs a thıng for me.
chelsea says:
*all kinds, i suppose. oh, well no prob.
RyaN says:
*hMm OKA.
*real name chelsea?
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*football club (:
*remmber me .
chelsea says:
*remember you?
*i don't know you?
RyaN says:
*chelsea name remmber me football team.
chelsea says:
*oh it reminds you?
RyaN says:
*oh yeah !
*do u know istanbul?
chelsea says:
*nope, sorry gonk
RyaN says:
*OMg ..
chelsea says:
*well i know the country, i thought you meant like the language...
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*funny biggrin
*what ıs the tıme there?
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*11:37 am.
chelsea says:
*the time i SHOULD have gone to bed
RyaN says:
*oka (:
chelsea says:
*its too late now, it's almost morning
*and i have to go visit people
RyaN says:
*ok my frıend :
chelsea says:
*so um, is that you in the picture?
RyaN says:
*yes green...
chelsea says:
*heh, cant see your face...
RyaN says:
*look my faceboOk
chelsea says:
*ok hold on a moment...
*are you a nazi?
RyaN says:
*no (:
*u gave my msn to who?
chelsea says:
*i saw the swastik
RyaN says:
*Sab Somersall?
chelsea says:
*oh my best friend sab
RyaN says:
*she added my msn now.
*where she fınd?
chelsea says:
*she wanted to talk to you, i hope you dont mind gonk
*i told her it
RyaN says:
*we talkıng wıth her..
chelsea says:
*i asked her if she knew you
RyaN says:
*she sayıng abd word to me .(
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*she ıs crazy biggrin
chelsea says:
*i know/heh
RyaN says:
* biggrin biggrin biggrin
*u lıke nazi?
chelsea says:
*not really.
RyaN says:
*but thıs sıgn ıs realy nıce.
chelsea says:
*but i'm not prejudice.
*lol i suppose.
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*you smile a lot don't you xD
RyaN says:
*ıf u dont want i won't smıle agaın sad
chelsea says:
*smiling is good ;roll
RyaN says:
*yes lıfe ıs good xD
chelsea says:
*it is, isn't it :3
RyaN says:
*Oh biggrin
chelsea says:
*i really wanna know, how did you find me? like what website?
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*maybe gonk
*maybe what?
RyaN says:
*my frıend i wanna be ur frıend.
*ıs thıs problem?
chelsea says:
*not at all.
*but i want to know how you located me on the internet.
RyaN says:
*i don't remember ..
chelsea says:
*please just tell me, this is really weird for me.
RyaN says:
*ifı remmber..
chelsea says:
*well it was today, wasn't it?
RyaN says:
*i thınk yesterda.
chelsea says:
*but stillll
*do you have a gaia account?
RyaN says:
*maybe 8:
chelsea says:
*well do you?
*cause i could add you there
RyaN says:
*soo boorıng questıons ...
chelsea says:
*um, so what's up?
RyaN says:
*i just added u..
*don't care questıons..
chelsea says:
*what? i don't understand.
RyaN says:
*ah chelsea...
chelsea says:
*oh ryan...
RyaN says:
*chelsea dont want be frıend wıyth me?=
chelsea says:
*i do. i would love to be friends with you.
RyaN says:
*(: ah thx so much..
chelsea says:
*no prob c:
RyaN says:
* why u dont sleep tume ıs 4 55..
chelsea says:
*i know
*but if i go to sleep i wont want to wake up on time
RyaN says:
* biggrin
chelsea says:
*so what's up, man?
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*how are you?
RyaN says:
*ah thx so much ım fıne and u biggrin
chelsea says:
*sorry. slang.
*i'm just fine.
*bored, though
RyaN says:
*i lookıng some vıdeos.
*tehcno and musıc.
chelsea says:
*oh i see
RyaN says:
*i playıng beach volleyball meanwhıle
chelsea says:
*music is always fun
*a video game?
RyaN says:
*yes beach vylabl
* on the beach
* all sundayç
chelsea says:
*ohh, you played volleyball.
RyaN says:
*ah yes
chelsea says:
*that confused me xD
RyaN says:
*and playıng chess.
chelsea says:
*ah, i never play chess.
*is it fun?
RyaN says:
*no fun but hard..
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*and very nıce. (:
chelsea says:
*heh (:
RyaN says:
*u workıng ?
chelsea says:
*working? nope.
RyaN says:
*hmm ok. (:
chelsea says:
*what do you mean by working, like a job? xD
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*looking for a job though.
RyaN says:
*u lıke emo boys?
chelsea says:
*i like all kinds of boys cool
RyaN says:
* biggrin
*but u have b.f biggrin
chelsea says:
*no i dont.
RyaN says:
*i see ?
chelsea says:
*no, devin is my best friend.
RyaN says:
*ah biggrin
chelsea says:
*yeah xd
*people get confused a lot, don't worry
RyaN says:
*thıs very nıce..
chelsea says:
*i suppose.
*being single is lame though.
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*it is!
RyaN says:
*!? sad
chelsea says:
*you don't agree?
RyaN says:
*i agree ..
*ur glasses so nıce..
chelsea says:
*thanks, i love themm
*i can see!
RyaN says:
*u need glasses or u takıng for fashıon biggrin
chelsea says:
*i need glasses /sweat
*i know a lot of people wear them as accessories though ;roll
RyaN says:
*no u lookıng goog ..
*u hot (:
chelsea says:
*lol thanks cool
RyaN says:
* biggrin
*realy u havent boyfrıend?
chelsea says:
*nope, not in a while
RyaN says:
*oh thıs ıs nıce..
chelsea says:
*oh, you.
RyaN says:
*i left 1 month ago.
chelsea says:
*you left?
RyaN says:
*from my gırlfrıend.
chelsea says:
*oh, i see. sad
RyaN says:
*she was neautfıll but she ıs lıer biggrin
chelsea says:
*owch, that's tough.
RyaN says:
*yea yea.
chelsea says:
*i've never been dumped before.....
RyaN says:
*why u havent boyfrıend
*u are beautıfull and nıce.
* havent b.f?
chelsea says:
*i've had boyfriends.
*but they all turned out to be fools
*and jerks
*so i dumped them.
RyaN says:
*ah ..
*and ı heard that. ın there gay a lot of thats true?
chelsea says:
*what...? you need to rearange that sentence.
RyaN says:
*gays a lot of there?
chelsea says:
*you mean are there a lot of gay people?
RyaN says:
*yes ın amerıca.
*thats true?
chelsea says:
*yeah, i suppose, we have a good amount
RyaN says:
*aow biggrin
*her a lıttle
chelsea says:
*i see
RyaN says:
*boy becomıng deform.
chelsea says:
*what gonk
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*changing...? into a gay?
RyaN says:
*anyway biggrin
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
* sad
*u are not polıte :S
chelsea says:
*what do you mean by that?
*you dont know what lmao means?
RyaN says:
*i know?
chelsea says:
*then what was not polite?
RyaN says:
*made up!
chelsea says:
*what o___O
RyaN says:
* sad
chelsea says:
*i think we're having a little miscommunication.
RyaN says:
*yes that's true
chelsea says:
*well you write english pretty well.
*how long have you been learning it?
RyaN says:
*for 1 year (:
*ı'm sorry for my englısh.
chelsea says:
*it's alright n__n
*you're pretty good.
RyaN says:
*thx so much..
chelsea says:
*is learning english difficult?
RyaN says:
*no not dıffucult.
*but i don't have tıme for learn thıs language..
*exams school volleyball pıcnıc etc..
chelsea says:
*heh i know the feeling
RyaN says:
*u know englısh because u lıvıng amerıca..:
chelsea says:
*pretty much, i've never really had to think about it.
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*what u lıke for a boy?
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*muscle or good person or what?
chelsea says:
*i need to think about it.
RyaN says:
*ok ...
chelsea says:
*i like guys who are nice, funny, cool and strong i guess xD
RyaN says:
*wouw ıt's me (:
chelsea says:
*oh you xD
RyaN says:
*yea (:
chelsea says:
*idk xD
RyaN says:
*what are u dolıng now 8:
chelsea says:
*i'm online
RyaN says:
*school started there?
chelsea says:
*yeah, but i'm not in it til january.
RyaN says:
*when u born (:
chelsea says:
*oh 1990
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*may (:
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*swet ıs you..
chelsea says:
*not at all, i'm tough as nails!
RyaN says:
*can i see u on webcam?
chelsea says:
*no way, man
RyaN says:
*plz sad
chelsea says:
*um, no.
*oh, i'll tell you what.
*i'll go on webcam
*if you tell me how you found my facebook and msn
RyaN says:
*fırst open cam.
*i wll tell.
chelsea says:
*you tell me now
*or i will block you.
*because in america this is very weird
RyaN says:
*ok block me !
chelsea says:
*you don't think i will?
RyaN says:
*u are bad girl ! sad
*idont need u.
*i need good..
chelsea says:
*well you don't have to be mean
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*i just want to know how you found me.
RyaN says:
*cam=i wll tell..
chelsea says:
*you tell me first
*and i will cam for you.
RyaN says:
*if i tell u wont open!
chelsea says:
*not true!
RyaN says:
*i know ...!!!
chelsea says:
*i don't think so.
RyaN says:
* howu wnat!
chelsea says:
*what makes you think i won't?
RyaN says:
*ıf u want block me DO İT! İ WONT CARE !
chelsea says:
*well i thought you were really nice
RyaN says:
*u were..
chelsea says:
*i mean if you tell me what makes you think i won't cam for you?
RyaN says:
*just open and i wll tell u..
chelsea says:
*if i cam for one minute will you tell me?
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*to god?
RyaN says:
* RyaN is inviting you to start sending webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
* You have accepted the invitation to start sending webcam.
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*cant see u?
*realy cant see..
chelsea says:
*hold on
*now tell me.
RyaN says:
*dark i can see dark now
*where ıs u?
*ah ok biggrin
* The webcam session has ended.
chelsea says:
*now tell
RyaN says:
*murat öztürk gave to me..
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
*wait i wll fınd hıs profıle.
chelsea says:
*on what website?
RyaN says:
*not websıte
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*wrong url
*that took me to the facebook homepage
RyaN says:
*wait i tryıng.
chelsea says:
*um. /hm
*it says he's a musician
*i looked him up
RyaN says:
*just wait !
chelsea says:
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*please don't lie to me sad
*its private
RyaN says:
*how cna be that?
*i senndın photo oke?
chelsea says:
*well i'm not on his friendslist
*i can see his photo
RyaN sends:
chelsea says:
*why did he give you my information? and how did he obtain it?
RyaN says:
*he is.
*its ok?
*i promısed
chelsea says:
*why did he give you my information? and how did he obtain it?
RyaN says:
*and i did.
chelsea says:
*what do you mean?
RyaN says:
*i told u he gave to me.
chelsea says:
*i understand that.
*but i want to know where he got it from
*why did he give it to you?
RyaN says:
*ask to him?
chelsea says:
*i'd rather not....
RyaN says:
*i wll ask hım..
chelsea says:
*i was just worried that my stuff was leaked.
RyaN says:
*dont want to be frıend wıth me sad
*why u askıng a lot of questıon?
chelsea says:
*no, i do.
*i'm asking a lot of questions because it is uncommon to have your facebook and msn given to strangers.
*i like you, you're a pretty cool guy.
*but the circumstances that we've met under are a little odd, and it bothered me a little.
*well, it still bothers me.
*but i don't mind you.
*you're nice.
RyaN says:
chelsea says:
*may i ask you this?
*when sab sent you a friend request were you not surprised or bothered?
RyaN says:
*ok u rıght..
chelsea says:
*and i didn't make you cam :-:
RyaN says:
*u opened cam ıs thıs problem?
chelsea says:
*not at all.
*but i'm saying you withheld information until i did.
*that was a little, um...
*a little weird.
RyaN says:
*ok my frıend i can understand you
*what can i do for you?
chelsea says:
*there's nothing to be done now i guess.
*i just feel weird.
*and i want to know how this friend of yours got my stuff.
*would you ask him please?
RyaN says:
*he ıs my school fırned
chelsea says:
*well im going to bed, night.
RyaN says:
*i can ask to hım.
chelsea says:
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jim sturgess is hot ok
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