Character Name: Sabrina Miles
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 192 lbs.
Race: One half English, one quarter German, one quarter Japanese
Appearance: Sabrina has shoulder-length black hair and hazel eyes. She is also somewhat overweight, not due to lack of exercise and poor eating habits, but because of a glandular problem. In fact, she keeps up a rigid exercise regimen and dietary plan just to make sure her weight doesn't get any worse. She has no distinguishing marks other than a small tattoo on her right bicep, the emblem of the Tellus Academy of Geomantic Arts, given to her after her graduation.
Personality: Sabrina grew up with glandular problem that causes her to retain excess body fat, and so she has been overweight for most of her life. This has caused a considerable amount of harassment throughout her school years, and though she is a good person at heart, she has developed a personality that relies on playful and sardonic humor as a defensive mechanism in order to cope. Also, Sabrina has been known to use aggression and physical violence in order to resolve a conflict once it has escalated. In her own words, she prefers "very hands-on problem-solving methods". Fortunately, she has become much more sociable in the past few years, having formed lasting friendships that have made her a happier person and given her a more positive outlook on life. Despite her energetic, optimistic demeanor, she has strong values, and is one of those rare people that refuses to stand by and do nothing if she sees something she perceives as wrong. Cruelty, pettiness, and ignorance are among the things she will not condone. As an additional note, Sabrina has recently realized she is homosexual, and is currently trying to come to terms with this.
Special Abilities: Sabrina is a Geomancer and Terrakinetic. In layman's terms, she has earth-based abilities. Terrakinesis allows her to move earth with the power of her mind. Her level of ability is just powerful enough to allow her to lift rocks and other types of earth in quantities of up to 30 lbs at once, and push up to 50 lbs along a flat surface. However, there is a drawback: using this natural-born ability requires substantial amounts of energy – nearly as much as moving it by physical strength alone, and extended use takes a toll. Her prowess with Geomancy, on the other hand, allows her to perform feats of much higher caliber at reduced cost to her energy. Having learned this form of magic from professional instructors, she has displayed considerable skill with it. It has a disadvantage, though; if she is not in contact with the substance she is moving, whether directly, or indirectly through contact with the ground, it nearly doubles the level of energy consumption.
Geomancy Techniques -- Shift: The most basic of Geomantic abilities, this is the movement of rock, soil, clay, and other elements of the earth (with the exception of refined metals). Quite simply, the larger the amount of earth being moved, and the more force with which one wants to move it, the more energy and preparation time is required. For instance, moving 5 pounds of stone with some speed requires less than a second to prepare, and a minimal amount of energy. On the other hand, Shifting 50 pounds of stone with great speed takes much more energy, and a few seconds of preparation. -- Sense: This is another basic technique, and very simple. Sabrina pulses a minuscule amount of energy through any earth she has contact with, using it in a manner similar to (but not the same as) sonar. This allows her to obtain a snapshot of the earth’s structure and its composition within a certain distance (depth included). A master can use this to gain a minutely detailed image of any earthen feature for several hundred feet in every direction. Sabrina is at a level where it extends to roughly 30 feet, and she is unable to discern anomalies smaller than a fist. -- Split: With a burst of power, Sabrina can create a hairline fissure in earth. The longer and deeper the fissure, and the harder or denser the material she splits, the more energy required (e.g. a five foot long, one foot deep fissure through limestone expends roughly the same amount of energy as running a short distance). A much more powerful burst causes a "spiderweb" Split in all directions, destabilizing the ground as it causes a "micro-quake" (affects only the immediate area, between 3.0 and 4.0 on the Richter scale). -- Press: The ability allows Sabrina to condense earthen materials, making them harder and reducing their volume. The degree to which she can Press something depends on how dense it already is. If it is porous rock, or loose soil, then she can condense it considerably. Using this ability on something that is already compacted has little effect unless she exerts much greater force. Generally, she can only use this on something she can encircle with her hands or arms. -- Bond: Bonding is a technique wherein a Geomancer sticks earth to a solid surface (with the exception of other living, animate beings) in a magnet-like manner. Subsequently, the Bond can be released at any time by a Geomancer, but removing it through other methods proves somewhat difficult. They can also Bond earth to their own bodies, but doing so requires constant focus and is a minor, but steady drain on their stamina. A master Geomancer can maintain full-body coverage, like a suit of armor, but Sabrina is at a level where she can only manage a couple of square feet of coverage at a time. -- Mold: An advanced Press technique. Sabrina can project her innate "earthly energy" around her hands, allowing her to sculpt and scoop earthen materials, as if they were made of clay, even solid rock. This usually takes very little energy, unless she is Molding very large amounts. -- Resonate: Resonate causes the earthen materials upon which it is used to vibrate at high frequencies. Sabrina is more easily able to use this on earth in a particulate state, such as sand or loose soil, but she can also manage with solid rock. The more earth she is Resonating, and the more intense the vibrations, the more effort needed. Needless to say, using this on amounts of earth any greater than 40 – 50 pounds can drain her quickly, used for more than a few seconds. She does not have to be in contact with the materials in order to Resonate them, but once again, the energy cost is doubled if she isn’t. This ability has low-to-high energy consumption, depending on these factors. Its uses are fairly obscure, but include eliciting liquefaction on wet soil, or using it on earth thrown upon someone’s face in order to distract them.
Weaponry: Tonfa - A gift from her closest friends upon her graduation from the Tellus Academy, just before she began her travels. They are constructed from a titanium-aluminum alloy, weighing 5 lbs, 8 oz each. The head of each, aka “the short end” has pair of small copper nubs, and the surrounding area is covered by a thin, rubber patch. A flip-up cover on the head of the each grip contains a small, two-way thumb switch. Holding the switch in one direction activates a small stun gun hidden inside either weapon, releasing a current of 50,000 volts through the nubs on the head. The rubber patch around it prevents the current from jumping to the rest of the tonfa. There is enough power in the battery for a five seconds of continuous discharge, though this can be broken up into smaller bursts. Tapping the switch in the opposite direction causes a small triangular steel blade, about two inches in length, to emerge from a crevice on the back of the weapon, aka “the long end”. The blade may be hidden again by holding the switch in the “blade” direction and pushing it back in.
Scimitar - "Midgard Fang" - Formerly the chosen weapon of Griff Morivan, he gave it to her after the end of the Heaven or Hell fighting tournament. The sword was originally granted to Griff by the Yggdrasil Tree as thanks for collecting Gaians to enrich it. While it is not an entire fang of the Midgard Serpent, it is a shed layer that was purified and cured by the dwellers of the tree and forged by Griff himself, this holy sword should prove quite useful. Its innate elements are Holy and, following a overnight vigil ceremony under the instructions of Griff, Earth, corresponding to the innate element of its new owner. The sword is able to act as a conductor and amplifier of Sabrina's magical abilities, becoming an extension of her and her powers. Abilities performed through the Midgard Fang become more powerful, and she can use her abilities on earthen materials in contact with the sword as if she were touching them directly, even if she is not currently holding it.
Skillset -- Passive Charge: The Midgard Fang collects 1 charge per turn after being unsheathed. Max of 3. -- Deflect Evil: A mostly passive power, this weapon is highly effective against Undead, Lichen, Vampiric, or those who possess truly evil tendencies. This is a natural effect of the sword for it's Holy abilities, and does not require casting. -- Truesight: Uses one charge, Sabrina can cast Truesight, which grants her No Light Vision and Truesight. No Light Vision is essentially a sort of magical echo-location that gives Sabrina a crisp picture of the area, and Truesight allows her to see hidden traps, walls, buttons, items, as well as if objects/items are cursed or magical -- Crushing Blow: Costs three charges and uses the elemental power of both holy and earth. Sabrina loses the charges, even if the attack misses or is canceled before it connects. A blow made with the sword possesses twice the force, and contains both Holy and Earth elemental power.
History: Sabrina was born to Anton and Maria Miles in Aekea General Hospital on October 14, 1990. She lived a happy, normal life until the age of 7, when her Terrakinetic abilities became apparent. At the advice of a "talent scout," they sent her to a boarding school centered around the teaching of earth magic, known as the Tellus Academy of Geomantic Arts. There, alongside conventional academics, she became versed in the craft of Geomancy. Aided by her Terrakinesis, she soon proved to possess above-average prowess with Earth magic, and excelled in her classes. This made her unpopular with many of her fellow students, however, and she became subject to bullying. She showed that she was capable of handling herself, though, and earned several reprimands for being involved in fights. As she grew older, her penchant for physical confrontation did not diminish, and in an attempt to redirect her aggressive tendencies (lest she be expelled), she enrolled in self-defense courses offered by the Academy. This provided her with the skills for hand-to-hand combat, as well as those required to wield a pair of tonfa with effectiveness. Having graduated from the Academy intermediary courses, she has chosen to explore the lands of Gaia, trying to find her way in life. The first of her notable exploits since her departure into the world was her involvement in the highly prestigious Heaven or Hell fighting tournament, as part of Team Jörmungandr. It was there that she met and became close friends with her teammates Griff Morivan, Sutiiven Lasanti, and Fayble Eria. She developed a strong connection with Fayble in particular, a connection that she hopes (somewhat misguidedly) will progress further than friendship.
Master Nemesis · Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 11:29am · 0 Comments |