Closet o:
Save Outfits We can finally save our outfits to Gaia. Saved outfits can be equipped instantly without having to click on each individual item. Woot. Downside? We can only save four outfits. I know that a lot of Gaians x four equals a lot of server space and all that jazz.. but... I hope that we get the option to at least be able to save up to ten outfits in the future.
Gold Raffle Giveaway The DC gave away raffle tickets the last Aug 28 -31st. Two tickets were randomly granted to users. One ticket was an instant 1k winner. The other ticket was an entry into the raffle. First place prize was 1m, then 100k, then 25k. The winners were announced here: [x]
EIs EI day today. O: With vacations, the recent RIG and the new stores coming out in about two weeks, the Gaia artists have been busy. The EIs don't carry the same deadlines as other projects and the artists don't want to deliver crappy work... so the last two EI reports haven't been too exciting. I believe a couple of the EIs have been due for a while to have their finales so... I do hope they evolve. I love seeing the new work. :3 The Hidden Ace appeared in the CS last week. Lanzer says that VO is the artist behind it. This'll be his first EI si I'm really interested in watching it grow. Edit; And this week's EIR was posted. And I also found out that Lanzer was just kidding about VO being behind the Hidden Ace. >B Kottan Bell, The Nightmare and The Case of Pietro evolved. According to tektek, seven items were up for evolution, but only three to four evolvve each week... it was just a matter of which ones would end up evolving this week. Yemaya's Pearl hasn't evolvved for weeks. It's supposed to be near its finale and it's loooong overdue for an evolution. The Reve was up for evolution two weeks ago. The Catastrophe is on its own schedule, so it was obvious that it wouldn't evolve again so soon. Classilke was supposedly up for evolution, but it's often delayed... so I wasn't expecting it to evolve. The Nightmare is a good item for those who are into the macabre stuff. I've been disappointed in the last couple evolutions since I don't really care for ghost children floating around my avatar or puking blood or having gouged out eyes. For those who want those kinds of poses. The Case is interesting as far as for cosplay or those who just like unique avatars in general. A lot of the poses change the shape of hands arms and legs so far soooo it should contribute to some very interesting avatars as it evolves. The Kottan Bell ended today. It's a wonderful item. Of course, I also am partial towards grey items since my avatar's main hair color for years had been grey. Its white has a weird yellow tinge in some poses. &.&; Its finale gave eyes and a wig and a good bit of its poses work well for a variety of outfits. Downside is that it's rather girly... buuut~ I'd call it a good solid 499 EI overall.
New Stores We know that the owner of one of the new stores is Carl the Elk. Someone hinted before that both store owners won't be human and that the other one is a familiar face. Lanzer just said that one owner may be human. o:
Pro Team Jackets The pro team jackets just appeared in the Lucky Chests a couple days ago. They offer Town team jackets. You get all of the store poses and open jacket versions. o 3o Finally, a gold jacket that doesn't turn into a full body cast.
New Site Header and Footer We're supposed to be getting new ones... and they're being released in small increments. We'll now have a collapsible footer. This is an option we've never had before.
Sponsors We were getting new sponsor items left and right for a while there... so.... now it feels like such a lull without them.
zOMG I played zOMG! yesterday for a couple hours and today for a couple hours. This'll be full of even more rambling than normal. I'd skip this if i were you. Again, all these journal entries are for myself to look back on in a year or so. Yesterday I logged in just to roam around for a couple minutes. I warped to the ranch to fight OMGWTF. However, I found out that the event is now capped at 3.5. ; ~; How sad. I wanted to go beat him up all on my own. Maybe I'll still make an attempt for the heck of it. XD From there I went to Village Greens to head up to Town. I figured I'd buff a few random people on the way. The Village was under attack by lawn sharks so I suppressed my CL to participate. I kept dying. I got a crew invite. I don't normally stay on zomg long enough to be a good crew member. I accepted the invite since I figured a short lawn mower crew would help me survive the raid. I was surprised when the crew asked if I wanted to help with a wolf quest... and they were over in Bass'ken. I left the raid to help them. I think we tried twice, but died both times. At first, i was told that the CL cap was four. Since there were four or five of us all at level four... we died. I rose my CL to 5.1 after the first attempt. We still died because everyone was level four and there are just a lot of wolves. x .x; They decided that they should get more orbs before continuing so the group went off to fight carrion fluffs. That was the worst decision. For one thing, those wolves were actually dropping orbs for me. o wo No wonder people like the she wolf boss. The carrion fluff quests take waaay too long to complete... and mother fluff looms around. She's scary. I hung out for a while, helping out here and there before finally logging off for the night. I had fun doing nothing~ :3 I hadn't done that in a while. I followed a couple of my crew members into the Aquaducts even though I hate that place. In all, I got a new lv 1 hunter's bow ring and a lc 4.2 fitness ring last night. I logged on earlier today for the heck of it ended up agreeing to help someone with she wolf. The crew ran through it once, did the buzzsaw event, and then ran through papa saw. My screen, for once, did not freeze at all during papa saw. I lagged a bit, but didn't freeze. o: The buzzsaw thing wasn't easy and I died a few times... but it all worked out. I ended up running through she wolf a couple more times with a different crew. In all, I got a level 2.3 div ring, a lv 2.5 dervish ring and a lv. 2.5 duct tape ring. I wish I'd gotten new rings since my collection isn't yet complete.. but some of those rings are higher than my old ones, so I don't mind at all. :} I swear i get the most random ring drops from Bass'ken. Since I've been crewing, my current set up is: solar, mantis, hack, meat, diag, div, defib, teflon. I should use a set that gives me a bonus stat, but then I'd be lacking on rings. I figured I'd be a good crew member and carry defib. I have no AOE attacks, but with so many different people attacking I figured it was best to go for the strength of hack over a dervish with a weak attack. I also would use div and teflon on my party members. As a soloer, I'm used to gathering rage and having my buffs up before going into battle... these people didn't wait for buffs. Heck, they barely even used buffs. One person tried to play healer once but all they had was healing halo, diagnose and defib. > < You need more than that if you want to play healer. HH is useless. I've learned that it wouldn't be easy to play healer though. Well, it might be easier if I had wish on and could single people out using the crew bubble screen. Trying to run to a player and use diagnose to heal during lag just doesn't work. x .x I was getting bored of sand fluffs and golems. I just might continue to play in she wolf crews for a while for orbs since I was able to earn orbs much faster. My average CL is between 6.4 and 6.6 right now and I need more orbs so I can go fight duneslam... or at least be able to survive in the northern regions of the beach. Papa saw gave me 18 gold and 4 orbs for defeating him with a crew of four. She wolf gave three orbs and 250g (i think) for defeating her on easy with five or six people. Buzzkill rewarded 15 orbs for helping out. o wo
Posted by: sdrawkcab Sat Sep 05, 2009 @ 12:06am
Community Member
Are they doing this footer header thing for all of gaia? Because I'm so done with gaia being all updated in one place but in another....your three updates behind.
When I fought the wolf I got like 10 orbs out of the thing.
XD I killed the mother fluff the other day just to get back at it for all the trauma it caused me when I wasn't strong enough to show it who's boss.
you get a lot more ring drops when your not around me :/
The breach fluffs can get a bit dull to get orbs from but I think it's funny you really didn't like that part of the game and here you are going there for fun.