Insanity Nightmare
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[ Y e s , t h i s - i s - m e ]
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[ Y e s , t h i s - i s - m e ]
[xx] My name is Hailey.
[xx] I am currently 17, Birthday on August 29.
[xx] I am 5 feet and 3 inches.
[xx] I am a Junior this year.
[xx] I am usually on daily.
[xx] I love Axis Powers: Hetalia , Soul Eater , Death Note , Tactics , Pokemon , Noein , Trinity Blood , Monk , House , Danny Phantom , Avatar [TLA] , and InvaderZIM.
[xx] I love my idiot. & 3
[xx] I love to draw.
[xx] I usually listen to rock, techno, etc.
[xx] I am a Mac user. I own a MacBook Pro Titanium. Stfu Mac Haters.
[xx] Favorite subject in school is Math // Algebra. I enjoy doing it too. Odd, no?
[xx] Black, white, green, and blue is the way to go. & 3
[xx] I like some shades of orange.. Dunno' why.
[x•x] If you care to know more, you'll ask.
[x•x] I consider myself to be a Transsexual. Stfu and deal with it.
[x•x] My Current Goal is to get a few items on here.
[x•x] The items would be : Y Paddle, Box of Totally Innocent Objects, Pale Marionette, Nightmare Scarf, Reve Rouille, and Nano-C mainly.
[x•x] I consider myself to be a Transsexual. Stfu and deal with it.
[x•x] My Current Goal is to get a few items on here.
[x•x] The items would be : Y Paddle, Box of Totally Innocent Objects, Pale Marionette, Nightmare Scarf, Reve Rouille, and Nano-C mainly.
[xxx] I hate stupid a** people.
[xxx] People who put down others, especially the ones I care for.
[xxx] To be away from the people I love.
[ S e t h , N a t h a n , a n d - M i c h a e l - a r e - t h e - m a j o r - o n e s . .w. ]
[xxx] I hate my life // where I live. [ N o , I - a m - n o t - e m o . ]
[xxx] There are some people in this world that everyone could live without.
[xxx] I hate the majority of men.
[xxx] I hate the human race.
[xxx] Geometry is disgusting.
[xxx] I hate Lauren Gann and anyone else who has caused my life to be hell. Go die you fat b***h.
[xxx] I hate pink.
[xxx] People who put down others, especially the ones I care for.
[xxx] To be away from the people I love.
[ S e t h , N a t h a n , a n d - M i c h a e l - a r e - t h e - m a j o r - o n e s . .w. ]
[xxx] I hate my life // where I live. [ N o , I - a m - n o t - e m o . ]
[xxx] There are some people in this world that everyone could live without.
[xxx] I hate the majority of men.
[xxx] I hate the human race.
[xxx] Geometry is disgusting.
[xxx] I hate Lauren Gann and anyone else who has caused my life to be hell. Go die you fat b***h.
[xxx] I hate pink.
[ ❤ ] Taken since March 5, 2010 by Elizabeth.
[ ❤ ] Claimed by Michael.
[ ❤ ] Love life is... confusing.
[ ❤ ] On Gaia looking for long - term friendships
[ ❤ ] Crushes: Michael, Nathan, Seth, James.
[ ❤ ] Mood: Indifferent, confused, mixed emotions, but mainly happy..
[ ❤ ] Sexuality: Bisexual.
[ ❤ ] Furry in the process. Too many friends are furry's and all are trying to make me one...
[ ❤ ] Has been Anti-Social currently with my supposed 'friends'.
[ ❤ ] Frustrated with the world.
[ ❤ ] Taken since March 5, 2010 by Elizabeth.
[ ❤ ] Claimed by Michael.
[ ❤ ] Love life is... confusing.
[ ❤ ] On Gaia looking for long - term friendships
[ ❤ ] Crushes: Michael, Nathan, Seth, James.
[ ❤ ] Mood: Indifferent, confused, mixed emotions, but mainly happy..
[ ❤ ] Sexuality: Bisexual.
[ ❤ ] Furry in the process. Too many friends are furry's and all are trying to make me one...
[ ❤ ] Has been Anti-Social currently with my supposed 'friends'.
[ ❤ ] Frustrated with the world.
[ I ' l l - p r o b a b l y - a d d - m o r e - t h r o u g h o u t - t i m e . ~ ]
My opinion on gays. ~
Why not?
Love is love.
No one can help who you fall for.
Why does gender have to matter?
It's the person themselves that should matter most to the person.
In public.
Why do people care?
If you don't like it, then don't watch.
You see straight people do it all the time.
Why can't gays / bi's do it as well?
Yes, v****a's and penises were made to reproduce off-spring all right.
But it was also to give pleasure to one another.
Does that mean that you really should just only have sex with the opposite gender?
I just don't agree with some peoples come-backs such as:
"We were given these for a reason! Not for Homosexuality to come about!"
My statement:
And why would guy's have a G-Spot for no reason if homosexuality shouldn't have existed?
Racist conflicts.
I usually see a lot of this.
And I think it's just plain retarded that people get upset because someone is different.
You don't see much attention being drawn when a caucasian and african get married.
Or something even like Native and Asian.
Why is this?
Shut the ******** up and deal with it.
Our world isn't perfect and never will be.
Marriage is suppose to represent two couple's bonding one another's love.
A major reason why it's an issue is because usually marriage is a religious thing.
You can get married, but just don't have it celebrated in a church.
Make enough sense?
Also, if a man and a women want to get married and suffer, why not gays?
[ Marriage seems like it never lasts anyway anymore. ]
- - -
I think that's about all my opinions about gays.
But yes, I support. c:
Love is love.
No one can help who you fall for.
Why does gender have to matter?
It's the person themselves that should matter most to the person.
In public.
Why do people care?
If you don't like it, then don't watch.
You see straight people do it all the time.
Why can't gays / bi's do it as well?
Yes, v****a's and penises were made to reproduce off-spring all right.
But it was also to give pleasure to one another.
Does that mean that you really should just only have sex with the opposite gender?
I just don't agree with some peoples come-backs such as:
"We were given these for a reason! Not for Homosexuality to come about!"
My statement:
And why would guy's have a G-Spot for no reason if homosexuality shouldn't have existed?
Racist conflicts.
I usually see a lot of this.
And I think it's just plain retarded that people get upset because someone is different.
You don't see much attention being drawn when a caucasian and african get married.
Or something even like Native and Asian.
Why is this?
Shut the ******** up and deal with it.
Our world isn't perfect and never will be.
Marriage is suppose to represent two couple's bonding one another's love.
A major reason why it's an issue is because usually marriage is a religious thing.
You can get married, but just don't have it celebrated in a church.
Make enough sense?
Also, if a man and a women want to get married and suffer, why not gays?
[ Marriage seems like it never lasts anyway anymore. ]
- - -
I think that's about all my opinions about gays.
But yes, I support. c:
Quiz Results
I'm posting this up because it's so close to whom I am.
The quiz can be found here.
Existing Situation
"Seeking for her own identity, is sensitive and seeks close nurturing relationships and environments. Has an eye for beauty and a desire to have her emotions protected and further developed."
Stress Source
"Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones she choices to give herself."
Restrained Characteristics
"Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
Is feeling emotionally drained from stressful and tense situations. she is in need of peace and quiet in order to overcome her lack of energy and may become irritable if she does not recover.
Applies tough standards to her potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in her sex life. [I don't exactly agree with this last line though..]"
Desired Objective
"Feels as if her hopes and dreams have been unfairly stomped on by others. Irritated and upset with her current situation which she feels is an insult to her true desires."
Actual Problem
Must protect herself from outside influences or she risks losing her independence and having restrictions placed on her. she wishes to be left alone.
I'm posting this up because it's so close to whom I am.
The quiz can be found here.
Existing Situation
"Seeking for her own identity, is sensitive and seeks close nurturing relationships and environments. Has an eye for beauty and a desire to have her emotions protected and further developed."
Stress Source
"Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones she choices to give herself."
Restrained Characteristics
"Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
Is feeling emotionally drained from stressful and tense situations. she is in need of peace and quiet in order to overcome her lack of energy and may become irritable if she does not recover.
Applies tough standards to her potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in her sex life. [I don't exactly agree with this last line though..]"
Desired Objective
"Feels as if her hopes and dreams have been unfairly stomped on by others. Irritated and upset with her current situation which she feels is an insult to her true desires."
Actual Problem
Must protect herself from outside influences or she risks losing her independence and having restrictions placed on her. she wishes to be left alone.
Community Member