Total Value: 30,300 Gold
Daisy's Shoes
590 Gold
MTV White Designer Handbag
4000 Gold
Benny the Puppy
7,249 Gold
Elegant Snowy Leggings
2,500 Gold
Coal Tavern Wench's Bustier
2,100 Gold
White Traveller Undershirt
1,560 Gold
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
1,301 Gold
A tip 4 those who r still on ur 1st Avi...
How am I at mai 3rd Avi?
Add the items that u think u can achieve...
When I had mai 1st avi I kept it @ 20k because I knew I cudn't achieve something higher...
Second Avi: 25k
Third Avi: 30k
And... I was able to achieve it... HOW?
1) Saving up
2) Posting in Forums
3) Voting in Polls
4) Playing Booty Grab [WaterMeat Bonanza- Rly good @ the gold]
And... i kno nao u can 2 if u remember the tips above...