~~Character sheet~~
Name: Jovan Alexander
Age: Unknown, looks to be around the age of 19
Race: Dragon-kin

Likes: Relaxing, reading, TEA, video games, discussion, women, drawing, sneaking around, and killing.. twisted
Dislikes: Rude people, studying, freshmen, immature arguments, drama, and teachers..
Bio: Jovan C. Alexander; born from dragon folk has been banished from his homeland to the mortal realm where he took on his new identity as a teenage student to further find his true purpose in life..
Weapon: A two handed broad sword summoned and bound to his hands; this weapon can take many forms such as Two daggars, a crossbow, fist weapons, etc.
Powers: Flight, elemental breathing(fire, ice, etc), shapeshifting, enlightened senses, super strength, and dragon scale armor.
Name: Jovan Alexander
Age: Unknown, looks to be around the age of 19
Race: Dragon-kin

Likes: Relaxing, reading, TEA, video games, discussion, women, drawing, sneaking around, and killing.. twisted
Dislikes: Rude people, studying, freshmen, immature arguments, drama, and teachers..
Bio: Jovan C. Alexander; born from dragon folk has been banished from his homeland to the mortal realm where he took on his new identity as a teenage student to further find his true purpose in life..
Weapon: A two handed broad sword summoned and bound to his hands; this weapon can take many forms such as Two daggars, a crossbow, fist weapons, etc.
Powers: Flight, elemental breathing(fire, ice, etc), shapeshifting, enlightened senses, super strength, and dragon scale armor.