»||Canterbury Academy||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part XIII||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part XIII||«
A few months later, late spring, time for the end of the school year and finals, Natalie passed Ryan in the hallway. Neither one noticed the other. They hadn’t spoken since the day she and Cameron got together.
Natalie had learned a lot during her year at Canterbury Academy. For instance, she did exceptionally well in school if she tried. She and Bianca stood in front of the finals scores.
“I got a C in history. I studied for that thing for a week,” Bianca complained. "What did you get?”
Natalie looked at her, “An A.”
“No way! You are so smart,” Bianca pouted.
Over the year, Natalie had also learned the value of true friends. She and Bianca were now like sisters and being roommates just added to that feeling. Saturday was their weekly shopping trip day, when Bianca showed Natalie all of the cool new things and when they decided on outfits for Natalie’s special nights out with Cameron.
“I can’t believe this is going to be our last shopping trip before we leave,” Natalie had said last Saturday.
“I know!” Bianca said, pulling a show out of its box. “Doesn’t it feel like we just got here?”
Natalie laughed, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
Natalie had also learned the importance of distancing the people that made her feel lonely and bad about herself. She hadn’t spoken to anyone from the cult in months. Not that she minded. Natalie was now happier and less lonely. She doesn’t try to compare herself to people anymore.
Rebecca hadn’t appeared since the night of that party that changed her life, but Natalie knows that she is always being watched by her guardian angel. She just hasn’t needed her lately.
Natalie had considered that Rebecca might have just been part of her imagination, but decided otherwise. Besides, it’s fun to say that you have been visited by your guardian angel.
Natalie quickly walked across the courtyard, towards the garden. She passed Devon and Tawny, who were laughing, coming back from one last swim in the pool. They waved and she smiled back.
Quickening her pace, she followed the path. Finally reaching the garden gates, Natalie spotted Cameron by the stream. She sneaked up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands.
Cameron turned around, wrapping his arms around Natalie’s waist. Leaning down, Cameron whispered, “You’re late,” and kissed her softly.
The garden had become even more beautiful as the various plants and flowers blossomed. Cameron and Natalie had spent countless hours there, talking, studying, or just listening to the sounds of nature.
Natalie was now laying in Cameron’s lap, whom was running his fingers through her hair. “I can’t believe I have to live in an hour,” Natalie said softly.
“I know. I’m going to miss you so much.”
“Me too.”
Cameron kissed her forehead, “It is only two weeks apart. Then you will come see me in Scotland.”
“I know. I can’t wait to meet your family.”
“And I can’t wait to meet your father.”
Natalie and Cameron had arranged their summer so they were hardly ever apart. Natalie was to fly to Scotland. Then they would both go to Italy after. Who knew after that.
Ian was waiting for Natalie next to the limo as she and Cameron walked towards it.
“Ciao Miss Natalie. The plane leaves in thirty minutes,” Ian said, opening the door for her.
Natalie smiled, “Thanks Ian.” She turned to Cameron, “I’m really going to miss you.”
“So am I.”
They kissed each other for the last time in what was going to seem like an eternity.
“I love you,” Natalie said to Cameron as he walked her to the limo.
“I love you too.”
Natalie got inside and Cameron softly closed her door. “See you soon,” Cameron said through the window.
“Are you ready Miss Natalie?”
“Yup. Let’s got Ian.”
As they left, Natalie watched the school disappear, remembering all the tings that had happened that year.
The most important thing that Natalie learned while attending Canterbury Academy was that she had found her prince that those fairy tales talk about so often. She learned to put somebody before herself and she couldn’t imagine going back to the way her life once was.
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