Important Announcement Regarding "Soulbound" Rings!!!
A past update introduced the concept of "soulbinding" rings to their owners to cut down on ring deflation in the marketplace and to keep people from buying their way to higher levels.
Any rings obtained in the game from now on are "locked" to your account and cannot be traded, gifted, or sold. The exclusions to this rule are any rings found BEFORE this update. These rings can be traded, sold or gifted away without restrictions, but become soulbound when equipped in the Null Chamber.
This change is permanent and will not be taken back.
List of Rings.
Boomers (Attack Rings):

Healing Rings:

Buff Rings:

Crowd Control Rings:

Your Stats
Your character's parameters are catagorized into different stats:
Health- Otherwise known as HP. If your HP reaches "0,' then then you're "dazed" and cannot participate in fighting anymore. Increased by Meat or the Athlete Set.
Health Regeneration- This stat determines how many Health Points you regain while standing still every "tick." If you kneel, the amount you recover will double. Increased by Healing Halo, Fitness and the Medic Set.
Stamina- Your energy. Every time you use a ring, you use up a bit of your stamina. If you run out of stamina, you can slowly recover it while standing, or kneel to recover it faster. Cannot currently be increased.
Stamina Regeneration- A "hidden" stat which determines how many stamina points you recover per "tick." Increased by Divinity, Fitness or the Demon Set.
Dodge- This stat determines your chances of being "Missed" by monsters. "Misses" count as 0 damage. Increased by Ghost, Adrenaline, Coyote Spirit, Fleet Feet, Fitness, the Ninja Set or the Prankster Set.
Accuracy- This stat determines your ability to actually have your hits land on an enemy, rather than missing. Increased by Keen Aye, Knife Sharpen, Fitness, and the Prankster Set.
Speed- This stat determines how quickly you walk. Increased by Coyote Spirit, Fleet Feet and the Pirate Set.
Weight- This stat determines your resistance towards being knocked-back by enemy attacks. A higher "Weight" will allow you to stand your ground more easily. Increased by My Density, Fitness and the Space Trooper Set.
Willpower- This stat has a dual function: it decreases the chance any enemy can inflict a status effect on you, and it also increases the chances you can inflict a status effect on enemies. Increased by Iron Will and the Shaman Set.
Luck- This "hidden" stat determines your luck at finding drops and loot from monsters. Increased by Fitness and the Angel Set.
Defense- This "hidden" stat determines your ability to reduce the amount of damage you take from any given attack. Obviously, the more defense you have, the less damage you take. Increased by Teflon Spray, Turtle, Rock Armor and the Chef Set. Please note that only the highest defensive boost is applied to your character at any given time***, meaning that if somebody applies Turtle to themselves with a Rock Armor buff active, then they'll only receive the defensive boost that Turtle offers and Rock Armor will be effectively "shut off."
Deflection- This "hidden" stat determines your ability to "absorb" damage taken like a shock absorber. In theory, deflection is activated on a % chance per attack. Once activated, a set amount of damage is subtracted from the incoming damage, which will give you the amount of damage applied. Increased by Teflon Spray and Pot Lid. Please note that only the highest deflection bonus is applied to your character at any given time***, meaning that if you apply both Teflon Spray and Pot Lid to yourself, the deflection bonus from Teflon Spray will be "shut off" and you'll only receive deflection bonuses from Pot Lid.
Reflection- This "hidden" stat determines your ability to "reflect" damage taken like a mirror. In theory, reflection is activated on a % chance per attack. Once activated, a set amount of damage is subtracted from the incoming damage and applied back at the attacker, which will lower the amount of damage you take overall. Please note that only the highest reflection bonus is applied to your character at any given time***.....but even then, the only current ring which applies a reflection boost is Imporbability Sphere.
***Please note that while you can't stack two of the same type of defense-orientated buffs together, you CAN stack a defense buff, a deflection buff and a reflection buff together for increased longevity.
Your stats passively increase according to your ACL (Average Charge Level), which is an "average" of the CL's of your equipped rings, any sets you currently have equipped, a possible Fitness Ring (if equipped) and your acquired G'hi Buffs.
Ring Sets and Their Effects:
Please note that to activate a set's bonus effects, you have to wear all four rings in the same "hand," meaning the four panels to the left or right of the "Hand Icon" which opens up your inventory.
Pirate Set: Keen Aye, Hack, Slash, Shark Attack
Stat Bonus: Increased Speed
[.]This set is all about two things: Hitting the enemy and hitting them HARD. This set offers you a wide variety of attacks (1v1, AoE and ranged) which pack a punch and the ability to make sure none of them go to waste via low accuracy. The downsides to this set are lack of a healing and defensive ring, rings with long cooldowns and rings with a high stamina consumption. It's advised to pair this set with a Divinity ring.
Medic Set: Adrenaline, Bandages, Defibrillate, Diagnosis
Stat Bonus: Increased Health Regeneration
[.]This set is all about being a supportive crew member. Bandage is a very efficient 1v1 heal, Diagnosis is a great instant party heal, Defib(rilliate) is good in case your crew hits a snag and somebody dazes and Adrenaline is good at preventing your crew from even taking damage in the first place. The cons to this set are the lack of an attacking rings and the ability for you to quickly draw monster's hate because of your fast healing abilities. It's advised to combine this set with other defensive buffs which will make your crew and (more importantly) yourself more sturdy. Rock Armor, Meat and Turtle are all great choices.
Space Trooper Set: Guns Guns Guns, My Density, Solar Rays, Turtle
Stat Bonus: Increased Weight
[.]This set turns you into an unshakable sniping platform. Using this set, you'll receive a MASSIVE amount of weight which will allow you to stand your ground even under the hardest of hits. Guns and Solar rays both help you kill things from afar, allowing you to potentially stay out of the main fray if you're in a crew....but should you become the target of a wild group of monsters, then Turtle will offer you a superb defensive boost to either escape or give your crew time to regroup.
Ninja Set: Mantis, Shuriken, Dervish, Ghost
Stat Bonus: Increased Dodge
[.]This set is the most well-rounded set out there, making it the most popular. With it, you'll receive a godly DPS 1v1 ring, a decent long-ranged ring that offers an accuracy debuff, a good AoE ring which hits everything around you and a self-buff which boosts dodge. Add that to the fact that the Ninja Set also adds dodge, and you have a double helping of extra dodge! The only downside to this ring is that there are no healing rings.
Chef Set: Teflon Spray, Meat, Knife Sharpen, Pot Lid,
Stat Bonus: Increased Defense
[.]This set is good.....but mostly redundant. The set defense bonus is minimal and usually out-classed by R4 Teflon. Not to mention Pot Lid out classes Teflon's deflection boost most of the time, meaning the the set defense boost and teflon's added deflection are useless. Knife Sharpen is also a useless ring, as you'll never miss anything after getting higher Accuracy G'hi boosts. The crown jewel of this set however is Meat. If used at R4, you'll almost DOUBLE your maximum HP for a long time. It's a decent set, except Knife Sharpen feels more and more like a pity ring. Also, this set lacks any damage and healing rings.
Angelic Set: Wish, Divinity, Healing Halo, Hunter's Bow.
Stat Bonus: Increased Luck
[.]The second most popular set, the Angelic Set is used mostly temporarily by people farming for orbs and/or loot. Wish is a great healing ring, but can't be used on yourself. Hunter's Bow is a good ranged attack that comes with a speed debuff, but deals very little damage. Healing Halo is often considered useless.....but divinity is this set's saving grace with the ability to buff stamina regen rates. All-in-all, it takes a dedicated player to put up with crappy damage and crappy self-healing to run with the angel set 24/7. It's advised to only use this set when you need to find some quick drops.
Prankster Set: Improbability Sphere, Gumshoe, Heavy Water Balloon, Duct Tape
Stat Bonus: Increased Accuracy and Dodge Rate
[.]This set seems to be the b*****d child of all the ring sets, as it's comprised of mostly unpopular or misunderstood rings. This set can best be classified (and this is a stretch) as a "support set" in the fact that you're given an Ally-Only Reflection Buff, a ring which puts enemies to sleep, a ring which slows enemies down and a long-distance AoE which will allow you to attack mobs from the outside of the fray. The dodge bonus added is also smaller than the Ninja Set, seeing as how you're also given a small amount of accuracy (of which this is the only set to give you an accuracy boost AND the only set to give you two boosts at once). Obvious flaws with this set include lack of an efficient 1v1 attack ring, healing ring and self-affecting defensive rings.
Shaman Set: Hornet's Nest, Coyote Spirit, Rock Armor, Quicksand
Stat Bonus: Increased Willpower
[.]Depending on how you use it, the Shaman Set can either be your worst enemy or your best friend. First of all, the Shaman Set boosts your Willpower which will allow you to more effectively use Crowd Control Rings....and surprise, surprise! This set offers you two CC Rings: A ring which sticks a large mob of monsters in a quagmire, causing them to stand in place, and a ring which send mobs of enemies fleeing in terror (yes, these rings are rather conflictory). Another thing to notice is that both Hornet's Nest and Quicksand are the only two "aiming" rings in zOMG!, meaning you have to click on your screen where the center of the attack starts, much like playing a FPS or something. You're also given Coyote Spirit; a long-lasting moderate speed buff and (probably the best ring ever invented) Rock Armor, the ultimate defensive buff in terms of defense offered for a long period of time. All in all, a weak aoe attack, no healing rings and no self-defensive rings combined with hard-to-aim attacks make this set a rare find. However, if you find yourself as a fan of using crowd control, adding this set alongside Iron Will will almost guarantee a near-perfect accuracy score with your CC Rings.
Athlete Set: Bump, Taunt, Fleet Feet, Fitness
Stat Bonus: Increased Maximum Health
[.]This set is a seemingly mixed bag of random skills; it offers you an effective 1v1 attack at knocking back enemies, a CC Ring which helps you to tank blows from monsters, a fast speed ring with a short duration and moderate cooldown and the only passive ring in zOMG! which offers you a small boost to many stats, most importantly your luck and weight. The main appeal to this set would most likely be the increased amount of Max HP Granted, and mixes well with the Meat Ring. Obvious flaws include lack of a healing ring, a defensive ring and an AoE ring. If paired with Meat and defensive rings though, this would be THE set to use for tanking hits from enemies while your crew attacks from the back, as well as running away if things start to turn ugly.
Demonic Set: Hot Foot, Fire Rain, Iron Will, Scaredy Cat
Stat Bonus: Increased Stamina Regeneration
[.]This set's motif is to torture, burn and terrorize the enemy in a true hellish fashion. Hot Foot and Fire Rain are both fire-based DoT (damage over time) rings which deal scalding damage over an interval of time, with Hot Foot being 1v1 and ranged, while Fire Rain is 360-degree AoE with your character as the center of the attack. Iron Will is then used to increase the chances of landing hits with the CC Ring Scardey Cat, which sends enemies running away off the screen in terror, which allows you to thin crowds of monsters to tilt the odds in your crew's favor. The increased stamina regen isn't a shabby addition either. Flaws include lack of a defensive ring, healing ring and potential lag from Fire Rain. If you play on a bad connection, you may want to consider shutting off your Ring Animations when using Fire rain against large mobs.